加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民股票和基金可以作为一部分资金证明吗?
我看cic上这样写Disclosure of fundsIf you are carrying more than C$10,000, tell a Canadian official when you arrive in Canada. If you do not tell an official, you may be fined or put in prison. These funds could be in the form of:cashsecurities in bearer form (for example, stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills) ornegotiable instruments in bearer form (for example, bankers’ drafts, cheques, travellers’ cheques or money orders).是不是也可以阿
回复: 股票和基金可以作为一部分资金证明吗?可以
回复: 股票和基金可以作为一部分资金证明吗?我看cic上这样写Disclosure of fundsIf you are carrying more than C$10,000, tell a Canadian official when you arrive in Canada. If you do not tell an official, you may be fined or put in prison. These funds could be in the form of:cashsecurities in bearer form (for example, stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills) ornegotiable instruments in bearer form (for example, bankers’ drafts, cheques, travellers’ cheques or money orders).是不是也可以阿点击展开...理论上可以,但是估计很少人用这个做证明的,一般都是定期存款
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