加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问资金证明:美国的bank statement就可以了吗?
original letter(s) from your bank(s) and/or other financial institution(s) confirmingthe type(s) and current balance(s) of the account(s) you hold 请问这个东西美国银行的bank statement 原件就足够了吗?还是需要银行出具什么其他的东西?谢谢。
回复: 请问资金证明:美国的bank statement就可以了吗?my understanding is that they require original balance statement which says you have the minimum account of money; in addition, you need to show monthly bank statement(or copies). I don't know whether or not we need to provide the previous 6 bank statements though? Any thoughts on that?
my understanding is that they require original balance statement which says you have the minimum account of money; in addition, you need to show monthly bank statement(or copies). I don't know whether or not we need to provide the previous 6 bank statements though? Any thoughts on that?点击展开...要出示6个月的STATEMENT, 我的银行太奇怪了,说是可以给我证明帐户什么的,但是不给证明有多少余额,请问我该怎么办啊,有朋友给指点下么
回复: 请问资金证明:美国的bank statement就可以了吗?Original Bank Verification Letter (not your monthly bank statement) from your bank to prove your total liquid asset. The bank account can be under your name, under your spouse or common-law partner’s name, or it can be a joint account. If one bank account is not enough, you can provide many bank accounts.
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