加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作
Unit Group1111 Financial Auditors and Accountants Financial auditors examine and analyze the accounting and financial records of individuals and establishments to ensure accuracy and compliance with established accounting standards and procedures. Accountants plan, organize and administer accounting systems for individuals and establishments. Articling students in accounting firms are included in this unit group. Financial auditors and accountants are employed by auditing and accounting firms throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.Example Titlesaccountantcertified general accountant (CGA)certified management accountant (CMA)chartered accountant (CA)chief accountantfinancial auditorincome tax expertindustrial accountantinternal auditorView all titlesMain dutiesFinancial auditors perform some or all of the following duties: Examine and analyze journal and ledger entries, bank statements, inventories, expenditures, tax returns and other accounting and financial records, documents and systems of an individual, department, company or other establishment to ensure financial recording accuracy and compliance with established accounting standards, procedures and internal controls Prepare detailed reports on audit findings and make recommendations to improve individual or establishment's accounting and management practices Conduct field audits of businesses to ensure compliance with provisions of the Income Tax Act, Canadian Business Corporations Act or other statutory requirements May supervise other auditors or professionals in charge of accounting within client's establishment.Accountants perform some or all of the following duties: Plan, set up and administer accounting systems and prepare financial information for an individual, department, company or other establishment Examine accounting records and prepare financial statements and reports Develop and maintain cost finding, reporting and internal control procedures Examine financial accounts and records and prepare income tax returns from accounting records Analyze financial statements and reports and provide financial, business and tax advice May act as a trustee in bankruptcy proceedings May supervise and train articling students, other accountants or administrative technicians.(上面这些我明显就是天天在做嘛。 职业描述要求就这么一点吗? 我照着写就可以了? )Employment requirementsChartered accountants require a university degree andCompletion of a professional training program approved by a provincial institute of chartered accountants and, depending on the province, either two years or 30 months of on-the-job training andMembership in a provincial Institute of Chartered Accountants upon successful completion of the Uniform Evaluation (UFE).Certified general accountants and certified management accountants require a university degree andCompletion of a training program approved by the Society of Certified General Accountants or Society of Management Accountants and several years of on-the-job training andCertification by the Certified General Accountants Association or the Society of Management Accountants.Auditors require education, training and recognition as indicated for chartered accountants, certified general accountants or certified management accountants andSome experience as an accountant.Auditors may require recognition by the Institute of Internal Auditors.To act as a trustee in bankruptcy proceedings, auditors and accountants must hold a licence as a trustee in bankruptcy.Licensing by the provincial or territorial governing body is usually required for accountants and auditors practising public accounting.(上面这些是对谁的要求? 对于什么来说的?)
有梦想就有未来!!回复: 我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作试着回答:紫色的应该是该职业在加的要求,LZ应该只看上面前两项的,职责和职位就可以了.
终于回复: 我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作Main duties符合就可以申请
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回复: 哪我要考雅思4个高了! 只要初审过了职业描述得仔细点,剩下的最关键的就是雅思了! 1.职业描述 提交一切有用的证明2.雅思 4个高。。。。 IELTS: 6.5 7.5 6.5 6.5
有梦想就有未来!!回复: 我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作你这到底是考了还是没考,开心还是不看心呀,看不出来。
回复: 我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作你这到底是考了还是没考,开心还是不看心呀,看不出来。点击展开...类似于地震的时候和矿泉水方便面埋一起了要活下去有希望也有难度~
我知道的都在这儿了,没藏别的了...http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=305404回复: 我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作本年度最牛回贴。
回复: 我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作现在会计很红啊。。
2008.3.20 E175 ACCOUNTANT CSL ~ 2009.10.13 OZ PR Granted2009.6.2 NOC1111 ~ 2009.10.27 CA PR Granted2010.4.3 短登OZ Sydney-Melbourne-Gold Coast-Brisbane-Whitsundays2010.7.19 长登CA Toronto回复: 我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作B111今天竟然有空回贴,过两天会计证就水涨船高了。
回复: 我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作B111今天竟然有空回贴,过两天会计证就水涨船高了。点击展开...你们说的会计证是会计从业资格证么?不是注册会计师吧?去年在图书馆看到乌央乌央考从业证的,后来也都乌央乌央过了。
回复: 我貌似也可以申请会计审计人员工作你这到底是考了还是没考,开心还是不看心呀,看不出来。点击展开...考了两次 最后一次还没出成绩 要4个高 肯定要下狠功夫了。
有梦想就有未来!!现在会计很红啊。。点击展开...看你签名两边都准了 你最后是打算去OZ 还是CA?
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