加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问体检的时间会影响pl的时间吗?



回复: 请问体检的时间会影响pl的时间吗?只要在时限内都没问题

回复: 请问体检的时间会影响pl的时间吗?我是5月19日香港签发的me,大概6月份收到。但当时正好很忙所以体检加最后的材料寄出才刚刚在他要求的60天期限内,7月10号左右最后的材料才寄出。请问这个会影响pl的时间吗?知道的吼一声,谢谢!点击展开...我也有此疑问:体检之后的审理顺序是按照体检结果到达使馆的时间排期还是按体检表发放的时间亦或是按照FN的顺序呢?


2011/9 长登GATINEAU我猜想应该是按照体检结果和体检后的补料到达的先后排期审理。点击展开...应当是按照到达顺序,否则如果某个人如果过期了还在等他岂不是没有天理了吗?

2007.8.13 DHL HK2008.1.25 签发FN 2008.2.3 收到回复: 请问体检的时间会影响pl的时间吗?附使馆处理案子的方法: All about BF'D :-Only for some of us who didn't know...BF'D is an acronym for "Bring Forward Date" in the Canadian PR processing system. Usually our file moves from BF'D to BF'D, as it is the day/date next earmarked by our VO to check our file. This actually serves to eliminate unnecessary clogging of the system... that if there is nothing further to add in a particular file, the VO moves to another case file to work on, rather than holding onto the same one.What happens on a BF'DIn simple terms it is the date that the file will be looked at [again], assessed, reviewed by your case handling officer at the CHC. S/he will check if anything is lacking, any further queries to be made [to you], any documents to be asked or if any decisive action is to be made/taken. Basically it serves as a 'Reminder Tool' to the case processing officer & that your file is not 'forgotten'.Now, if the VO observes that something is lacking [that which was asked for], s/he will probably attempt to contact you on this BF'D day and mark another BF'D on your file. This depends on the subject of check [the all time phrase 'Case-to-Case' basis]. Sometimes, if the check report warrants, the VO might not give you another opportunity and take a decisive action. Note: The situation is fluid & no one can really provide a sanguine comment on it.Will the file be 'only' looked at a BF'DNo. If something like reports, results, documents etc. [eg. background/security checks] comes to the CHC in between, your file gets opened and assessed. However, if nothing is received in between, you get another BF'D. Note once again: If they are waiting for something and it comes as expected then the file continues to be processed further, if not then the file will be next reviewed on the BFD 'only'. An ExampleEvery time we get a letter/email from the CHC -it carries a 'time limit' to submit something, right? Say 45 days, 60 days or 90 days... the ending day of that time limit is our next BF'D. As an example, if the CHC sent you a medical request [alongwith the forms] on 02 Jan 2010; and it carries a 60 day's deadline -it means your file has been marked with the next BF'D of 01 Mar 2010. However, if your medical results are received before the BF'D [01 Mar 2010], say on 05 Feb 2010 -your file will be further processed on that day itself [05 Feb 2010]. If the med results didn't come by earlier, then it will be opened on 01 Mar 2010 -the BF'D day. How many BF'Ds we getSome BF'Ds are 'routine', as exampled above. Then there are some which is either case generated or because of us. By 'case generated' I mean, [eg.] if one's Security Report is pending from an external agency -the VO gives a BF'D & waits. If the report comes in time, action is taken. If it doesn't, one gets another BF'D. And the situation continues...By 'because of us'* I mean if the VO had asked us for a document [or a couple of them]. It is wise that we proceed to submit the document/s asap. Reason? The case moves faster [read: it'll open before the BF'D]. If we don't, s/he may try to contact us on the BF'D day & log another BF'D on our file [result: Delay/s].Delays due to BF'DsAs stated above, except the 'routine' ones, other BF'Ds do delay our process. At the least [best scenario] each BF'D would be a month apart. Some might be more. The ideal action on our part is to submit anything that has been asked for asap. That would negate a BF'D. However, there can be times that something we just might not be able to send asap. In that case we 'must' send it by the 'deadline' -that'd avoid another BF'D, won't it?*Many Consultants [so called agents] erroneously advise us otherwise. Stating, "Oh you got the meds, don't worry you have time till 60 days to do it". That's a 'bull'. I'd advise -do it asap, if the speed of your case process matters to you.This post I chose to write 'coz many members are either clueless about the BF'D issue or take it lightly. Which, albeit causes delays [without our actual intention]. Moreover, there are repeated queries on the subject in various threads. I hope this helped...Qorax

2009.12.8 悉尼妥投;2010.2.12 RN;2010.3.22 补料妥投HK;2010.4.22 收到FN;2010.5.20 IP;2010.6.7 收到ME;2010.6.15 体检;2011.2.22 MER;2011.3.1PL到,签发日期2011.2.18;2011.3.3护照寄出;2011.3.22 DM;2011.3.23 大信封到;2011.6.4温哥华入关;2011.8.3 Process Engineer 面试;2011.8.19 收到Offer回复: 请问体检的时间会影响pl的时间吗?多谢LS,明白些了。请问LS是打哪知道这些的?

COOL![FONT=宋体][/FONT]回复: 请问体检的时间会影响pl的时间吗?看来还是早点补料好啊!主要是政府的工作效率是在太差,办个手续相当费劲啊!!!!唉!!!

回复: 请问体检的时间会影响pl的时间吗?我猜想应该是按照体检结果和体检后的补料到达的先后排期审理。点击展开...偶是通过中介办理的,中介告知按最后收到补料的时间计算。

虫虫飞2006.09.10 FN(VO是ISK)2010.04.30 ME(6月初体检)2010.10.19 MER2010.10.26 PL附使馆处理案子的方法: All about BF'D :-Only for some of us who didn't know...BF'D is an acronym for "Bring Forward Date" in the Canadian PR processing system. Usually our file moves from BF'D to BF'D, as it is the day/date next earmarked by our VO to check our file. This actually serves to eliminate unnecessary clogging of the system... that if there is nothing further to add in a particular file, the VO moves to another case file to work on, rather than holding onto the same one.What happens on a BF'DIn simple terms it is the date that the file will be looked at [again], assessed, reviewed by your case handling officer at the CHC. S/he will check if anything is lacking, any further queries to be made [to you], any documents to be asked or if any decisive action is to be made/taken. Basically it serves as a 'Reminder Tool' to the case processing officer & that your file is not 'forgotten'.Now, if the VO observes that something is lacking [that which was asked for], s/he will probably attempt to contact you on this BF'D day and mark another BF'D on your file. This depends on the subject of check [the all time phrase 'Case-to-Case' basis]. Sometimes, if the check report warrants, the VO might not give you another opportunity and take a decisive action. Note: The situation is fluid & no one can really provide a sanguine comment on it.Will the file be 'only' looked at a BF'DNo. If something like reports, results, documents etc. [eg. background/security checks] comes to the CHC in between, your file gets opened and assessed. However, if nothing is received in between, you get another BF'D. Note once again: If they are waiting for something and it comes as expected then the file continues to be processed further, if not then the file will be next reviewed on the BFD 'only'. An ExampleEvery time we get a letter/email from the CHC -it carries a 'time limit' to submit something, right? Say 45 days, 60 days or 90 days... the ending day of that time limit is our next BF'D. As an example, if the CHC sent you a medical request [alongwith the forms] on 02 Jan 2010; and it carries a 60 day's deadline -it means your file has been marked with the next BF'D of 01 Mar 2010. However, if your medical results are received before the BF'D [01 Mar 2010], say on 05 Feb 2010 -your file will be further processed on that day itself [05 Feb 2010]. If the med results didn't come by earlier, then it will be opened on 01 Mar 2010 -the BF'D day. How many BF'Ds we getSome BF'Ds are 'routine', as exampled above. Then there are some which is either case generated or because of us. By 'case generated' I mean, [eg.] if one's Security Report is pending from an external agency -the VO gives a BF'D & waits. If the report comes in time, action is taken. If it doesn't, one gets another BF'D. And the situation continues...By 'because of us'* I mean if the VO had asked us for a document [or a couple of them]. It is wise that we proceed to submit the document/s asap. Reason? The case moves faster [read: it'll open before the BF'D]. If we don't, s/he may try to contact us on the BF'D day & log another BF'D on our file [result: Delay/s].Delays due to BF'DsAs stated above, except the 'routine' ones, other BF'Ds do delay our process. At the least [best scenario] each BF'D would be a month apart. Some might be more. The ideal action on our part is to submit anything that has been asked for asap. That would negate a BF'D. However, there can be times that something we just might not be able to send asap. In that case we 'must' send it by the 'deadline' -that'd avoid another BF'D, won't it?*Many Consultants [so called agents] erroneously advise us otherwise. Stating, "Oh you got the meds, don't worry you have time till 60 days to do it". That's a 'bull'. I'd advise -do it asap, if the speed of your case process matters to you.This post I chose to write 'coz many members are either clueless about the BF'D issue or take it lightly. Which, albeit causes delays [without our actual intention]. Moreover, there are repeated queries on the subject in various threads. I hope this helped...Qorax点击展开...总结:ASAP

回复: 请问体检的时间会影响pl的时间吗?sorbuct提供的信息很有用!

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