加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民38表要调整了?
Government of Canada consults Canadians on economic immigration prioritiesOttawa, March 16, 2010 ― As the economic recovery gains momentum, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney today launched consultations to identify Canada’s new and emerging labour market needs and how immigration can best respond to them.The Government of Canada is seeking the views of Canadians on how to help lead Canada to full economic recovery from the global recession. These consultations will look at worker shortages in trades and professions across Canada as well as the factors that affect an immigrant’s ability to succeed in Canada’s work force.The consultations will help develop instructions to immigration officers on which economic immigration applications are eligible for processing. As part of the Action Plan for Faster Immigration, the first set of instructions was issued in November 2008 as a tool to keep the backlog of applications from growing, to reduce wait times for new applications and to better match new economic applicants to Canada’s labour market needs.“The Action Plan for Faster Immigration is designed to make immigration more responsive to Canada’s economic conditions. When these conditions change, the instructions are meant to change too,” said Minister Kenney. “The first set of instructions has had a significant impact, but our research shows it is time to revise them to make sure they continue to meet their goals.”Before the Action Plan for Faster Immigration was introduced, the backlog in the federal skilled worker category stood at more than 600,000 applicants, and that number has gone down by almost 40 per cent. People applying now to the federal skilled worker program can expect to receive a decision within one year compared to six years under the old system.The consultations will be held with national and regional stakeholders, provinces and territories and the general public between now and April 16, 2010. If you wish to provide input, visit the online consultation.鉴于加国经济正在逐渐复苏,联邦公民及移民部由目前至4月16日将在全加各地广泛征询各行各业和公众的意见,借此了解加国劳工市场的最新需求,以及如何制定相应的移民政策,从海外吸纳加国劳工市场迫切需要的人才。联邦公民和移民部长康尼(Jason Kenney)昨天(周二)正式宣布了上述消息。他指出,上述民意谘询工作除了了解加拿大各行各业劳工短缺的最新情况之外,还将了解有哪些因素影响海外移民成功地投身于加国的劳工大军。联邦公民和移民部将根据上述民意谘询的结果,来制订相关指引,就哪些经济类的移民申请个案符合优先被审批的要求,向移民官提供指引。他又指出,联邦公民和移民部早在2008年11月,已就哪些经济类的移民申请个案符合优先被审批的要求,向移民官发出了第一轮指引,旨在阻止移民申请积压个案的增加、缩短移民申请个案的审批时间以及根据加国劳工市场的需求来引进人才。而上述第一轮指引在实施至今已取得了显着的成效,技术移民申请个案积压严重的情况已被大大缓解,申请人从原先的超过60万人,减少了约40%。技术移民申请人现时在递交申请后,可在一年内获得审批结果。国民如要就谘询提出意见,可浏览?http://cic.sondages-surveys.ca/s/cons-P/langen/ 。联邦移民部计划今年从海外吸纳23万个新移民名额,其中经济移民类别,包括技术移民和商业移民,会占80,055个名额,大约等于全年移民配额三分之一。加国急需各行各业新移民,谘询会将有助制订政策指引,供甄别的移民部官员?用。在2008年底,联邦移民部曾对38项工种的移民类别优先处理,缩短审批时间,受惠的包括医生、护士、电工等行业。加拿大缺乏技术工人,因此吸纳技术移民,已经成为了加国长期基本国策。移民统计数据 将季度更新 网上重新刊载联邦移民部将由现在开始,把每季的移民统计资料上载到移民部网站。联邦移民部长康尼指出,这是政府实践透明化和开放的承诺。联邦移民部的季度移民资料,在过去一直有上载于网站,但近年没有更新,只以年度统计方式上载。现在移民部长康尼将运作改变,把最新资料上载,方便市民取用。移民部现在会将最新季度资料,例如有多少经济类别移民?多少家庭团聚申请个案在处理中等,这些过去要按《知情法》申请,才能取得的资料,现在会上载网上。一些统计数字,包括有关公民数字、处理所需时间、积压个案数字等,网址为:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resourc...9-Q3/index.asp
回复: 38表要调整了?转一下227版面的内容给大家看看4月16号调查结束,是不是随后政策会进行调整?
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