加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民一个小作文,大家给改改。
内容是在超市受伤,写信给他们。包括内容1.我是谁 2. 描述受伤情况 3. 建议是剑4的Dear sir or Madam,I write to inform you that I was injured in your supermarket yesterday while shopping . My name is Susan.Yesterday afternoon , I went to your supermarket to buy some dinner materials which include a fish. I was in such a hurry that I didn't notice that there was some water on the floor beside the seafood area which may be just cleaned by your stuff. Unfortunately I stepped on to it and immediately fell down. It is lucky that I didn't hurt badly except some black and blue on my knees.The purpose I send this letter to you is not to ask for a sum money for my injuruy but to suggest you that it'll be much better for you to put a sign in such places to avoid such situation . This will be of a great help for the elder .
fn:10年10月25日/11年11月2日地址栏消失喜欢拍和被拍的,欢迎光临我的博客哈:http://blog.sina.com.cn/fuyoulan回复: 一个小作文,大家给改改。嘻嘻 话说当年我提笔第一篇也是这个
3.15 RNTEF 或是 TCF 等待命运来安排!~一亿年后 你从林间走过 地上拣起的琥珀中 有我的肋骨嘻嘻 话说当年我提笔第一篇也是这个点击展开...羞羞的说,也是俺的第一篇。20号的烤鸭。
fn:10年10月25日/11年11月2日地址栏消失喜欢拍和被拍的,欢迎光临我的博客哈:http://blog.sina.com.cn/fuyoulan内容是在超市受伤,写信给他们。包括内容1.我是谁 2. 描述受伤情况 3. 建议是剑4的Dear sir or Madam,I write to inform you that I was injured in your supermarket yesterday while shopping . My name is Susan.Yesterday afternoon , I went to your supermarket to buy some dinner materials which include a fish. I was in such a hurry that I didn't notice that there was some water [a puddle是不是好一点]on the floor beside the seafood area which may be just cleaned by your stuff[staff]. Unfortunately I stepped on to[onto] it and immediately fell down. It is lucky that I didn't hurt badly except some black and blue on my knees.The purpose I send this letter to you is not to ask for a sum [a sum of] money for my injuruy but to suggest you that it'll be much better for you to put a sign in such places to avoid such situation [similar accidents更好些,such已经被用了一次] . This will be of a great help for the elder[elders更好] .点击展开...随便改改,也许很多地方改得更差了。。。
回复: 一个小作文,大家给改改。taobao上有批改雅思作文的,都是新东方的老师. 建议.
0213:20090812 妥投悉尼|20091029 RN|20091207 补料妥投北京|20091217 FN|20091221 婚姻补料|20100107 婚补妥投|20100112 变8|20100118 变12|20100120 第二次变5|20100121 Me|20100131 体检|20100203 补料妥投|20100217 变8|20100225 变7|20100305 变12|20100317 变13|20100322 CIC DM|20100401 变17|20100402 大信封随便改改,也许很多地方改得更差了。。。点击展开...天啊,太谦虚了。十分感谢!
fn:10年10月25日/11年11月2日地址栏消失喜欢拍和被拍的,欢迎光临我的博客哈:http://blog.sina.com.cn/fuyoulan回复: 一个小作文,大家给改改。写信的话,最后一定要注意写上 Yours,sincerely +名字,这应该是标准的英文信,不能忽略了
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