加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民[CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??
Government of Canada consults Canadians on economic immigration prioritiesOttawa, March 16, 2010 ― As the economic recovery gains momentum, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney today launched consultations to identify Canada’s new and emerging labour market needs and how immigration can best respond to them. The Government of Canada is seeking the views of Canadians on how to help lead Canada to full economic recovery from the global recession. These consultations will look at worker shortages in trades and professions across Canada as well as the factors that affect an immigrant’s ability to succeed in Canada’s work force. The consultations will help develop instructions to immigration officers on which economic immigration applications are eligible for processing. As part of the Action Plan for Faster Immigration, the first set of instructions was issued in November 2008 as a tool to keep the backlog of applications from growing, to reduce wait times for new applications and to better match new economic applicants to Canada’s labour market needs. “The Action Plan for Faster Immigration is designed to make immigration more responsive to Canada’s economic conditions. When these conditions change, the instructions are meant to change too,” said Minister Kenney. “The first set of instructions has had a significant impact, but our research shows it is time to revise them to make sure they continue to meet their goals.” Before the Action Plan for Faster Immigration was introduced, the backlog in the federal skilled worker category stood at more than 600,000 applicants, and that number has gone down by almost 40 per cent. People applying now to the federal skilled worker program can expect to receive a decision within one year compared to six years under the old system. The consultations will be held with national and regional stakeholders, provinces and territories and the general public between now and April 16, 2010. If you wish to provide input, visit the online consultation.
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??我把敏感的部分标了黑体,给我的感觉是政策变化的预兆~ 大家可以一起分析一下。
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??有可能,只不过目前还没有时间表,没有申请的,不要慌。
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??现在只是consulation,征求意见阶段,到政策成型应该还有很长时间,如果整体政策要变,也不是短时间的事,这点可以肯定;但从字里行间看我有个感觉,也可能有先期的探路政策,作为227新政的revision。
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??恩,看上去是政策调整的前奏。未来的政策调整更趋向于申请人在加拿大的就业能力。我觉得对加拿大政府和申请人都是更加合理的。
English Learning Is A Journey回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??加政府效率很低的,现在申请的应该没影响
NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??The consultations will be held with national and regional stakeholders, provinces and territories and the general public between now and April 16, 2010. If you wish to provide input, visit the online consultation.[/quote] 从上面的句子可否理解成“即使要改变现行政策,至少在4月16号之前不会出台” 呢
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??The consultations will be held with national and regional stakeholders, provinces and territories and the general public between now and April 16, 2010. If you wish to provide input, visit the online consultation.点击展开...从上面的句子可否理解成“即使要改变现行政策,至少在4月16号之前不会出台” 呢[/quote] 只是在“磋商”。
赏 The consultations will be held with national and regional stakeholders, provinces and territories and the general public between now and April 16, 2010. If you wish to provide input, visit the online consultation.点击展开...从上面的句子可否理解成“即使要改变现行政策,至少在4月16号之前不会出台” 呢[/quote]这只是consulation的时间
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??从上面的句子可否理解成“即使要改变现行政策,至少在4月16号之前不会出台” 呢点击展开...这只是consulation的时间[/quote] 恩,我的意思是再怎么快也不会在这个磋商期间出台新政策吧(呵呵,比较关心这个,因为我本周五Fedex递表,3月底应该能妥投,即使4月1号出台新政不在紧缺名单上了也应该不受影响吧)
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??这只是consulation的时间点击展开...恩,我的意思是再怎么快也不会在这个磋商期间出台新政策吧(呵呵,比较关心这个,因为我本周五Fedex递表,3月底应该能妥投,即使4月1号出台新政不在紧缺名单上了也应该不受影响吧)[/quote]这个不会,但是既然有政策变动的预兆,有条件尽早投,能抓紧就抓紧吧,什么时候变,谁也说不清,搞不好再来个227,先实行后出政策,就很麻烦。
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??悲惨,我还在攒经验
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??你攒经验的速度可能远远跟不上cic变政策的速度。
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??我个人认为没有半年一年的是不可能变政策的,因为这个职业清单可不是说变就变的呀。。。。
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??我个人认为没有半年一年的是不可能变政策的,因为这个职业清单可不是说变就变的呀。。。。点击展开...227到现在已经有两年了啊
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??正在准备材料 难道真要关门不让我进去?
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??菜鸟问题,227新政到底是什么内容?38项职业倒是08年底才出来的。08年2月27日的政策是咋样的?
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??launched consultations to identify Canada’s new and emerging labour market needs and how immigration can best respond to them.这第一句话感觉就是要换职业列表了
回复: [CIC消息]政策变化的先兆??赶紧赶紧,变了把我的职业纳进去,省的现在老想着怎么靠尤其那种什么经理之类的事务,我觉得不大靠谱,在内地当经理到那边语言上就是一大障碍,很多都还是要从新来的吧-- 纯属yy
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