加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗



回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗我感觉是1年

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗1122吧。1122我的理解其核心是对公司管理流程、管理方法、质量控制的咨询、建议、改进、计划、审核,从概念上应该是游离于公司流程之外的,对流程进行改进和监控的,所以我的理解是您的1年配件部经理应该不属于1122。但这个职业刚出现在列表,还比较陌生,具体操作起来会是什么样子,VO是怎么理解的,都还不得而知。工作经验分算7年。只要这7年都在过去10年之内,都是全职。

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗不符合工作经验7年, 计算分数的0年。你这种情况要移民的话1 AEO, LMO, PNP2 魁北克,要看两个人的专业3 留学转移民,现在BC省和安省的硕士可以直接移民了。本人情况:6年大学教师工作经验,现在汽车4S店任配件部经理,就是管理汽车配件,库存分析、订货这些的,已干了一年。MBA学历,学位都有。请高手帮忙分析下符合1121吗?还有就是工作经验是只能算1年,还是7年的。感激中!点击展开...

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗说错了,就是1122,感觉企业内部流程管理的应该都符合啊,工作经验个人觉得应该算7年,紧缺的1年,其他6年。不知各位认为对不

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗不符合工作经验7年, 计算分数的0年。你这种情况要移民的话1 AEO, LMO, PNP2 魁北克,要看两个人的专业3 留学转移民,现在BC省和安省的硕士可以直接移民了。点击展开...我来较真了,撇开1122不谈,计算工作分数到底是7年还是0年

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗以前是7年, 227 和626以后, 他不符合MI的NOC, 当然就是0了, 不能满足skill worker class的定义了。见 R75(2)我来较真了,撇开1122不谈,计算工作分数到底是7年还是0年点击展开...

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗以前是7年, 227 和626以后, 他不符合MI的NOC, 当然就是0了, 不能满足skill worker class的定义了。见 R75(2)点击展开...227不是很多人都只有1年紧缺,其他工作经验都是0、A、B的,都已经拿到签证了啊?为什么非说一定要4年都是紧缺呢?Work experience requirementsYour work experience must be:for at least one year, continuous, and paid (full-time or the equivalent in part-time),这是要求1年紧缺 ANDSkill Type 0 (managerial occupations) or Skill Level A (professional occupations) or B (technical occupations and skilled trades) on the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC) list, 这是说明其他工作经验要在0、A、B中,ANDwithin the last 10 years 要求最近10年内的.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who.asp人家也没说只有紧缺的工作才能算工作经验分啊......

2013年春,开始蒙城新生活回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗1122 consulant全部符合,企业内部流程(管理流程、业务流程)改进的人都符合。符合这个条件的人太多了。 我到底这个职业符不符合1122阿!或者是7216 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades 包括加热、制冷、空调、磨粉、电梯等安装的承包商以及管理汽车服务、机器和运输设备和其他机械类的主管。可以往汽车服务上靠不

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗以前是7年, 227 和626以后, 他不符合MI的NOC, 当然就是0了, 不能满足skill worker class的定义了。见 R75(2)点击展开...我已经说了撇开1122不谈,就是假设他符合1122,工作经验是算1年还是算7年。skill worker class的定义是什么?根据CIC的Who can apply,For your application to be eligible for processing, you must:*include the results of your official language proficiency test, AND*have a valid offer of arranged employment, OR*have one year of continuous full-time paid work experience in at least one of the occupations listed here. Work experience requirements Your work experience must be:*for at least one year, continuous, and paid (full-time or the equivalent in part-time), AND*Skill Type 0 (managerial occupations) or Skill Level A (professional occupations) or B (technical occupations and skilled trades) on the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC) list, AND*within the last 10 yearsAEO不谈,普通FSW我们只看黑字部分,说明必须有一年以上符合列表NOC(38项或29项)的连续全日制工作经历,下面说明这个工作经历必须是全日制、在0AB之内(38项或29项本身就在0AB之内),前10年内的。这不是skill worker class的定义吗?或者说,普通FSW的eligibility。“skill worker class的定义”,和工作经验分,完全是两码事,一个是判断eligibility,另一个是符合eligibility后的assessment。没有1年紧缺经历(而不是0AB经历)的eligibility,就不会进入assessment,而assessment中的工作经验分,只要求0AB类,我上次贴过,根据官方的self-assessment tool里工作经验分的部分:Factor 3 Work Experience (maximum 21 points) You must have at least one year of full-time paid work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work. This experience must:*be in an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) list and*be listed in an occupation listed in Skill Type 0 or Skill Levels A or B of the NOC and*have occurred in the past 10 years. You must have performed most of the duties, including all the essential duties, that are listed for the occupation.没有提到必须是紧缺列表(38项或29项)的经历举个例子,一位走227的同学10年内做了3年2173,然后做了1年0213,符合227门槛是没有问题的,工作经验分算几分呢?15分?还是21分?类似这样的同学恐怕多得很吧,要是都算15分,他们的签证都要还回去了。

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗这个问题在227之前是没有争议的, 根据R75计算工作经验。我和你理解的分歧在于Minister Instruction对工作经验的限定的范围到哪里. 是 限于screen呢, 还是一直到后面的assessment.这个现在没有标准答案, 没有Case Law. 只是大家的理解。即使在VO的手册上也没有明确标出, 也许要等有人judicial review后, 我们才能看到case law了。我的观点是认为一直延伸到后面的打分, 理由如下:1 R75也是对工作经验有限定的, 就是0, A, B. 而C类还不行, 是不是也可以看成范围比较大的职业限定。2 Ministerial Instructions,227 Federal Skilled Worker applications submitted on or after February 27, 2008, meeting the following criteria shall be placed into processing immediately upon receipt:Applications from skilled workers with evidence of experience (see footnote 1) under one or more of the following National Occupation Classification (NOC) categories:在这里, Minister要求的是在227 NOC里的工作经验, 然后, 在footnote 里才指明要满足一年。 为什麽? 因为根据R75(2)(a), 只有满足1年的连续工作才能算是skill worker class. 626里同样也是这样行文。3 在VO的手册里,对minimum的要求是这样的:没有提到职业限制,而事实上,这个minimal requirement在MI中已经定义为227 或626职业限定了。所以VO在判断这个的时候, 默认为之在227职业限定里了。10.1. Minimal requirementsThe officer reviews the applicant’s work experience to determine if the applicant meets theminimal requirements to apply as a skilled worker, as stipulated in R75.The applicant must have at least one year of continuous full-time paid work experience, or thecontinuous part-time equivalent, in the category of Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B, according tothe Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC).The work experience which will be assessed for all skilled worker applicants must:• have occurred within the 10 years preceding the date of application;• not be in an occupation that is considered a restricted occupation. At the time of printing, therewere no occupations designated as restricted. However, for the most up-to-date listing, refer tothe Skilled Workers and Professionals Web page athttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/index.asp.The applicant must have:• performed the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation (or occupations) asset out in the occupational description of the NOC (R75(2)(b));• performed a substantial number of the main duties, including all of the essential duties, of theoccupation as set out in the occupational description of the NOC (R75(2)(c)).4 对于这类比较含糊的地方, 如果没有case law或其他书面的官方解释, 我们的任何猜想都是无效的, 只是, 就我的理解, 我认为VO会按照限定职业来评估工作经验, 因为职业限定的目的是为了引进紧缺人才,就像一个工程师,5年IT工作经验, 然后上了4年医学院,作为医生工作1年, 符合626, 难道他的工作经验要算6年?这个看起来和设定紧缺专业的初衷不符呀!5 当然, 这些都是个人的理解, 只是希望大家在准备材料靠的时候, 尽量的把合适的工作年限做长,当然, 如果时间真的短, 在这个形势下, 总要试一试的。6 通常在配额多,申请人少的情况下, VO会使用positive substitute evaluation放一批不够分的人, 03年的75分新法施行后, 有不少不够分的人,都最后通过了,所以, 如果如果因为这个工作经验计算而犹豫的同学, 只要符合投的条件, 赶紧投, 也许就会通过。一家之言, 供商榷.我已经说了撇开1122不谈,就是假设他符合1122,工作经验是算1年还是算7年。skill worker class的定义是什么?根据CIC的Who can apply,For your application to be eligible for processing, you must:*include the results of your official language proficiency test, AND*have a valid offer of arranged employment, OR*have one year of continuous full-time paid work experience in at least one of the occupations listed here. Work experience requirements Your work experience must be:*for at least one year, continuous, and paid (full-time or the equivalent in part-time), AND*Skill Type 0 (managerial occupations) or Skill Level A (professional occupations) or B (technical occupations and skilled trades) on the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC) list, AND*within the last 10 yearsAEO不谈,普通FSW我们只看黑字部分,说明必须有一年以上符合列表NOC(38项或29项)的连续全日制工作经历,下面说明这个工作经历必须是全日制、在0AB之内(38项或29项本身就在0AB之内),前10年内的。这不是skill worker class的定义吗?或者说,普通FSW的eligibility。“skill worker class的定义”,和工作经验分,完全是两码事,一个是判断eligibility,另一个是符合eligibility后的assessment。没有1年紧缺经历(而不是0AB经历)的eligibility,就不会进入assessment,而assessment中的工作经验分,只要求0AB类,我上次贴过,根据官方的self-assessment tool里工作经验分的部分:Factor 3 Work Experience (maximum 21 points) You must have at least one year of full-time paid work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work. This experience must:*be in an occupation listed in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) list and*be listed in an occupation listed in Skill Type 0 or Skill Levels A or B of the NOC and*have occurred in the past 10 years. You must have performed most of the duties, including all the essential duties, that are listed for the occupation.没有提到必须是紧缺列表(38项或29项)的经历举个例子,一位走227的同学10年内做了3年2173,然后做了1年0213,符合227门槛是没有问题的,工作经验分算几分呢?15分?还是21分?类似这样的同学恐怕多得很吧,要是都算15分,他们的签证都要还回去了。点击展开...

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗3 在VO的手册里,对minimum的要求是这样的:没有提到职业限制,而事实上,这个minimal requirement在MI中已经定义为227 或626职业限定了。所以VO在判断这个的时候, 默认为之在227职业限定里了。10.1. Minimal requirementsThe officer reviews the applicant’s work experience to determine if the applicant meets theminimal requirements to apply as a skilled worker, as stipulated in R75.The applicant must have at least one year of continuous full-time paid work experience, or thecontinuous part-time equivalent, in the category of Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B, according tothe Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC).The work experience which will be assessed for all skilled worker applicants must:• have occurred within the 10 years preceding the date of application;• not be in an occupation that is considered a restricted occupation. At the time of printing, therewere no occupations designated as restricted. However, for the most up-to-date listing, refer tothe Skilled Workers and Professionals Web page athttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra...lled/index.asp.The applicant must have:• performed the actions described in the lead statement for the occupation (or occupations) asset out in the occupational description of the NOC (R75(2)(b));• performed a substantial number of the main duties, including all of the essential duties, of theoccupation as set out in the occupational description of the NOC (R75(2)(c)).点击展开...我比较奇怪的是,你一直强调的这个“Minimal requirements”,只是227的门槛,这和我说的eligibility是一致的,也就是说这个一年的工作经历,的确是需要符合紧缺(38或29)的,也就是MI描述的紧缺NOC,否则根本就不会process。而你给出的所有资料都并没有指明会将此延伸到assessment,“assessment”和“Minimal requirements”在我的理解中仍然是两个完全隔离的部分,而且现在没有任何官方文字证明在assessment中的工作经验打分要全部紧缺经历,不是这样吗?我想分歧就在于此。要证明其实很简单,只要看是否有同学是符合我说的情况,紧缺经历在4年以下,而工作分算了超过紧缺经历年份的分数才到67分,但拿到签证的,就可以明确了。

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗我现在只想知道我的专业符合1122不,

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗我在3楼回答过了,那是我的理解,仅供参考。

回复: 请各位高手帮我看看我的专业符合626的1121吗我也被拒在626之外了,个人感觉1122其实很有限,对任职的公司有要求:They are employed by management consulting firms, advertising agencies and throughout the public and private sectors or are self-employed.

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