加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民工作经历解释信


无合同,无领导推荐信, 无社保,这样解释行吗?Explanation Letter: Documentation of Employment at Xxxxx University (Since September, 2009)This letter explains issues associated with the supporting materials for my work experience at Xxxxx University since September 2009.1. Letter of Reference (item 6.1. (b))Ideally, I would provide a letter from the Dean of the School of Public Administration, or the Head of the Institute of Pmmmm, or the Xxxxx University Personnel Department. However, the general atmosphere at this public institution is not supportive of my immigration efforts. I have reasons to be concerned about the consequences of revealing my immigration plans to my supervisors and the school authorities. Therefore I have secured a reference letter from my colleague at the School of Public Administration, Dr. AAAA. She has been teaching at Xxxxx since 2005, and present the whole time I have been at Xxxxx. She knows my employment situation and the nature of my work. 2. Employment Contract Xxxxx University is categorized as a public institution (事业单位). Most of these institutions do not sign employment contracts with their staff. Xxxxx’s formal employees are each granted an “authorized position/slot (人员编制) ”, instead of contracts. Therefore I cannot provide an employment contract with Xxxxx University. 3. Certificate of Personal Income Tax (item 6.1. (f)) Personal income tax is withheld by Xxxxx University from my monthly salary. At this moment, the Xxxxx Local Tax Bureau can issue certificates of payment only up to October, 2009, which was the first month that I was paid by Xxxxx. Therefore I have only one tax certificate, for October 2009 (item 6.1.(f)). 4. Certificate of Social Insurance As a public institution(事业单位), Xxxxx University does not provide most of the social insurances for its employees. Medical bills and retirement pension for its employees are covered by public funds, instead of social insurances. The only insurances I receive as an employee of the university are a monthly contribution to a housing accumulated fund (公积金) managed by China Construction Bank and an unemployment insurance(失业保险). 4.1. Certificate for the housing accumulated fund (公积金). In an effort to obtain a certificate of housing accumulated fund from China Construction Fund, it was discovered that the Xxxxx Personnel Department made an error in recording my national ID number when setting up my account with the bank. They subsequently provided a certificate for correcting the error (item 6.1. (h)). A certificate of my account for the Housing Accumulated Fund from China Construction Bank, with the correct ID number is enclosed (item 6.1. (g)). 3.2. Unemployment insurance certificate. The same error in my ID number was made in setting up my unemployment insurance. I have attempted to correct the error and obtain a certificate of my unemployment insurance without success. The Xxxxx Social Insurance Center would not respond to individual requests directly. I am enclosing my salaryslips (6.1.(d)), which show that payment for my unemployment insurance is withheld from my monthly salaries. I have enclosed the following additional materials as evidence of my work at Xxxxx University. 1. My employment at Xxxxx was subject to approval from the Jiangsu Province Personnel Bureau. A public announcement about my employment at Xxxxx University was displayed on the Bureau’s website in October, 2009. A screenshot of the announcement captured on October 2nd is enclosed (item 6.1. (i)) 2. When I completed the employment process at Xxxxx University Personnel Department on September 10th, the most significant paperwork was a form entitled “Notice to Report to School (到校通知书)”, a table with spaces for endorsements of various departments, and bears the official seal of the Personnel Department (item 6.1 (j)). This form is accompanied by a detailed explanation of how it should be completed. 3. I was issued a Xxxxx University Staff Identification Card on September 10th , which bears the embossed stamp of the university (item 6.1. (c)) 4. I am enclosing salaryslips for October, November and December 2009 and Janurary 2010 (item 6.1.(d)). 5. Bank statements. My salary is directly deposited in an Industrial and Commerce Bank of China account. I have detailed statements showing the direct deposit of my salary over the last four months since I joined Xxxxx (item 6.1. (e)). 6. As a new faculty member, I had to go through a Preparatory Training and take a graduating exam to obtain a Teacher’s Certificate (教师资格证). I took the exam in December and the results are not out yet. I have included the Exam Admission Card (item 6.1. (k)) in my supporting materials. 7. Faculty members have the option of joining research teams for the purpose of performance evaluation on research productivity. As team members, their research productivity are collectively evaluated as a team. I have included a form showing that I joined the research team led by Dr. Wu Yuan (item 6.1(l)). This document shows that research is an important part of my responsibilities at Xxxxx.

2021年AP心理学第一班7月7日开课;统计学开始招生。首选视频,大温哥华地区面授。回复: 工作经历解释信啊啊 Please review your post... 偶眼花鸟~~~

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