加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥


上回我发信问,VO回说"We are anticipating to finalize you case around June-July 2010。"我的理解是6到7月之间。照说也该轮到咱们了。

回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?哎,别提了……我得到的回复还不如你这个答复有含金量,而且特别有挫败感,觉得人家VO就是在告诉我,不要拿借护照的理由来要挟,人家不怕,你愿意借就发传真,而且还护照完了耽误了DM也是你自己的过错……我先前构思的将7月初出差的邀请函和行程发给人家,另外附上了一个7月底准备登陆温哥华的机票预订单,希望VO看了能尽快给DM,或者至少能相对明确地答复我是不是需要借护照或者很快会DM之类的答复,结果人家VO拖了将近一周后,给我的答复是你随时可以借护照,就是别忘了用完尽快还……没辙,我想了想,现在DM对我来说比出差更有价值,更重要;所以我周末又回信说已经安排了同事替我出差,我会耐心等DM,而且全家已经做好了随时登陆的准备,希望人家能尽快给VISA!我把往来邮件的梗概在后面贴出来,希望大家可以参考吧。

回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?From: [FONT=宋体]大[/FONT]DTo: VOSubject: RE: Immigration Section Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 17:49:04 +0800Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for the reply to my question. I had a talk with my superior and colleagues after receiving your email reply yesterday that I am really concerned about my immigration application. Since borrowing passport may lead to a delay to my case finalization, I have decided not to borrow it at this time. One of my colleagues will attend the MXX Event instead of me. I will patiently wait for the immigration visa and I hope visa officers to know that my families and I are well prepared for moving to Canada now. Thank you very much for your attention and patience. Respectfully yours, ​Subject: FW: Immigration Section Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 09:05:21 +0800From: VOTo: [FONT=宋体]大[/FONT]D Dear[FONT=宋体]大[/FONT]D, Please be advised that if you wish to borrow your passport you may do so at anytime. Henceforth, you cannot pick up documents in person at the Embassy. You can send a written request to borrow passport at any time to the Embassy by fax to: (86-10) 5139-4449. Please make sure that you clearly indicate your request, as well as your name, date of birth and file number, along with the address in Chinese characters where you would like us to send the passports and your original signature. Please remember that you need to return the passport for the case to be finalized otherwise there may be delays in issuing the visa.We hope this answers your question, know that we will not action your request unless you send us a fax.Yours sincerely,Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of ChinaWeb site: www.beijing.gc.caEmail: [email protected]From: [FONT=宋体]大[/FONT]DSent: May 31, 2010 6:16 PMTo: VOSubject: Immigration SectionImportance: HighDear Sir or Madam, My name is [FONT=宋体]……[/FONT] I write this letter to inquire about the progress of my application case. I submitted my passport on April 1 2010 and my families’ as well. I am very concerned about when my case could be finished and I could have my passport back, because I received an invitation from MXX Company today to take part in their International Event in Japan on July 5 2010. To obtain Japanese Visa, I need to go to the Japan Embassy for the Visa in more than 2 weeks advance. I enclose herewith copies of the Invitation letter from MXX and the Booking List of the flight tickets of my family travelling to Vancouver in July. I am looking forward to a reply at your earliest convenience and very grateful for your attention and patience. Respectfully yours,

回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?计划不如变化快。

回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?From: [FONT=宋体]大[/FONT]DTo: VOSubject: RE: Immigration Section Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 17:49:04 +0800Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you for the reply to my question.I had a talk with my superior and colleagues after receiving your email reply yesterday that I am really concerned about my immigration application. Since borrowing passport may lead to a delay to my case finalization, I have decided not to borrow it at this time. One of my colleagues will attend the MXX Event instead of me. I will patiently wait for the immigration visa and I hope visa officers to know that my families and I are well prepared for moving to Canada now.Thank you very much for your attention and patience. Respectfully yours, Subject: FW: Immigration Section Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 09:05:21 +0800From: VOTo: [FONT=宋体]大[/FONT]D Dear[FONT=宋体]大[/FONT]D, Please be advised that if you wish to borrow your passport you may do so at anytime. Henceforth, you cannot pick up documents in person at the Embassy. You can send a written request to borrow passport at any time to the Embassy by fax to: (86-10) 5139-4449. Please make sure that you clearly indicate your request, as well as your name, date of birth and file number, along with the address in Chinese characters where you would like us to send the passports and your original signature. Please remember that you need to return the passport for the case to be finalized otherwise there may be delays in issuing the visa.We hope this answers your question, know that we will not action your request unless you send us a fax.Yours sincerely,Visa and Immigration Section Canadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of China Web site: www.beijing.gc.caEmail: [email protected] From: [FONT=宋体]大[/FONT]DSent: May 31, 2010 6:16 PMTo: VOSubject: Immigration SectionImportance: HighDear Sir or Madam, My name is [FONT=宋体]……[/FONT] I write this letter to inquire about the progress of my application case. I submitted my passport on April 1 2010 and my families’ as well. I am very concerned about when my case could be finished and I could have my passport back, because I received an invitation from MXX Company today to take part in their International Event in Japan on July 5 2010. To obtain Japanese Visa, I need to go to the Japan Embassy for the Visa in more than 2 weeks advance. I enclose herewith copies of the Invitation letter from MXX and the Booking List of the flight tickets of my family travelling to Vancouver in July. I am looking forward to a reply at your earliest convenience and very grateful for your attention and patience. Respectfully yours,点击展开...超善良的大D,为你吼DM!!!!


回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?大D啊,VO很明显再问你是早要签证还是晚要签证啊,估计这月差不多了,他们现在可能正准备给你贴签呢,你一发信借他们又放下了,呵呵,我们可还等你打响第一炮呢。快胜利了,忍会儿吧。

回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?真是没啥说的了,希望我们这个月有个定论吧。。。。。

Tomorrow is Another Day!回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?相信这是黎明前的黑暗,再耐心等等就会天亮了

其实我是个天使,因为体重的原因,我回不了天堂Not forever but a perfum回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?我也觉得快了,你看他说Please remember that you need to return the passport for the case to be finalized otherwise there may be delays in issuing the visa.我看这句话的潜台词就是:这几天就给你整完了,你要是借护照给耽误了可不管.

回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?呵呵,大D兄弟处理的不错,专心等visa吧,没几天了,别让一个出差给耽误了。

双手劳动 慰藉心灵回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?就是,耐心等几天,希望早日听到你的好消息。

回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?大D... 一起等吧!

fn:2007.6-6 / 2010- 7-12 邮局领回大信封!回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?等。。。。等。。。。等。。。。等!

Toronto 哈哈,怎么感觉牛牛这里所说的超善良是有潜台词的捏……我吓理解啊,是不是牛牛感觉我被VO随便一个答复给吓到了呢?点击展开...哪有潜台词,现在我是史上最耐心的等候者了,呵呵。超善良是因为觉得你把这些和大家分享,且辛苦贴出来,好棒!和VO内容无关哈。VO就是虚张声势。不过你还是能说服老板让别人去,也免得纠结了!大家都觉得你马上就该毕业了喔!

2006.09.21FN|2008.08.20S2|2009.01.15转入北京状态14|2009.02.11状态12|2009年4月30日补料|2009.05.18状态8|2009.05.20日状态6|2009.06.16状态2|2009.12.16状态1|2009.03状态12|>回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?支持大D!

回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?哪有潜台词,现在我是史上最耐心的等候者了,呵呵。超善良是因为觉得你把这些和大家分享,且辛苦贴出来,好棒!和VO内容无关哈。VO就是虚张声势。不过你还是能说服老板让别人去,也免得纠结了!大家都觉得你马上就该毕业了喔!点击展开...newtton也很快会来好消息啦!你把登陆后的苦难都在国内捱过了,以后的一切都会顺利的~!

回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?newtton也很快会来好消息啦!你把登陆后的苦难都在国内捱过了,以后的一切都会顺利的~!点击展开...谢谢大圣!也祝大圣一切顺利!

2006.09.21FN|2008.08.20S2|2009.01.15转入北京状态14|2009.02.11状态12|2009年4月30日补料|2009.05.18状态8|2009.05.20日状态6|2009.06.16状态2|2009.12.16状态1|2009.03状态12|>回复: 大D兄弟的护照借出来了吗?VO怎么说的?咱们啥时候能变态?为大D加油!

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