加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2010/2010-03-16.aspGovernment of Canada consults Canadians on economic immigration prioritiesOttawa, March 16, 2010 ― As the economic recovery gains momentum, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney today launched consultations to identify Canada’s new and emerging labour market needs and how immigration can best respond to them.The Government of Canada is seeking the views of Canadians on how to help lead Canada to full economic recovery from the global recession. These consultations will look at worker shortages in trades and professions across Canada as well as the factors that affect an immigrant’s ability to succeed in Canada’s work force.The consultations will help develop instructions to immigration officers on which economic immigration applications are eligible for processing. As part of the Action Plan for Faster Immigration, the first set of instructions was issued in November 2008 as a tool to keep the backlog of applications from growing, to reduce wait times for new applications and to better match new economic applicants to Canada’s labour market needs.“The Action Plan for Faster Immigration is designed to make immigration more responsive to Canada’s economic conditions. When these conditions change, the instructions are meant to change too,” said Minister Kenney. “The first set of instructions has had a significant impact, but our research shows it is time to revise them to make sure they continue to meet their goals.”Before the Action Plan for Faster Immigration was introduced, the backlog in the federal skilled worker category stood at more than 600,000 applicants, and that number has gone down by almost 40 per cent. People applying now to the federal skilled worker program can expect to receive a decision within one year compared to six years under the old system.The consultations will be held with national and regional stakeholders, provinces and territories and the general public between now and April 16, 2010. If you wish to provide input, visit the online consultation.For further information (media only), please contact:Alykhan VelshiMinister’s OfficeCitizenship and Immigration CanadaMedia Relations Communications Branch Citizenship and Immigration Canada613-952-1650CIC-Media-Relations@cic.gc.caBackgrounderPublic consultation
回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村mark
lg主0213 09.10.27初审 10.1.7 RN 10.1.23 ielts (8 7 6 7.5)10.5.4补料投妥BJ(ielts考试中心邮寄10.4.23投妥)10.5.8FN 10.6.3BJ6 10.6.3IP 10.6.21BJ12 10.7.23BJ8 10.8.2BJ6 10.8.10BJ8 10.10.22BJ6 10.12.1BJ12 11.8.31me(ROD) 11.9.22体检 11.9.28补儿子材料 11.11.1儿子me 12.3.28or29DM 9月短登温哥华回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村顶
0213,9月10日初审表妥投悉尼,11月5日RN,2010年2月10日补料妥投北京,2月17日FN,3月4日IP,3月5日变6,3月12日变12,5月24日变6,11月30日变12,同时让更新imm008回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村不知道会怎样
5.11 DHL递料! 5.12 签收! 5.25 FN签发 6.13FN收到!不知道会怎样点击展开...分析人士指出:新的紧缺专业很有可能在今年5月下旬出台。 DO NOT DELAY IF U R A SAN BA!
回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村估计很多现在紧缺的变成不紧缺了
回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村�分析人士指出:新的紧缺专业很有可能在今年5月下旬出台。 DO NOT DELAY IF U R A SAN BA!点击展开...应该不会影响我们已经递交过的人吧
回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村天啊,看题目我的心就开始哆嗦了。。。加油加油!!!
回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村OMG
2008.11.25 EMS北京,遭遇新政-2009.8.29撤案再次启动 BJ (0213)2010.4.27 妥投;8.3 RN;9.17 FN;2012.2.9 ME;2.12体检;10.4 DM;11.21长登多伦多。回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村什么薇,我还来不及看,先帮你顶贴!
04AUG2008 上海 EMS 北京 -> 20AUG2008 FN -> 15DEC2009 非38退档 -> 14FEB2010 退费28JAN2010 Sydney G.MILLER签收->16MAR2010 RN->07JUL2010 FN VO:MAC->15FEB2011 山寨IP->15SEP2011 IP->16NOV2011 ME->19APR2012 PL->08MAY2012 VISA->15MAY2012 DM->22OCT2012 PR分析人士指出:新的紧缺专业很有可能在今年5月下旬出台。 已经体检过的还会受影响吗点击展开...
回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村我觉得是为了从根本上解决旧案的积压问题,让所有在审case共享新政策,否则227老插队,旧政遥遥无期,加政府信用会受影响。
回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村�OMG点击展开...看你签名 近期准备重递? 到底递了没有呢?如果没有,就明天吧!
回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村�分析人士指出:新的紧缺专业很有可能在今年5月下旬出台。 已经体检过的还会受影响吗点击展开...不会的,请放心。点击展开...
回复: breaking news看你签名 近期准备重递? 到底递了没有呢?如果没有,就明天吧!点击展开...我想交啊~问题是38项到4月底才满一年不会重蹈08年的覆辙吧?
2008.11.25 EMS北京,遭遇新政-2009.8.29撤案再次启动 BJ (0213)2010.4.27 妥投;8.3 RN;9.17 FN;2012.2.9 ME;2.12体检;10.4 DM;11.21长登多伦多。回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村那如果我在它新政出来之前递了,但RN和FN都还没拿到,这样的情况怎么办?
2008.11.25 EMS北京,遭遇新政-2009.8.29撤案再次启动 BJ (0213)2010.4.27 妥投;8.3 RN;9.17 FN;2012.2.9 ME;2.12体检;10.4 DM;11.21长登多伦多。回复: breaking news ... breaking news ... breaking news.38变脸酝酿中,是38快快下手,过村嗯,又要变了。大家加紧啊
回复: breaking news我想交啊~问题是38项到4月底才满一年不会重蹈08年的覆辙吧?点击展开...用不着慌,来的急。四月底寄,DHL几天就到。四月底就变脸可能性基本没有。
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