加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 如果现在递表要预计多少钱? 多久
i`ve checked the point i got. 1.education point: 10 (4year bachelor degeree in China)2.working experience: 8 (over 4 years working experience in China)3.age points: 16 ( 29years old) couple adding points: 0 (singler)adatable ability points: 0 franceh languange points: ? so my total points is 10+8+16=34 based on the passing score at the preliminary stage is 49, i still lack of 49-34=15 so i have to get 15points of french interview, correct?? 1.IF i submite the application this month. when will the interview with immigrate officer be? Thanks a lot. 2.and how much to pay at the current stage?
有梦想就有未来!!回复: 如果现在递表要预计多少钱? 多久后面试?u can find the application fee on the website, around 390CAD.nobody knows when the applicaiton time will be. depends on your major and others factors~~~plus, u can have 1 points more for finance. english + french shoulde be 15
Sept 12 CIC签收; Oct 30 DM1; 11 Dec CSQ; 14 Jan AR2; BJ case博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1278744560微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/1278744560/profile回复: 如果现在递表要预计多少钱? 多久后面试?thank you. how about you? i found your started application on January,have they informed you when to interview? And have you acculated the 500 hours learning time?
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