加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?
回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?目前为止还没有要求递CIO要附加雅思成绩
匡以整殇 惯以松弛 回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?建议填好的话就交吧谁知道新政策什么时候出呢小道消息满天飞 不过我昨天交初表是附带雅思成绩了 反正咱有 就交个复印件呗...
回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?EG7000 (2010-03)里面明确规定 除document checklist里面提到的文件之外 其他一概不用递交Step 1: Gather documents What documents are required? Use the Document Checklist (IMM 5612) to assist you in gathering the necessary documentation for submitting your application to the Centralized Intake Office (CIO), which is located in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Note: Only the documents in this checklist should be submitted to the CIO. If your application is recommended for processing at a Visa Office, you will be required to submit a copy of your application to that office with a complete set of documents described in the Visa Office specific requirements. [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT]
回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?谢谢钟爱保时捷、parakid,还有waynesc 。我想还是先交表吧。8月初考试雅思。犹豫几年了,再等就老的走不动了。
回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?我本来想先考雅思再交表的,看到大家的讨论,想改主意了。
回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?从4.10号开始,递表就需要雅斯成绩的啊,家园里面有,请搜索一下
予人玫瑰,手留余香温哥华生活一个月汇报http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=377155温哥华长登记录http://forum.iask.to/showthread.php?t=646437回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?我昨天刚寄了初审材料,没雅思成绩,七月考。
2013.02 DM 赏 2010-05-26#9 黄 10 $0.00 大侠指点,刚从网上找到的3月10号cic的news让很多人以为4月10号以后在递交初表的时候要同时提交雅思成绩或者其它的语言证明文件,为了弄清这个事情昨天给北京使馆发了一封信来求证这个事情,(网上找不到cic的联络邮箱,只好问了北京)。今天一早就收到了回复,确认可以不用提交雅思成绩,补料的时候一次性提交就可以了。邮件就不翻译了,直接拷贝过来。我的问询信:Dear Sir or Mandam,I prepare to submit my application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker class. I checked the IMM5612E and EG7 form, there is no mention to submit the IELTS score sheet when send applying material to Sydney. But on the www.cic.goc.ca website, there is a news release that “beginning April 10,2010, immigrants should be required to prove English and French language abilities at the time they apply”. So I want to confirm if I need to submit the IELTS score sheet when I submit the applying materials to Sydney.北京使馆一大早的回信:Dear Tony,Please be advised that for your initial application to CIC Sydney you are not required to submit your IELTS score. If you application passes the first assessement you will be sent a request letter, part of the request letter will be to submit your IELTS. We hope this has answered your question.Yours sincerely,Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of China来源: http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=5365047
回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?楼上回答应该最权威
北京227. 2010.04.06 初料妥投悉尼 20120223 毕业 20120625 北京长登多伦多20121126 Downtown上班3月10号cic的news让很多人以为4月10号以后在递交初表的时候要同时提交雅思成绩或者其它的语言证明文件,为了弄清这个事情昨天给北京使馆发了一封信来求证这个事情,(网上找不到cic的联络邮箱,只好问了北京)。今天一早就收到了回复,确认可以不用提交雅思成绩,补料的时候一次性提交就可以了。邮件就不翻译了,直接拷贝过来。 我的问询信: Dear Sir or Mandam,I prepare to submit my application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker class. I checked the IMM5612E and EG7 form, there is no mention to submit the IELTS score sheet when send applying material to Sydney. But on the www.cic.goc.ca website, there is a news release that “beginning April 10,2010, immigrants should be required to prove English and French language abilities at the time they apply”. So I want to confirm if I need to submit the IELTS score sheet when I submit the applying materials to Sydney. 北京使馆一大早的回信: Dear Tony, Please be advised that for your initial application to CIC Sydney you are not required to submit your IELTS score. If you application passes the first assessement you will be sent a request letter, part of the request letter will be to submit your IELTS. We hope this has answered your question.Yours sincerely,Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of China 来源: http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=5365047点击展开...请问你是否已经递初表,且没附雅思成绩呢?
初表: 4/9妥投 6/8退料 6/21 再次妥投 回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?我附有雅思复印件。因为申请表里面有,考过就附加复印件。
一步一步,脚踏实地!回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?需要的
新的旅途回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?万一需要,岂不是耽误两个月?不如赶紧考雅思呢,否则到了120天期限考不出来,那更是上火
NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?这个问题只有没考雅思的同学才特别关注,就像我一样。呵呵。现在已经有结果了,那些纠结这个问题的同学请看置顶的4月份妥投贴,里面到目前为止有两名同学没附雅思而成功扣款。加国还是非常讲理的,我们也不能给中国人抹黑。希望那些没考雅思而递表的同学,加紧努力,一定要达到及格线啊,补料的时候好一并提交。为这些同学吼吼。
回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?8月5号报名雅思,担心不能一次过,暂缓报名申请,想打自己,弱呀!
回复: 现在申请联邦技术移民时要同时带雅思成绩吗?8月5号报名雅思,担心不能一次过,暂缓报名申请,想打自己,弱呀!点击展开...你的雅思要求不高,应该没问题的,先递表吧
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