加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?
请教大家一个问题:加拿大九个英语省(除去说法语的魁北克)里哪个城市生活成本最低?或哪些城市生活成本较低? 请知情者介绍一下,越详细越好,谢谢
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?Smaller cities include such places as Sydney, Corner Brook, Charlottetown, Moncton, TroisRivieres, Brandon, Moose Jaw, Red Deer and Kelowna. These offer most of the same public andprivate facilities and services found in the larger cities, but with a lower cost of living. 摘自CIC网站
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?请教大家一个问题:加拿大九个英语省(除去说法语的魁北克)里哪个城市生活成本最低?或哪些城市生活成本较低? 请知情者介绍一下,越详细越好,谢谢点击展开...在大城市中间,蒙特利尔生活成本最低,福利最好。 其实,即便你完全不会说法语,在蒙特利尔生活也没有任何问题,而且还能找到技术性工作。 蒙特利尔市双语城市,并不是法语城市。
08.3.25, Forms Received; 08.10.17, FN; 09.3.19, S2; 09.9.18, ME; 10.10.26, 2nd ME; 10.12.28, MER; 10.12.29, PL; 11.3.8, DM; 11.3.15, VISA Arrived移民博客――枫情蒙特利尔@光阴故事 飞行地图――梦想环游世界@蓝图初展回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?生活成本低,也要看好不好找工作吧。我觉得还是多伦多或阿省好些
NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?白马城
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?也很感兴趣
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?偶也想知道
微信:reivi_ma回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?我去过蒙特利尔,感觉还不错。。。双语城市。 另外多伦多机会多一些,成本当然也会高一点啦。。。
2006年9月投91新政,2007年2月FN...三年多无任何消息. 2010年4月撤案改投38,9/27补料BJ妥投,10/07日FN,现12,等ME中...希望ME快点来啊.... 白马城点击展开...?冷...
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?Smaller cities include such places as Sydney, Corner Brook, Charlottetown, Moncton, TroisRivieres, Brandon, Moose Jaw, Red Deer and Kelowna. These offer most of the same public andprivate facilities and services found in the larger cities, but with a lower cost of living. 摘自CIC网站点击展开...Living standard in Kelowna is high...
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?白马城点击展开...让我想起了“白马啸西风”好荒凉啊
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?Living standard in Kelowna is high...点击展开...agree. dream city. better than vancouver.
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?好像属于育空地区, 不属于9英语省范围 白马城点击展开...
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?谢谢信息提供,这些城市中有哪些同学去过或听说过?大家可以聊聊啊。 Smaller cities include such places as Sydney, Corner Brook, Charlottetown, Moncton, TroisRivieres, Brandon, Moose Jaw, Red Deer and Kelowna. These offer most of the same public andprivate facilities and services found in the larger cities, but with a lower cost of living. 摘自CIC网站点击展开...
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?看来Kelowna要排除了 agree. dream city. better than vancouver.点击展开...
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?一般说来,小城市生活成本要低一些,但是人也要保守一些,排外情绪相对大城市要重一些。
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?谢谢信息提供,这些城市中有哪些同学去过或听说过?大家可以聊聊啊。点击展开...去过:0) Victoria/Vancouver/Richmond - 不必说...1) Kamloops: desert-like city with relatively high living standard2) Kelowna: It has a large lake with very high living standard (bear in mind that UBC has a campus there, so that many people flood in)3) Jasper - Okay but it is a very small town4) Lake Louise - too small to live there5) Banff - A good small tourist town; good to find a shopkeeper job.6) Sudbury - Good to find a mining job7) Hearst - A town of less than 10,000. Forestry/paper mill jobs7) North Bay - Small and boring city9) Ottawa - Nice if you wanna do something related to government affairs/law/diplomats10) Toronto - 不必说...10.1) Hamilton - Good to find a job in heavy industry (steel, coal etc)10.2) Niagara Falls - Tourist city; good to find a shopkeeper job10.3) Kingston - Queen's University is over there. A very good place to settle down. 11) Montreal - 不必说...12) Quebec - A very nice French fortress. A must go.13) Woodstock - A small town with a college14) Fredericton - A town so loyal to the Brits such that the legislature still hangs the portraits of King George III and his Queen.15) Saint John - A commercial city in New Brunswick. Nevertheless, the city has some funny smell.16) Wolfville - nothing except a small university17) Halifax - the largest city in Atlantic Canada
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?一般说来,小城市生活成本要低一些,但是人也要保守一些,排外情绪相对大城市要重一些。点击展开...The towns in Ontario and Atlantic Canada seem to be relatively immigrant-friendly...
回复: 加拿大哪个城市生活成本最低?让我想起了“白马啸西风”好荒凉啊点击展开...我想“白马啸西风” 比白马城更好...
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