加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民紧急求助,紧急啊!
deadline就要到了,可是SW补料中2.3项的表格就是下载不来.具体就是副审不去的话,要填个对小孩子去无意见的表格,一定要链接提供的标准格式,可是链接打不开,哪位能提供一下啊,不胜感激! SW中这样写的2.3 For an applicant accompanied by a minor child whose other parent is not going to Canada: notarized copy of a letter of authorization and no-objection signed by the non-accompanying parent. Please note that only the form provided by the Embassy should be used and it should be accompanied by a photocopy of the national identity card of the non-accompanying parent. Click here to download the form 链接是http://geo.international.gc.ca/asia/china/immigration/beijing/documents/FCU-628-EN-No_Objection-Separation_Declaration.pdf可就是打不开急啊急啊,咋办呢?
回复: 紧急求助,紧急啊!额。。我也试了好几遍,同样打不开,抱歉,没帮到你。。。希望你顺利吧。
Vancouver回复: 紧急求助,紧急啊!终于在家园里给我搜到了
回复: 紧急求助,紧急啊!SW里面那些链接好像都打不开了,只能在家园找前辈发的了,Good Luck!
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