加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问:谁能给我提供一份英语崔签信



回复: 请问:谁能给我提供一份英语崔签信写了有用吗?我也5个月了!

06年7月28日香港FN!07年11月20日通过中介把雅思送到香港!09年6月22日收到香港确认信!09年10月6日ME签发09年11月20日所有资料上交!回复: 请问:谁能给我提供一份英语崔签信别催,再把6催来

回复: 请问:谁能给我提供一份英语崔签信不会吧??我以为崔崔应该有用的

回复: 请问:谁能给我提供一份英语崔签信不会吧??我以为崔崔应该有用的点击展开...自己先支持一下,请热心的家园同学帮忙!

回复: 请问:谁能给我提供一份英语崔签信Dear Visa Officer, This is *** (birth date: ******) from P.R.C, an applicant of immigration under skilled worker category with file number B04975****. I had my medical examination done in Nov.28, 2009, and sumitted all required documents in Dec.10, 2009 per the medical examination letter. I know my case is still within the normal processing period, it may not be an appropriate time to ask my case progress right now. As my daughter *** just received the offer letter ************, so it is time to initiate her student visa application now. To avoid reduplicated visa application, could you do me a favor to let me know when my case could be closed per your anticipation? I'm looking forward to your response. Thanks. NameTel:86-

多伦多北约克家庭旅馆[email protected] Visa Officer, This is *** (birth date: ******) from P.R.C, an applicant of immigration under skilled worker category with file number B04975****. I had my medical examination done in Nov.28, 2009, and sumitted all required documents in Dec.10, 2009 per the medical examination letter. I know my case is still within the normal processing period, it may not be an appropriate time to ask my case progress right now. As my daughter *** just received the offer letter ************, so it is time to initiate her student visa application now. To avoid reduplicated visa application, could you do me a favor to let me know when my case could be closed per your anticipation? I'm looking forward to your response. Thanks. NameTel:86-点击展开...谢谢!

回复: 请问:谁能给我提供一份英语崔签信Dear Visa Officer, This is *** (birth date: ******) from P.R.C, an applicant of immigration under skilled worker category with file number B04975****. I had my medical examination done in Nov.28, 2009, and sumitted all required documents in Dec.10, 2009 per the medical examination letter. I know my case is still within the normal processing period, it may not be an appropriate time to ask my case progress right now. As my daughter *** just received the offer letter ************, so it is time to initiate her student visa application now. To avoid reduplicated visa application, could you do me a favor to let me know when my case could be closed per your anticipation? I'm looking forward to your response. Thanks. NameTel:86-点击展开...你的声望图标怎么没有了,好想给你加声望!谢谢

回复: 请问:谁能给我提供一份英语崔签信你的声望图标怎么没有了,好想给你加声望!谢谢点击展开...管用吗?

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