加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大无刑如何办理??
2010-03-20 妥投 BJ NOC7242 // 04-10 烤鸭 04-22 熟了 // 05-18 RN 05-25 补料妥投 // 06-01 FN // 11-02 变5同时IP(无理由要求重考雅思) // 11-20 再战鸭子 12-02 鸭子过关 // 12-15 变12 // 2011-02-11 变5 02-24 体检 // 08-09 DM // 10-07 登录Calgary // 2012-02-04 老大出生 // 03-19 上班 回复: 加拿大无刑如何办理??好像不用交。
回复: 加拿大无刑如何办理??补充一下当时是在加拿大读书的。大概有四年的样子吧。LS的同学是在哪里看到不要做个证明的呢??如果真是这样就省心太多了。
2010-03-20 妥投 BJ NOC7242 // 04-10 烤鸭 04-22 熟了 // 05-18 RN 05-25 补料妥投 // 06-01 FN // 11-02 变5同时IP(无理由要求重考雅思) // 11-20 再战鸭子 12-02 鸭子过关 // 12-15 变12 // 2011-02-11 变5 02-24 体检 // 08-09 DM // 10-07 登录Calgary // 2012-02-04 老大出生 // 03-19 上班 补充一下当时是在加拿大读书的。大概有四年的样子吧。LS的同学是在哪里看到不要做个证明的呢??如果真是这样就省心太多了。点击展开...CIC官网上的原文如下:How to obtain a police certificate Canada Do I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence? Only in certain cases. The Canadian visa office will tell you if you need a Canadian criminal record check while your application is being processed.How and where do I obtain one?If the visa office asks you to complete a criminal record check, visit the RCMP website for instructions. 见网页:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/north-america/canada.asp
回复: 加拿大无刑如何办理??CIC官网上的原文如下:How to obtain a police certificate Canada Do I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence? Only in certain cases. The Canadian visa office will tell you if you need a Canadian criminal record check while your application is being processed.How and where do I obtain one?If the visa office asks you to complete a criminal record check, visit the RCMP website for instructions. 谢谢这位同学。资料太有用了。看来我先不要这里自己瞎着急。没准操心那么久压根不要。。 见网页:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/north-america/canada.asp点击展开...
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