加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大来信应该如何处理
信上说:regulation 12 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations states that if certain requirements are not met, the application and all documents submitted in support of the application shall be returned to the applicant. A review of your application indicates your submission fails to meet these requirements. 最后一段是:all of your application forms and documents are being returned to you. your application fee was not processed and is also being retuned to you. no record of your aplcaiton has been retained by this office. should you choose to resubmit your application, please inculde this letter and the attached appendices with your application. 请问是不是要我重新把材料寄过去, 并附上这封信!那请问我的申请费还会先退回来吗? 是不是要等他们把东西全退回来,我再提交呢?还是现在就可以重新提交了呢!? 谢谢帮助!
回复: 加拿大来信应该如何处理是本次申请不符合要求,因此退回材料及申请费用。如果你想重新申请,那么请附上本信及附件。
回复: 加拿大来信应该如何处理那为什么我没有收到退回的材料和费用呢?!?
回复: 加拿大来信应该如何处理这是退料信。我2月份收到2次,里面有每次投递的全部材料,并且退回的材料上面还用记号笔标注不符合要求的地方。意思是初表不符合要求,重新修改后重新邮寄,但是要你附上退料信和appendix。
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