加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说
Describe a happy event from your childhood that you remember well You should say: what the event was when and where it happened who participated in this event what you saw or did * and explain why you remember this event so well. Do you think people's memories of their childhood are always accurate?Many people recall their childhood with a smile. Why do you think that is?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Some people like to keep things (such as a toy) from their childhood. Can you suggest why [FONT=宋体]?[/FONT][FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Many young people are not very interested in traditions or in doing things the traditional why do you think they are like that? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think traditions (including traditional ways of life) are important to preserve?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] How do you suggest young people's interest in traditions (in their traditional culture) could be stimulated? Describe a recent event that made you feel happy. You should say: what the event was when and where it happened who participated in this event what you saw or did * and explain why this event was so enjoyable Do you think having a lot of money can (or, does) make people happy?Why do you think some people who have a lot of money are still not happy?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think people can gain happiness from their work? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do most people expect to be happy in their work? (Why?/Why not?) [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Would you say happy people work better? Describe a trip that didn't go as you had (originally) planned (or, expected). * You should say: where you were traveling to who was travelling with you * what happened that was unplanned (OR: what didn't happen according to plan) * what you did and explain how you felt. * or and explain how this change affected your enjoyment of this trip. * --In general, how do people plan a trip?What are some of the problems that people might experience when they go on a trip and what can/could the traveler do to resolve these problems[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] In general, do you think people like traveling? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What are some of the characteristics of these people who (especially) like to travel? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] And why do you think some people don't like travelling?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What are some of the different reasons why people travel from one place to another? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] In what ways is a business trip different to a holiday trip?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] How do you think the personality of a person affects the choices they make when they go on a trip[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What benefits do people of different ages get from travelling?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What impact do you think tourism can (or does) have on a place (a tourist spot[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think the media has much effect on tourism[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] In what ways do you think modern technology has changed business travel, compared to a few decades ago[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think 'video conferencing' (webcams), via the internet, will one day more or less replace face-to-face meetings between people Describe a place near a lot of water that you enjoyed visiting. You should say: where this place was what you did at this place why (& when) you went there who you went there with and explain why you liked this place. [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Why do so many people like to live or work close to water[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think schools should teach children how to swim?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Is the way people use water today (= people's habits of use) the same as the way people used water, say, 50 years ago?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think people use more water today than they did before (e.g., 20 or 50 years ago)?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think it's important to try to save (conserve) water? (Why?)[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think increasing the cost of water will help conserve water?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] How can (or, could) people be made more aware of these problems?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Is the water in China usually clean?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Why do people in China like to go to places such as Hainan Island for a holiday?Describe a science lesson that you had in school or university (such as biology, chemistry or physics). * You should say: when you attended this lesson where you attended this lesson what you learned (and what branch of science it was) and explain how you learned it (= how it was taught). * or and explain what happened in the lesson [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What do you think is (was) the greatest scientific discovery (or advancement) of the 21st century[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What effects does rapid technological change have on people in society?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Can you think of any examples of (advanced) technology that are not good for society (or, not good for humanity)?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think it's good for (high) schools to have (or, to offer the choice of) science classes?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think it's suitable to start teaching science to very young children?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Can you think of any examples of learning about science outside of the classroom? (i.e., not at school)[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] On average, in the whole world, more males than females study science in high schools and at universities. Why do you think more males than females study science?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Who do you think should finance (= pay for) scientific research, government or private companies[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think new scientific knowledge should be freely shared (or, made available for others, including the public) or are there situations when it is suitable to not share new scientific knowledge?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think that different countries should share the knowledge they gain from scientific research Describe an exciting sport that you know about. You should say: what the sport is how popular this sport is in your country how you know about this sport how this sport is played or done * and explain what it was about this sport that makes it exciting (for you). [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Can you give some examples of what is called, 'extreme sports' or sports that are quite dangerous (and often rather difficult to do)?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Why do you think some people like to do these dangerous activities? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] (Similar to above) Why do you think some people like to do dangerous things as a form of exercise or sport? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What qualities do people need to do these dangerous sports? (Both physical and mental [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think the government should restrict (or, ban) some of these extreme sports?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What are some ways people can (or, could) protect themselves when they do dangerous sporting activities[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think exceptional sporting ability is more the result of practice (or, training) or is it more the result of some innate (inborn) ability (or, talent)?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think they should receive (or, deserve to receive) so much money?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Some professional athletes have an extremely high income. What's your opinion of this?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think sports (and games) are important[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think there is too much sport shown on TV[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think watching athletes on TV can encourage (or, encourages) people to take up those sports? Describe an occasion when someone gave you important help in a difficult situation. You should say: what occasion it was who helped you how they (= he or she) helpedyouand explain how/why this help was important to you. orand explain what important effect this help had on your life [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] In what ways (in what areas/in what situations) do young people need help? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] And in what ways do old people need help?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Who usually gives old people help when they need it?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] In the future, do you think there will be any changes in the way old people are helped?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do old people and young people find the help they need in the same ways?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think the way old people in society are given help when they need it today has changed at all, compared to the past?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Besides your friends and family, are there any other people who you give help to[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Why do some people willingly offer (volunteer) to help others who need help, such as old people?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Has the help that your government gives its citizens changed in the past few decades? Describe a job you think you would be good at. (= a job you think you would do well) * You should say: what job it would be what would be your typical activities in this job * how you would get this job * how this work would be different to your current life and explain why you think you would be able to do this job well.[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] In China), what factors influence people's choice when they decide what work to do? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] How important is the question of money when people are choosing what work to do?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Where can (young) people get guidance (or, advice) when they are trying to choose a job/choose a career?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What kinds of work (or, what jobs) are the most popular choices for young people today?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What careers (or jobs; or 'lines of work'; or types of work) would you say have high social status in your country? (Why[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] How do you think work will change over the next few decades?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Please compare the job you just described to the job you are doing at the moment.[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Why do people change jobs?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Who do you think changes their jobs more often, young people or older people? (Why?)[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think it's good for a person to stay in the same job all his or her life[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What do you think are the benefits of staying in one job (or, one career) for a long timeDescribe a leisure activity (that you don't do now but) you would like to do (in the future). * You should say: what activity it would be how easy or difficult you think it would be where you would do it * what equipment you would need to use* who you would do it with * and explain why you would like to do this activity. * [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What do you do in your leisure time? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What are the most popular leisure time activities in your country? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Do you think it's important for students and working people to have some leisure time?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Some people think that having hobbies is a waste of time. What do you think?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Why do you think some people choose a certain leisure activity or hobby and other people choose to do a different leisure activity?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Why do you think some leisure-time activities are becoming more popular while others become less popular?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What do you predict the future leisure time activities in China might be?[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] What are some of the more traditional leisure time activities that people in China do? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] How important do you think it is to preserve the traditional leisure time activities in your culture? [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] Some parents think that their children should spend all of their time on study and no time on leisure activities. Do you agree?
5.11 DHL递料! 5.12 签收! 5.25 FN签发 6.13FN收到!回复: 今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说是下周的,有需要的赶紧看看吧~~他说是下周的,我也只能死马当活马医了
5.11 DHL递料! 5.12 签收! 5.25 FN签发 6.13FN收到!回复: 今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说是下周的,有需要的赶紧看看吧~~我觉得我这在线英语说得还不如上次考试发挥的好呢,。。。。上次是太快,这次是无话可说,我太杯具了。。。。
5.11 DHL递料! 5.12 签收! 5.25 FN签发 6.13FN收到!回复: 今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说是下周的,有需要的赶紧看看吧~~信你了,我10号考
4121, HK; 06/10/10 -妥投 ;10/28/10 - RN ;01/24/11 - 补料;04/06/11 - FN ;10/19/11 - ME, IP; 10/31/11 - 补料二宝及交登陆费; 11/16/11 - MER;11/23/11,二宝ME;12/01/11 - 登陆费收据;01/12/12, PL信你了,我10号考点击展开... 我也10号考,临时抱佛脚,想练练口语,结果练得不咋样,倒把这个弄来了。。。
5.11 DHL递料! 5.12 签收! 5.25 FN签发 6.13FN收到!回复: 今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说是下周的,有需要的赶紧看看吧~~。。这些题目我2月就看过。。。。LZMM 你被欺骗勒~
3.15 RNTEF 或是 TCF 等待命运来安排!~一亿年后 你从林间走过 地上拣起的琥珀中 有我的肋骨。。这些题目我2月就看过。。。。LZMM 你被欺骗勒~点击展开... 他说是4个月换一套题,所以我有可能碰到和上次一样的题。。。。
5.11 DHL递料! 5.12 签收! 5.25 FN签发 6.13FN收到!回复: 今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说是下周的,有需要的赶紧看看吧~~自信心超受打击呀,当你的预期和事实总有出入的时候。。。原来是觉得口语没戏,指望写作,结果成绩出来写作还不如口语,。。。。现在复习也是两面一块看,觉得哪个也没看好。。。。生死未卜呀
5.11 DHL递料! 5.12 签收! 5.25 FN签发 6.13FN收到!回复: 今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说是下周的,有需要的赶紧看看吧~~先收藏看看,谢谢!
RN:4.28 补料:8.19 FN:8.26 IP:2.18 ME:10月 DM:3月回复: 今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说是下周的,有需要的赶紧看看吧~~我感觉考哪一题都有可能。嘿嘿,收藏了
2013年9月16日登陆温哥华,长租于Richmond, BC。。这些题目我2月就看过。。。。LZMM 你被欺骗勒~点击展开...你的那个征婚帖很火哦
2013年9月16日登陆温哥华,长租于Richmond, BC回复: 今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说是下周的,有需要的赶紧看看吧~~楼主上次3高1中,给我用就够了。哈哈
2013年9月16日登陆温哥华,长租于Richmond, BC你的那个征婚帖很火哦点击展开... 哇 这个您也知道。。。。
3.15 RNTEF 或是 TCF 等待命运来安排!~一亿年后 你从林间走过 地上拣起的琥珀中 有我的肋骨回复: 今天的口语课有点杯具,不过弄来点题目,据说是下周的,有需要的赶紧看看吧~~请下周考得人过来认证一下,呵呵
·生活百科 15A插座直接来自太阳能逆变器
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