加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?



回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?不可行。努力回忆填个相似的

姐姐妹妹看过来http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=345197http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=365562回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?可见你没如实填写啊。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?天方夜谭

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?呵呵!

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?努力回忆填个相似的

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?真是个大问题啊!

FN:2007-1-11自评70分,有亲属waiting ME VO:ISK我的ME在哪里?回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?no way

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?Yes, you can. go to the web http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/tbsf-fsct/350-57-eng.aspread the info and instructions carefully, fill in all forms you should. mail them to cic in Canada and the office u filed your application, such as HK.remember u should use some one as ur representative b/c u probably are not a citizen or PR of canada, u can contact ur family or friends who are qualified as a canadian citizen or PR to help u as ur representative, or u contact a immigration agency to get their help, they may charge u a lot.

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?谢谢各位的回复。简表里的其他内容问题都不大,看到空白表应该都能回想起来。唯一担心的是当时填的职业编码,因为我当时有几个工作可以对上不同的编码,我不太记得当时选的是哪个了呢,真麻烦呀。

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?因为我当时申请时是高中教了一年,前面4年又是初中的老师,所以不太记得当时填的是初中老师还是高中老师的编码了。

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?Susan, i told u, u can, but unfortunately u ignored my msg, anyway, good luck.

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?不好意思,我现在看一下你给的链接。多谢!

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?Susan, i told u, u can, but unfortunately u ignored my msg, anyway, good luck.点击展开...Thank you.I just finished reading the link you gave me. Now I know what i should do next. Thanks so much for your help.

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?Thats fine. i did it by myself & a friend in canada represented me, i only paid 5 canadian dollar, good luck.remember u should use some one as ur representative b/c u probably are not a citizen or PR of canada, u can contact ur family or friends who are qualified as a canadian citizen or PR to help u as ur representative, or u contact a immigration agency to get their help, they may charge u a lot.

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?Susan, my memory is that i filled in 2 forms, one is ' Access to information act form' another is IMM5475, then i paid 5 canadian dollar money order, then i got my doc copy.there is always a way, anybody can loose original doc due to a lot reasons.good luck

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?Susan, my memory is that i filled in 2 forms, one is ' Access to information act form' another is IMM5475, then i paid 5 canadian dollar money order, then i got my doc copy. there is always a way, anybody can loose original doc due to a lot reasons. good luck点击展开...Thanks for your best wishes. I went to the website and read through the NOC list this morning and i think the NOC number i put into the SAP form was 4142-elementary school teacher. However, the question is i am not sure whether the number in the current NOC list is different from the one in the previous list? Do you have any idea about this?

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?Nope, what u exactly want, get a copy of your original IMMxx forms or NOC update list usage, what i told u is the way to get your forms copy frm cic, thats it. if u applied under old policy why u use current policy to make judgment, its not the logic,anyway, thats all i can say, im done, good luck.

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?Nope, what u exactly want, get a copy of your original IMMxx forms or NOC update list usage, what i told u is the way to get your forms copy frm cic, thats it. if u applied under old policy why u use current policy to make judgment, its not the logic,anyway, thats all i can say, im done, good luck.点击展开...呵呵。。。不是的,是我忽然想起我当年填的是elementary school teacher,但是不记得编码,所以想知道现在NOC LIST上面的编码跟以前的是不是一样的,如果是,那我就不用采取你说的那种办法了,毕竟麻烦了一点。anyway, thank you.

回复: 可不可以让使馆复印简表寄回给我?呵呵。。。不是的,是我忽然想起我当年填的是elementary school teacher,但是不记得编码,所以想知道现在NOC LIST上面的编码跟以前的是不是一样的,如果是,那我就不用采取你说的那种办法了,毕竟麻烦了一点。anyway, thank you.点击展开...As long as you can recall the occupation title that you dropped yourself in, I am pretty sure the NOC code must be the same as what you had filled in your form years ago, cuz NOC titles and codes are solid consistent for many years, it's a national standard you know!

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