加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney


面试久等不来,忍不住了,给移民部长kenney 发信,打印出来,签上名字,给他寄去。看看有没有效果。如果有其他人想给他写信,请不要copy或改写这封信。有需要帮忙的可以告诉我,在时间允许的情况下我会另行成文,谢谢大家。 January 23, 2010 The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Citizenship and Immigration CanadaOttawa, OntarioK1A 1L1 Dear Honourable Minister, I, xxxx, am an applicant of Canadian Permanent Residence and writing to you hoping to raise some concerns on the indefinitely deferred interview scheduling of the currently earliest immigration group who had submitted their cases to the General Consulate of CIC HONGKONG almost four years ago. We, as a group, have such features that we satisfy the selection criteria of Canadian Permanent Residence and have passed the selection in CIC HONGKONG and conducted the Medical Examination in 2008 as requested. After waiting for a few months, we were advised that we would have an interview in CIC HONGKONG. Many months after the advice, the officers in CIC HONGKONG diverted their effort to the cases submitted on or after Feb. 28, 2008 and our cases were shelved. All we can do is only to wait for our Medical Examinations to Expire. Apart from that, what makes us frustrated is that those cases submitted on or after Feb. 28, 2008 have priority not only on processing but also on interview scheduling when they need one. The reasonable expectation is that all interviewees who passed the selection will form a queue and be scheduled on the equitable basis of “first come first serve”. But they don’t and are given a privilege to jump the line. A few more months passed and no single piece of information came to the desperate interviewees like me. Every case submitted today or in the future will be in the expedited category because the date is always after Feb. 28, 2008. So in theory, there is no hope for the cases on or after Feb. 28, 2008 to be exhausted to initiate our interview scheduling. This situation is really beyond our imagination. All of us in this group passed the selection and finished the Medical Examination before the processing procedures for cases on or after Feb. 28, 2008 were enacted and the eligible 38 NOC categories were released. We were not given any direction or option about what to do next, the option with a right of full refund only given to those cases not initiated. Some of us meet the criteria of 38 NOC categories but are left aside just because of early submission. I, for example, obtained information from CAIPS showing that my NOC (National Occupation) category is 0213 Computer and Information Systems Managers, which is exactly in the 38 categories. Also my previous work experience covered the NOC of 0111, Financial Managers, which is exactly in the 38 categories too. You would agree that it is not a right thing for me to do to apply again under the expedited category. It is not good for the workload of CIC officers and the efficiency of case process or the society as a whole. We love Canada because her people enjoy the first ranked freedom, dignity of life and transparency of government around the world. We apply for immigration in hope that one day we can live in this free land and contribute to it. We hope to have more than one child without being penalized, which cannot be achieved under one-child policy in China. Due to the indefinite deferral, the chance for us to have a second child is physiologically diminishing, because my wife and I are approaching 40 years of age. My son is turning six years of age, and we hope he can be educated in Canada starting from the elementary school. It seems that we have to find him a primary school in China and transfer him to Canada half way in the future. In order to adapt to and establish in Canada, I quit my job in China, left my wife and son, and flew alone to Canada with a study permit in my pocket just to find all my endeavor might be in vain. My son often says on the phone:” Dad, you said we could see each other soon, but when is it?” How can I explain such complex situation to a little boy? When I boarded the flight bound for Toronto, it was more than nine months after we finished our Medical Examinations for immigration and I thought we could reunite in Canada in a time span of a few months. But if this trend continues, we might not see the reunion in Canada even in terms of years or in my life. We are not asking for a priority, but an equal attention from the CIC officers. As for the interviewees, we all pass the selection and are needed by the labor market in Canada whenever we apply. Therefore, it would be deemed more equitable to form a single line for immigration interview on the basis of “first come first serve”. Thank you very much. Yours Sincerely, xxxx

在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。赞反馈:lmh 和 大拿 2010-01-23#2 L
回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenneyWOW, 你还没VISA呀?!

回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney已经寄了吗, 没有的话,建议再简化一下内容,问题说清楚的前提下,越简练越好。

多伦多北约克家庭旅馆[email protected].面试久等不来,忍不住了,给移民部长kenney 发信,打印出来,签上名字,给他寄去。看看有没有效果。如果有其他人想给他写信,请不要copy或改写这封信。有需要帮忙的可以告诉我,在时间允许的情况下我会另行成文,谢谢大家。January 23, 2010The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Citizenship and Immigration CanadaOttawa, OntarioK1A 1L1Dear Honourable Minister,I, xxxx, am an applicant of Canadian Permanent Residence and writing to you hoping to raise some concerns on the indefinitely deferred interview scheduling of the currently earliest immigration group who had submitted their cases to the General Consulate of CIC HONGKONG almost four years ago.We, as a group, have such features that we satisfy the selection criteria of Canadian Permanent Residence and have passed the selection in CIC HONGKONG and conducted the Medical Examination in 2008 as requested. After waiting for a few months, we were advised that we would have an interview in CIC HONGKONG.Many months after the advice, the officers in CIC HONGKONG diverted their effort to the cases submitted on or after Feb. 28, 2008 and our cases were shelved. All we can do is only to wait for our Medical Examinations to Expire.Apart from that, what makes us frustrated is that those cases submitted on or after Feb. 28, 2008 have priority not only on processing but also on interview scheduling when they need one. The reasonable expectation is that all interviewees who passed the selection will form a queue and be scheduled on the equitable basis of “first come first serve”. But they don’t and are given a privilege to jump the line. A few more months passed and no single piece of information came to the desperate interviewees like me. Every case submitted today or in the future will be in the expedited category because the date is always after Feb. 28, 2008. So in theory, there is no hope for the cases on or after Feb. 28, 2008 to be exhausted to initiate our interview scheduling.This situation is really beyond our imagination. All of us in this group passed the selection and finished the Medical Examination before the processing procedures for cases on or after Feb. 28, 2008 were enacted and the eligible 38 NOC categories were released. We were not given any direction or option about what to do next, the option with a right of full refund only given to those cases not initiated. Some of us meet the criteria of 38 NOC categories but are left aside just because of early submission. I, for example, obtained information from CAIPS showing that my NOC (National Occupation) category is 0213 Computer and Information Systems Managers, which is exactly in the 38 categories. Also my previous work experience covered the NOC of 0111, Financial Managers, which is exactly in the 38 categories too. You would agree that it is not a right thing for me to do to apply again under the expedited category. It is not good for the workload of CIC officers and the efficiency of case process or the society as a whole.We love Canada because her people enjoy the first ranked freedom, dignity of life and transparency of government around the world. We apply for immigration in hope that one day we can live in this free land and contribute to it. We hope to have more than one child without being penalized, which cannot be achieved under one-child policy in China. Due to the indefinite deferral, the chance for us to have a second child is physiologically diminishing, because my wife and I are approaching 40 years of age. My son is turning six years of age, and we hope he can be educated in Canada starting from the elementary school. It seems that we have to find him a primary school in China and transfer him to Canada half way in the future. In order to adapt to and establish in Canada, I quit my job in China, left my wife and son, and flied alone to Canada with a study permit in my pocket just to find all my endeavor might be in vain. My son often says on the phone:” Dad, you said we could see each other soon, but when is it?” How can I explain such complex situation to a little boy? When I boarded the flight bound for Toronto, it was more than nine months after we finished our Medical Examinations for immigration and I thought we could reunite in Canada in a time span of a few months. But if this trend continues, we might not see the reunion in Canada even in terms of years or in my life.We are not asking for a priority, but an equal attention from the CIC officers. As for the interviewees, we all pass the selection and are needed by the labor market in Canada whenever we apply. Therefore, it would be deemed more equitable to form a single line for immigration interview on the basis of “first come first serve”. Thank you very much.Yours Sincerely, xxxx点击展开...哈哈 没记错的话 你的留学签证不是批下来了吗,还等面试啊。

回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney我以为楼主人已在加国了啊~

回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney楼住怎么还没PL?

新的开始。我以为楼主人已在加国了啊~点击展开...我在加拿大啊,信里说了呀,When I boarded the flight bound for Toronto; flew alone to Canada with a study permit in my pocket 最近又开学了 只是香港面试还没有安排,所以写信给移民部看看是怎么回事?别把我们晾在一边只处理228的案子

在安大略湖边,有个孤独的身影,在等你的出现。回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney晕啊 我也是先离开孩子留学来了 我是07年4月FN的 估计留学结束了 移民还没办下来 支持楼主去问下 他们太不象话了。

不醉千秋醉千帐回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney支持付出行动的楼主,主观为己客观为人!谢谢!

回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney很佩服你的行动,够让他们看一会的了,你洋洋洒洒一大篇,他能给你回复吗。我个人认为还是简洁些好,你说呢?

2006年11月签收2006年12月5日划款2007年4月27日FN(HK) 档案号:B050734*** (VO:WCY) 2009年3月雅思,有亲属加分回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney简洁说明不了问题

FN:0708回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney的确很轩昂,赞一个 。。。

有所拿,有所不拿 ...回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney支持,我也在申请留学。

06.7考雅5.5/6.5/6/5,06.11.27通过中介递交申请到HK,06.11.30划款,07.5.11FN,老婆有亲属,自评刚好67分,VO是LI,等待S2中......职业3112,08.12.8和15,地址栏变不可更改,估计改email。09.5.27收到确认信。09.10.10离婚,10.01.09G类6/6.5/5.5/6,分数不够了,移民路关上了大半扇门。回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenneyding !

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney应该会有专门回信的人回你一段话,估计是段很官样的话

回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney很煽情不过估计他们给回复的是很官方的冷冰冰的大家信么

[/SIGPIC]2011.5.29登陆温哥华,2011.6.16成了加拿大地主。10.9狗狗女儿来加,一家团聚!回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney支持,LZ的有理有节

2007.3.20, FN05054×××, VO : WCY逐个申请:加拿大:等待5周年内收到S2;香 港:争取中;新加坡:被拒;美 国:攒够50万美金再去回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney好,有理有节。

2006.9.6FN;2009.10.29主动补宝贝出生资料;2009.11.2HK接收;2009.11.20收到HK补料书面通知;2009.11.23地址栏出现不可变更;24地址栏出现;2009.11.25按要求将宝贝资料补齐并寄出;12.31收到宝贝申请费收据;2010..........等。。。。。回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenney这样的长篇大论,是不行的。

回复: 我的大字报,炮轰香港--To kenneyDINGING!

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