加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 魁省2009年技术移民也有专业限制
The Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles will give priority to the selection of those qualified workers who stand the best chance to integrate professionally in QuébecIn order to accelerate the selection and arrival in Québec of workers whose professional profile corresponds to a job that is in demand, the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles will give priority to certain applications for a Selection Certificate, as of October 14, 2009.Applications that will be given priority are those submitted by qualified workers who have obtained a diploma in one of the fields in the 2009 List of Preferred Areas of Training during the five years preceding their application.This measure will apply to all applications received and not yet processed on October 14, 2009 as well as those submitted on or after this date.Applications submitted by candidates whose area of training is not included in the List will continue to be processed according to their order of submission.以上意思是5年内拿到列表中专业文凭的人可以优先移民,别的人排队等吧,看来魁省也收紧了
回复: 魁省2009年技术移民也有专业限制了不会把,等死啦,法语学了一半,还不知如何处理?不过我做了最坏的打算,就是就当学好一门外语而已,这个就是我的最低底线。至于是不是移民,不全在本人能够掌控的
回复: 魁省2009年技术移民也有专业限制了是优先处理 不是限制除去这5个专业的申请人 大家还是排队来
回复: 魁省2009年技术移民也有专业限制了对,LZ的标题要改一改,标题党也要按事实说话啊。只是这五种专业的会加速办理。
回复: 魁省2009年技术移民也有专业限制了一看标题吓一跳,楼主话要说清楚啊
回复: 魁省2009年技术移民也有专业限制了好怕怕呀,现在的形势真是不好把握的,大家还是希望越来越好吧
回复: 魁省2009年技术移民也有专业限制了大家要有信心哦,只是优先那些专业而已,又不是说排队也不是没希望
回复: 魁省2009年技术移民也有专业限制了貌似没看到有什么改变,本来就有优先处理的专业啊。
回复: 魁省2009年技术移民也有专业限制了对啊 本来优先专业就可以先处理的 我觉得跟以前政策是差不多的。不过还是学好法语是关键啊。
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