FN: 2007年5月27日 (新加坡)确认信: 2009年3月29日回复: 大家没有必要如此慌张!我的一些看法.新加坡是个好地方,干吗还要等加拿大呀。我要是你我就直接移民新加坡算了....
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克回复: 大家没有必要如此慌张!我的一些看法.第一次听到竟然有人说星加坡是个好地方。。。 去海外版那里大把在星的大陆人士挤破脑袋往CA
回复: 大家没有必要如此慌张!我的一些看法.新加坡是个好地方,干吗还要等加拿大呀。我要是你我就直接移民新加坡算了....点击展开...我始终不能把新加坡当成永远的家。所以去加拿大了。
FN: 2007年5月27日 (新加坡)确认信: 2009年3月29日回复: 大家没有必要如此慌张!我的一些看法.新加坡热啊.赤道上的国家.
回复: 大家没有必要如此慌张!我的一些看法.大家可以读这个文章http://www.montrealgazette.com/business/Close+gates+newcomers/2691134/story.htmlIndustry Minister Tony Clement has bemoaned the fact that Canada's unemployment figures are at an "unacceptable level" and claims that job creation is a top priority of the federal government. If the minister is serious about this he might then well ask his colleague Jason Kenney, the immigration minister, why our immigration levels are at such unprecedented high levels when there are 1.3 million men and women looking for work.In the past two years while the country has been in the midst of a serious recession 483,000 immigrants entered Canada. In addition to the immigrants, in 2008 alone, 192,519 temporary foreign workers entered and joined the 170,975 who were already here - for an amazing total of 363,494.Why such high volumes if indeed the government is worried about job losses? Are ministers not aware that in the first year of recession Canada lost 486,000 full-time jobs and within the next few months 810,000 workers will run out of unemployment benefits?In the past when Canada was entering an economic downturn it was customary to turn the immigration tap off, or at least to slow it down. The rationale was simple: What was the point in bringing to Canada immigrants who would find it difficult to find employment, and why make it more difficult for unemployed Canadians workers to get back to work?However, for the past 20 years governments have set immigration levels extraordinarily high, aiming for about 250,000 a year, regardless of economic or labour-force conditions. As the number of applications increased an enormous backlog has piled up. In June of 2008 it was estimated to be between 900,000 and 950,000. Now it probably exceeds one million.The staggering number of foreign temporary workers entering Canada is a direct result of the inability of visa officers overseas to deal with the high volume of immigration set by the government targets. Canadian employers trying to avoid lengthy immigration delays hire foreign temporary workers instead. They frequently engage agents abroad to select and recruit the workers.Since many of these workers do not have to undergo normal criminal and security checks, they are able to get to Canada faster and avoid the backlog. Many of the workers are unskilled with poor language qualifications and it is known they must pay their agent large sums of money to be chosen for Canada. How many of them will eventually return home is an open question.One of the serious consequences of reliance on temporary workers is the danger of falling into the same trap as many of the western European countries in the 1960s and '70s when they lost control of their guest-worker and asylum programs. These countries suddenly - but too late - realized they had inadvertently created a massive underclass residing in their major urban centres.Studies have shown that the immigrants arriving since the early 1990s are not doing as well as those from earlier times. Many are living below the so-called poverty line and immigrants between the ages of 25 and 54 have a much higher unemployment rate than the native born.Only about 18 per cent of immigrants are selected by the federal government because they possess the skills, training, or education needed to fill labour shortages. By far the greater numbers are selected because they are sponsored by relatives who are already in Canada or they are admitted for humanitarian reasons, are refugees, or are chosen by the provinces.The reality is that for a number of years now the costs of immigration have exceeded the benefits, and the long-range economic, social, and environmental implications of continuing such high levels - especially during times of economic uncertainty - have not been taken into account by governments.Our political representatives have a responsibility - if not a duty - to address important issues of public policy. It is high time they took a hard and intelligent look at our immigration policy and in a non-partisan fashion introduce measures to ensure that immigration serves the interests of Canada. This is not happening now, and now is not the time for our politicians to opt out.James Bissett is former executive director of the Canadian Immigration Service.Ottawa CitizenRead more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/business/Close+gates+newcomers/2691134/story.html#ixzz0iUOnedf2
FN: 2007年5月27日 (新加坡)确认信: 2009年3月29日第一次听到竟然有人说星加坡是个好地方。。。 去海外版那里大把在星的大陆人士挤破脑袋往CA点击展开...
回复: 大家没有必要如此慌张!我的一些看法.湖南移民的朋友大家请到6708146来聊一聊移民的这点事
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