加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑你都觉得自己有被怀疑的可能性了,这个问题就随机应变呗
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑怎么随机法啊,高人
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑vo要啥材料你就交上去,他也没办法证明你是假的啊,
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑也是
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑vo要啥材料你就交上去,他也没办法证明你是假的啊,点击展开...按你这说法,所有团聚移民都不会拒签了。VO不需要证明你是假的,他觉得你是假的你要证明给他看你是真的。如果你的材料或者你面谈时回答的问题不能令他满意,没有说服他,你就是假的。没什么人回答这个问题是因为之前已经很多人问过了。你搜一下就找到了。下面想似的主题也有一堆让你参考珠。好好准备材料和面谈的答案吧。
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑担心被怀疑假结婚为什么非要选择这么敏感的时间领证呢?只要是真的就不要担心了撒~~
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑事实上,如果婚姻的唯一目的就是为了移民加拿大,那就一定会被认为是marriage of convenience。问题的要害不在于你是不是marriage of convenience,问题的要害在于你必须证明并使VO认为你不是marriage of convenience。It is illegal to be married simply to immigrate to Canada. When someone gets married for the sole reason of immigrating to Canada, this is known as a marriage of convenience.One of the first things Citizenship and Immigration Canada will do is consider whether your relationship conforms to the law. For instance, if you are married, Citizenship and Immigration Canada will look to make sure both you and your spouse were legally entitled to marry each other and whether you did everything properly. For instance, did you get a marriage license? If you are in conjugal relationship, they will look for evidence of your relationship and whether it has lasted long enough to be considered. Even if your marriage is legal, your application can be refused if the purpose of the marriage is not mutual love but a scheme to get a visa for a person who would not normally to get one. In other words, the question will be: Is your marriage what is commonly knows as a “marriage of convenience”. How do you prove that your marriage is not a “marriage of convenience”? One thing you should keep in mind that the Immigration Officer who will be looking at your relationship is, in all likelihood, a total stranger to you. As a result, the only way that he or she can really know about your relationship will be found in the package of documents you submit.While there is a long list of considerations that are looked at, at a minimum, any document that shows the following should be submitted:1. That you have a good knowledge of each other’s personal circumstances, background and family situation.2. The circumstances and duration of your courtship.3. That you have lived together (if you have lived together).4. A mutual commitment to a shared life.5. An exclusive and intimate relationship with a commitment to sexual exclusivity.6. A permanent, long-term and inter-dependant relationship physically, emotionally, financially and socially.7. The presentation of both of you as a couple.8. The fact that you are regarded by others as partners.In terms of how many documents you should provide, I always advise that you provide as many documents as the two of you have. When people have come to Canada with refused cases, the problem is not that they put in too many documents; the problem is usually that they have put in too little.打字打得我都要绕不开了。希望对你有所帮助。
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑按你这说法,所有团聚移民都不会拒签了。VO不需要证明你是假的,他觉得你是假的你要证明给他看你是真的。如果你的材料或者你面谈时回答的问题不能令他满意,没有说服他,你就是假的。没什么人回答这个问题是因为之前已经很多人问过了。你搜一下就找到了。下面想似的主题也有一堆让你参考珠。好好准备材料和面谈的答案吧。点击展开...我不懂,我是觉得,如果vo不信,要提供材料,比如两人的游玩照片,来往信件,什么什么的,就交上去,那不就是一种好的证明么?如果啥都没有,那不信也是正常的,所以我才说要啥材料就交啥材料
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑我不懂,我是觉得,如果vo不信,要提供材料,比如两人的游玩照片,来往信件,什么什么的,就交上去,那不就是一种好的证明么?如果啥都没有,那不信也是正常的,所以我才说要啥材料就交啥材料点击展开...你和Tinyhuhulp说的不是同一个问题。你的意思是说VO需要什么材料你就交什么材料,这个本身没错。而Tinyhuhulp说的是即便你把VO指定的材料交上去,如果不能使VO信服(即便你是真的),也会被拒。VO不用证明你的材料是假的,VO只要质疑你的材料是假的,就有可能拒签。
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑以我的回答为准。
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑你和Tinyhuhulp说的不是同一个问题。你的意思是说VO需要什么材料你就交什么材料,这个本身没错。而Tinyhuhulp说的是即便你把VO指定的材料交上去,如果不能使VO信服(即便你是真的),也会被拒。VO不用证明你的材料是假的,VO只要质疑你的材料是假的,就有可能拒签。点击展开...早就是这样的了
回复: 是真结婚,但二审补料期才领的结婚证会不会被怀疑我大概知道怎么办了,惊醒而后勇。感谢各位大侠古道心肠!!Any further info. could i get, please felt free to reply. Tks.
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