加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 魁省技术移民最新评分标准(转
2009-10-14 最新魁北克技术移民 评分标准分数栏括号中的分数是调整前(2006-10-16[FONT=宋体])发布的评分标准中对应的分值[/FONT] Factor1.培训(Training)最高28分(Maximum = 28)标准(Criteria)分数1.1学历(Education level)Maximum = 12Cutoff score = 2a.普通高中(secondary school general diploma)2(2)b.职业高中(secondary school vocational diploma)6(6)c. 2年以上全日制普通大专(postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies)4(4)d. 1年以上全日制技术类大专(postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies)6(6)e. 2年以上全日制技术类大专(postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies)6(6)f.专业属于受训领域Area I或 II的Section A或 B的1或2年全日制中职教育或技术类大专(secondary school vocational diploma or postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 1 or 2 years of full-time studies in training contemplated in section A or B of area I or II of criteria 1.2)10(新增)g. 3年制全日制技术大专(postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies)8(10)h.专业属于受训领域Area I或 II的Section A或 B的1或3年全日制技术类大专(postsecondary school technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies in training contemplated in section A or B of area I or II of criteria 1.2)10(新增)i.一年全日制本科(undergraduate diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies)4(新增)j.二年全日制本科(undergraduate diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies)6(新增)k.三年及以上全日制本科(undergraduate diploma attesting to 3 or more years of full-time studies)10(11)l.一年以上硕士(master's degree attesting to 1 or more years of full-time studies)12(13)m.博士(doctorate)12(13)1.2受训领域(Areas of training)Section A of area I16最高16分(Maximum = 16)Section B of area I12Section C of area I6Section D of area I2Section E of area I0Section F of area I0Section G of area I0Section A of area II16Section B of area II12Section C of area II6Section D of area II2Section E of area II0Section F of area II0Section G of area II0Factor 2.工作(Experience)最高8分(Maximum = 8)标准(Criteria)分数2.1工作(Professional experience of skilled worker)少于6个月(Less than 6 months)0(0)6-11个月(6 to 11 months)4(2)12-23个月(12 to 23 months)4(4)24-35个月(24 to 35 months)6(6)36-47个月(36 to 47 months)6(7)48个月及以上(48 months or over)8(9)Factor 3.年龄(Age)最高16分(Maximum = 16)标准(Criteria)分数(Points)18 -35岁16(18)36岁14(14)37岁12(10)38岁10(6)39岁8(4)40岁6(2)41岁4(0)42岁2(0)43岁及以上0(0)Factor 4.语言(Language proficiency)最高22分(Maximum = 22)标准(Criteria)分数4.1法语(French)最高16分a.口语(oral interaction)0-16(0-16)b.写作(written comprehension)0(0)4.2英语(English)最高6分a.口语(oral interaction)0-6(0-6)b.写作(written comprehension)0(0)Factor 5. Stay and family in Québec(魁北克停留及魁北克亲属)最高8分(Maximum = 8)标准(Criteria)分数5.1 Stay in Quebec(魁北克停留)最高5分(a)学习一学期 to study for 1 regular full-time semester5(4)(b)学习2学期 to study for 2 regular full-time semesters5(6)(c)工作3个月及以上 to work for at least 3 months5(4)(d)工作6个月以上to work for at least 6 months5(6)(e) 3个月以上工作性质的青年交换项目 as part of a youth exchange program contemplated by an international agreement made by Québec or an international agreement made by Canada, if work was the main activity for at least 3 months5(新增)(f) 6个月以上工作性质的青年交换项目as part of a youth exchange program contemplated by an international agreement made by Québec or an international agreement made by Canada, if work was the main activity for at least 6 months5(新增)(g)一星期的商业考察 for business for at least 1 week0(0)(h)其他停留二星期以上other stay for at least 2 weeks1(1)(i)其他停留三个月以上other stay for at least 3 months2(2)5.2魁北克亲属最高3分(a)配偶或事实配偶 spouse or de facto spouse3(3)(b)兄弟姐妹,父母son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister3(3)(c)祖父母 grandfather or grandmother3(3)(d)姑叔舅姨,侄子侄女 uncle or aunt, nephew or niece0(0)Factor 6.配偶Characteristics of the accompanying spouse or de facto spouseMaximum = 16标准(Criteria)分数6.1教育级别 Education Level最高3分(Maximum= 3)(a)普通高中 secondary school general diploma1(0)(b)职业高中 secondary school vocational diploma2(2)(c) 2年制普通大专 postsecondary school general diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies1(1)(d) 1年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies2(2)(e) 2年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies2(2)(f) 3年制技术大专 postsecondary technical diploma attesting to 3 years of full-time studies3(3)(g)一年制本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 1 year of full-time studies1(1)(h) 2年制本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 2 years of full-time studies2(2)(i) 3年以上本科 undergraduate diploma attesting to 3 or more years of full-time studies3(3)(j) 1年以上硕士 master's degree attesting to 1 or more years of full-time studies3(3)(k)博士 doctorate3(3)标准(Criteria)分数6.2受训领域 Areas of training最高4分Section A of area I4Section B of area I3Section C of area I2Section D of area I1Section E of area I0Section F of area I0Section G of area I0Section A of area II4Section B of area II3Section C of area II2Section D of area II1Section E of area II0Section F of area II0Section G of area II06.3工作 (Professional Experience)6-11个月0(1)12月及以上0(1)6.4年龄(Age)18 - 35岁3(3)36岁2(2)37岁2(2)38岁2(2)39岁2(1)40岁1(1)41岁1(0)42岁1(0)43岁及以上0(0)6.5语言能力(Language Proficiency)最高6分(a)法语口语oral interaction in French0-6(0-6)(b)法语写作 written comprehension in French0(0)Factor 7.有效工作offerValidated employment offer最高10分标准(Criteria)分数7.1蒙特利尔大都市地区有效工作offer Validated employment offer in the metropolitan area of Montréal6(5)7.2蒙特利尔以外地区有效工作offer Validated employment offer outside the metropolitan area of Montréal10(10)Factor 8.子女Children最高8分标准(Criteria)分数8.1 12岁及以下 for each child 12 years of age or younger4(4)8.2 13-21岁2(2)Factor 9.财政自足能力Financial self-sufficiency签协议Maximum = 1最低1分(Cutoff score =1)Making of a contract1(1)Factor 10.适应能力Adaptability0-6分(原先0-8),最高6分Maximum = 6 初选阶段(Preliminary processing)适用项(APPLICABLE FACTORS)通过分(PASSING SCORE)最高分(MAXIMUM)单身除6(配偶)和10(适应能力)外的所有项总分(All, except 6 and 10)49(53)101(106)最低要求(Employability cutoff score)1-7项,除6项(配偶)总分total of factors 1 to 7, except 642(50)92(87)已婚除10项外的所有项总分All, except 1057(60)117(124)最低要求(Employability cutoff score)1-7项总分 (total of factors 1 to 7)50(57)108(105)甄选阶段(Selection)使用项通过分最高分单身除6项的分数之和(All, except 6)55(59)107(114)已婚所有评分项分数之和(All)63(68)123(132) 与旧版相比较的变化1. [FONT=宋体]更看重申请人的专业(受训领域)[/FONT]2. [FONT=宋体]放宽年龄限制但鼓励申请人的年轻化[/FONT]3. [FONT=宋体]对配偶工作不再做要求[/FONT]4. [FONT=宋体]配偶学历加分放宽至普通高中[/FONT]
回复: 魁省技术移民最新评分标准(转自myqcqc)这个应该比较准确,相信会对准备移民的朋友有一定帮助的
·生活百科 房屋风力发电。
·生活百科 间隔计与智能计