加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请大家帮我看看我的社会保险解释信,高校教师
我们学校只扣了失业保险,其它社保没有交,我准备附上这样一封解释信,并将我保留的一些工资条贴好,再找财务盖章,再将工资条的内容翻译,大家看如何?具有足够说明力吗?因为工资单上关于社会保险的只扣了失业保险,养老保险为0,没有医疗保险一栏。我的完税和合同,包括公积金都有,就是这个社保不知道怎么办好。 Dear Sir or Madam: I don’t submit proof of main social insurance (endowment assurance, medical insurance etc) for the reasons below: Unlike other work units or companies whose employees (are required to) pay social insurance, the university I work for, *** University , is a public institution and the main social insurance payment, accordingly, is not required of the regular employees. The only one kind of social insurance paid by the entire employee in our university is the unemployment insurance. Therefore, I cannot provide proof of main social insurance desired except the unemployment insurance. The proof for the payment of unemployment insurance is my salary stripe. As show in my monthly salary stripe, the unemployment insurance was subduced every monthly about 10 Yuan. Please check the attached papers where I paste the salary stripe. The salary stripe may not be integrated because I didn’t keep all of them. But I do think they are convincing for this issue Please keep me informed of additional required material(s), if any. Thank you.
回复: 请大家帮我看看我的社会保险解释信,高校教师我来帮你,知道的童鞋快来帮帮忙啊!
回复: 请大家帮我看看我的社会保险解释信,高校教师帮顶,我也早晚会有这个问题。我也是高校老师,我也想写个证明信,证明自己某年――――某年一直交个税和各种保险,然后让财务处盖章,再带着自己多年来的工资单去公证处公证一下。也不知公证处给不给公证?还是在某个环节上需要税务局和社保局盖章?就怕人家压根不理我们这个事啊。也是深度不解和郁闷中。
回复: 请大家帮我看看我的社会保险解释信,高校教师我也帮顶,不太懂。
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