加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 调查表明 曼省提名计划相当成
曼省移民部长Jennifer Howard近日公布了一份独立调查研究报告,该报告显示,到目前为止,曼省提名计划(Manitoba's Provincial Nominee Program)进行得相当成功。该报告由温尼泊大学的汤姆卡特教授做出,报告对省提名计划做出了全面评估,整体而言,通过提名计划移来到曼省的移民在就业、买房、家庭安置等方面都相当成功,移民部长称,该报告也为曼省政府在吸引移民方面进行下一步工作提供了很好的帮助。报告中主要内容统计内容有:85%通过提名计划的移民在落地三个月内都找到了工作,其中89%找到了固定职业。83%找到的都是专业对口的工作。在曼省生活三年到五年后,76%的提名者都有了房子。提名者对安家和语言培训服务的满意度普遍很高。95%的提名者在五年内没有移居到其它省份的打算。91%的提名者通过一段时间适应后能够用英语熟练沟通。大部分提名者对落地后所生活的社区都表示满意。移民报告也显示,还有相当一部分的新移民无法获得技能资质的认同,曼省还需要在这方面多做工作,帮助新移民找到适合自己专业的工作。目前,曼省在这方面的措施包括:对有意移民曼省者事先进行语言训练和求职服务。在工作场所进行语言培训,帮助新移民更顺利地工作、升职。推动资质认证项目,帮助在国外受教育的工程师、土壤师、护士、医生、会计、幼师、金融专业人士、教师、医药工程师和助产士尽快找到对口工作。最近,加拿大联邦公布今明两年曼省提名计划的名额各为5000人,而2009年共有13500人移民曼省,其中75%都是通过省提名计划来的。
不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!回复: 调查表明 曼省提名计划相当成功官网原文: PROVINCIAL NOMINEE PROGRAM ON RIGHT TRACK: STUDYManitoba Labour and Immigration Minister Jennifer Howard today released findings of an independent study which shows the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program is a success.The evaluation by University of Winnipeg professor Dr. Tom Carter, indicates an overall positive assessment of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) and shows that nominees who come to Manitoba have mainly positive settlement experiences.“We are pleased that many newcomers are finding jobs, buying homes and building a good life with their families here in Manitoba,” said Howard. “The study also provides us with some useful information on how we can continue to improve our programs and services.”Some of the main findings of the study show that: 85 per cent of provincial nominees were working after three months and 89 per cent had permanent jobs 83 per cent were working in their fields or in a related field over time after three to five years in Manitoba, 76 per cent of nominees were homeowners there is a high level of satisfaction with the type, nature and quality of settlement and languagetraining services available 95 per cent of principal applicants do not plan on moving to another province over the next five years 91 per cent of nominees can communicate easily in English over time provincial nominees express high levels of satisfaction with their communities as a place to live and a growing proportion are engaging in community activities.“This study shows that our programs are on the right track, however the number of newcomers who have difficulty getting their credentials recognized remains too high,” said Howard.“We must continue to build on our programs to ensure that newcomers get jobs that match their skills and experience.”Manitoba government efforts to assist newcomers get jobs that match their qualifications include:more pre-arrival labour market preparation services and language training services available to provincial nominees destined to Manitoba job-specific language classes offered at the workplace to assist immigrants to function more effectively in jobs they currently hold or advance to higher positions qualifications-recognition projects for internationally educated engineers, agrologists, nurses, doctors, accountants, early-childhood educators, bank and credit union workers, teachers, medical laboratory technologists and midwives the 2007 Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Act, which ensures that registration and assessment practices are fair, transparent, objective and impartial; the Office of the Fairness Commissioner has been established to support self-regulatory bodies to comply with the fair practices outlined in the act Manitoba’s contribution to the development of the First Ministers’ Pan-Canadian Framework on Foreign Qualifications Recognition to improve the assessment and recognition pathways of internationally trained immigrants the Credentials Recognition Program, which provides financial assistance to immigrant professionals as they proceed through the licensing process set by their profession’s regulatory bodyRecently, the federal government has signalled that Manitoba’s provincial nominee program will be capped at 5,000 nominees this year and next year, said Howard. The most recent information shows that Manitoba attracted 13,500 newcomers in 2009, 75 per cent through the PNP.“The results of this survey will help us demonstrate to the federal government that Manitoba’s provincial nominee program has been successful in recruiting and retaining newcomers who help our economy grow,” said Howard.“This very successful model should be allowed to continue to grow.”The study was based on personal interviews with 100 principal applicants and 50 spouses who arrived under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.The main components of the survey included the PNP application process, pre-migration information, employment, income, language, education and training, health and other services, housing, financial assistance, settlement orientation, participation in community activities, retention issues, advice to future immigrants, and demographic and household information.
不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!回复: 调查表明 曼省提名计划相当成功The study was based on personal interviews with 100 principal applicants and 50 spouses who arrived under the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.调查样本太少,很难推出这么乐观的结论。 Recently, the federal government has signalled that Manitoba’s provincial nominee program will be capped at 5,000 nominees this year and next year, said Howard. The most recent information shows that Manitoba attracted 13,500 newcomers in 2009, 75 per cent through the PNP.如果省提名计划是成功的,为何09年进了13500个人,而今年和明年每年只有5000人?怎么计划的人数反而少呢?
美丽的夏天,美丽的Winnipeg回复: 调查表明 曼省提名计划相当成功好好看看联邦626新政就明白了。省提名成功并不代表要增加移民配额!
不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!回复: 调查表明 曼省提名计划相当成功受鼓舞 感谢。
曼尼托巴省提名详细中文指南:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=413992 回复: 调查表明 曼省提名计划相当成功
回复: 调查表明 曼省提名计划相当成功萨省怎么样呢?
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