加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民没等来RN ,等来了拒信。


今天中午中介给我打电话,说初审被拒了,,,然后说是我的职业的问题,我就给他们经理打电话,他们经理很牛的说,那没办法,,这个是移民局的决定,。信件如下,, Dear Madam: We have received your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker Class on 08 April 2010. The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008. These instructions specify that only applicants who have an offer of Arranged Employment, applicants who are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student, or applicants who have work experience in certain listed occupations are eligible to be processed in the Federal Skilled Worker class. You have not indicated in your application that you have an Arranged Employment Offer or that you are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student. Your application has therefore been assessed on the basis of whether you have work experience in the list of occupations eligible for processing. These occupations are identified by codes and described in the National Occupational Classification (NOC). You may access the list of eligible occupations at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp#list You have indicated that you have work experience in an occupation with the following NOC code: 4131- Training Teacher. Although this NOC code corresponds to the occupations specified in the instructions identified by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008, the main duties that you have listed do not indicate that you performed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational description of the NOC, including all of the essential duties. As such, I am not satisfied that your experience corresponds to NOC 4131- College and Other Vocational Instructors. For the reasons outlined above, your application does not meet the requirements of the Ministerial Instructions and your application is not eligible for processing.[FONT='Arial','sans-serif'][/FONT]

回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。又是老师啊…………哎

回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。是培训呢,,,

回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。给我的感觉似乎是CIO最近在集中火力清除非29项职业的申请

回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。看来还是你自己的职业定位和使馆的要求不一样,如果还想移民,看看其他路子了。祝好

QQ:1176094097 多伦多日记(一):http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=373930&page=10北约克医院急诊回忆http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=393082回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。安慰! 最近好像有两,三个筒子被拒,这同626没关系吧??

默然相爱,寂静欢喜回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。有这感觉,对职业的把握变严了。应该是DUTY描述上的问题,现在重新讨论也于事无补了。

回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。我也是4131,lz能说说你的具体工作吗?

2010.3.22初表妥投sydney,5.8鸭熟,5.19RN,7.5补料HK妥投,7.6FN, 8.4IP=ME, VO:LI,8.20体检, 2011.6.7MER, 6.1PL(纸质),6.13收到PL,6.15护照妥投,7.1大信封今天中午中介给我打电话,说初审被拒了,,,然后说是我的职业的问题,我就给他们经理打电话,他们经理很牛的说,那没办法,,这个是移民局的决定,。信件如下,, Dear Madam: We have received your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Federal Skilled Worker Class on 08 April 2010. The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism issued instructions which were published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008. These instructions specify that only applicants who have an offer of Arranged Employment, applicants who are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student, or applicants who have work experience in certain listed occupations are eligible to be processed in the Federal Skilled Worker class. You have not indicated in your application that you have an Arranged Employment Offer or that you are legally residing in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or an International Student. Your application has therefore been assessed on the basis of whether you have work experience in the list of occupations eligible for processing. These occupations are identified by codes and described in the National Occupational Classification (NOC). You may access the list of eligible occupations at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp#list You have indicated that you have work experience in an occupation with the following NOC code: 4131- Training Teacher. Although this NOC code corresponds to the occupations specified in the instructions identified by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and published in the Canada Gazette on 28 November 2008, the main duties that you have listed do not indicate that you performed a substantial number of the main duties of the occupation as set out in the occupational description of the NOC, including all of the essential duties. As such, I am not satisfied that your experience corresponds to NOC 4131- College and Other Vocational Instructors. For the reasons outlined above, your application does not meet the requirements of the Ministerial Instructions and your application is not eligible for processing.[FONT='Arial','sans-serif'][/font]点击展开... 再接再厉

回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。是duty的描述和4131不太符合,这是移民局的看法,你如果修改一下你的duty description,使之符合4131的main duty才行。不过现在4131也给踢出来了,这一年内想办,估计只能走魁北克或者其他途径了

回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。唉,,,是的,,,请问还有什么办法么,,,运气不好啊

回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。唉,,,是的,,,请问还有什么办法么,,,运气不好啊点击展开...魁北克和澳洲,最近老师拒的好多啊,看来我要开始学法语了

2010.3.22初表妥投sydney,5.8鸭熟,5.19RN,7.5补料HK妥投,7.6FN, 8.4IP=ME, VO:LI,8.20体检, 2011.6.7MER, 6.1PL(纸质),6.13收到PL,6.15护照妥投,7.1大信封回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。你的main duties写的跟4131差距很大吗?

6.11寄出初表,遭遇626新政,祈祷顺利拿到RN~回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。职责照着 NOC 抄就可以了,肯定不会错

2007年2月8日fn2012年2月13日S2回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。安慰LZ 一下。走魁省吧,抓紧,祝好运!

回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。中介应该会抄这个职责啊,怎么还会不符合呢?

6.11寄出初表,遭遇626新政,祈祷顺利拿到RN~回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。要是想走魁省也要尽快啊,很多时候魁省是跟着联邦走的,227的时候就是这样。

QQ:1176094097 多伦多日记(一):http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=373930&page=10北约克医院急诊回忆http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=393082回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。看了4月的统计贴里面没有楼主。看来也是个超级潜水员。

2009年:10/1下定决心移民。2010年:1/11收到清华认证;4/28鸭熟,0213,自评67分;4/30初表DHL寄出;5/05妥投;8/05扣款;10/28RN到;11/01补料妥投BJ。2011年:2/17FN; 2012年:2/24要求补料; 4/11IP4句话 提高英文+快乐生活......回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。能不能贴一下你的duty呢?

2010年5-26RN,北京,6-4FN6-17到家;11月4号变6;11月9号ip;11月25号变12; 2011年2-11电子ME;2-14变5;2-20上午体检,2-21邮寄护照;DM:2011101820111028~~VISA到,。。。。回复: 没等来RN ,等来了拒信。4131往培训上靠本来就不太靠谱吧。。。

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