加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问投香港 无刑证明要办这么多份吗
POLICE CERTIFICATES AND CLEARANCES • original police certificates of good conduct or clearances from each country / state / territoryin which you and each person in your family, aged 18 years or over, have lived for six monthsor longer since reaching the age of 18• submit original fingerprints directly to the authorities conducting the police checks• if you have applied for police certificates from countries where the authorities will forwardresults directly to us, attach a brief explanatory note to your application• please refer to www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp for instructionson obtaining police certificates.说明里写 18岁以后 居住6个月以上的每个地方 我18岁以后在A城市读大学 在B城市工作 是不是要办每个地方的无刑证明
回复: 请问投香港 无刑证明要办这么多份吗只要你一直都在中国,只要办一个中国的无犯罪就行了
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