加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我以最低雅思分数申请,有把握吗?



HK227,10年4月7日投妥,6月15日 RN ,10月6日FN,11年8月9日山寨IP,8月30日正版IP地址栏消失,9月14日 ME 26日收到,10月10日体检,10.21登录费收据,11.21二宝体检,11.29 DM 回复: 我以最低雅思分数申请,有把握吗?会被拒的。判断能否移民的根本是能否establish in Canada。 分数只是screen。你英文太差,VO会认为你不能establish in Canada。 如果你是投资或企业家移民例外

回复: 我以最低雅思分数申请,有把握吗?我不认为会被拒,分数够了就可以了。证明语言,考试只是一个途径。别灰心!

fn:10年10月25日/11年11月2日地址栏消失喜欢拍和被拍的,欢迎光临我的博客哈:http://blog.sina.com.cn/fuyoulan回复: 我以最低雅思分数申请,有把握吗?帮顶,我也担心雅思成绩低啊~~~

北京227. 2010.04.06 初料妥投悉尼 20120223 毕业 20120625 北京长登多伦多20121126 Downtown上班会被拒的。 判断能否移民的根本是能否establish in Canada。 分数只是screen。你英文太差,VO会认为你不能establish in Canada。 如果你是投资或企业家移民例外点击展开...不会吧,语言可以落地再学呀。VO这都不明白?

HK227,10年4月7日投妥,6月15日 RN ,10月6日FN,11年8月9日山寨IP,8月30日正版IP地址栏消失,9月14日 ME 26日收到,10月10日体检,10.21登录费收据,11.21二宝体检,11.29 DM 2010-06-28#6 C 1,754 $0.00 根据移民法R76(1), 为了判断一个技术移民能否economically established in Canada, 他们必须按照评分标准打分。打分是为了评估申请人能否economically established in Canada。R76(3), 如果根据分数不足以判断这个技术工人能否在加拿大economically established in Canada,VO可以使用substituted evaluation来判断申请人能否 economically established in Canada。即使分数够了,VO可以使用Negative substituted evaluation来拒签, 分数不够, VO可以使用positive substituted evaluation来发签证给申请人。 这就是为什麽现在是,即使你到达了分,也是May给你签证, 以前是should给你签证。

回复: 我以最低雅思分数申请,有把握吗?CZSURGEON 说的是实情。2007年2月15日的 "Federal Court case of Kainth" 就是一个最典型的案例。Kaith 这个人得了67分。但移民官否决了申请。法官维持移民官的决定。 移民官决定的依据是Section 76(3) of the Regulations state: 76(3) Whether or not the skilled worker has been awarded the minimum number of required points referred to in subsection (2), an officer may substitute for the criteria set out in paragraph (1)(a) their evaluation of the likelihood of the ability of the skilled worker to become economically established in Canada if the number of points awarded is not a sufficient indicator of whether the skilled worker may become economically established in Canada (emphasis added). [FONT=宋体]移民官笔录原文:“…I am not satisfied that the points that he [the applicant] has been awarded are a sufficient indicator of the likelihood of his ability to become “economically established” in Canada. I have made this determination because [the applicant] is at a stage of his career where it would be difficult to change direction and he has stated he does not intend to pursue being a paralegal in Canada but rather that he would do “any job in Toronto”. In addition, because of his limited English abilities [the applicant] stated he would interact only with other Punjabi speakers. This indicates he does not intend to integrate into Canadian society as a whole but rather to remain within his own community. [The applicant’s] spouse has a Master’s Degree, however, she does not speak English and her experience would not likely be relevant in Canada. I do not feel that the number of points awarded (68) are a sufficient indicator of the [applicant’s] ability to become economically established in Canada.”[FONT=宋体] [FONT=宋体]法官判词原文: [H]e was remarkably vague as to how he intended to support himself in Canada, indicated that he intended to restrict his integration into Canadian society to a very limited element of that society and the reality that the applicant’s spouse, though highly educated, did not have experience that would likely be relevant in Canada.Against the standard of review of reasonableness simplicitier, I am satisfied that the Officer’s determination to rely on negative discretion or negative substituted evaluation to reject the applicant’s application for permanent residence in Canada by reason of her concern that the points of assessment awarded to him were not a sufficient indicator of the applicant’s ability to become economically established in Canada, was open to her.ConclusionBased on the foregoing brief analysis, I have concluded that this application for judicial review should be dismissed.[/FONT] [/FONT][/FONT]

回复: 我以最低雅思分数申请,有把握吗?有谁知道 Kainth的雅思得几分吗?

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