加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 上市公司5年法律顾问经验能否申
该职业是这样描述的:Legal assistants and paralegals prepare legal documents, maintain records and files and conduct research to assist lawyers or other professionals. Notaries public administer oaths, take affidavits, sign legal documents and perform other activities according to the limitations of their appointment. Trademark agents advise clients on intellectual property matters. Independent paralegals provide legal services to the public as allowed by government legislation, or provide paralegal services on contract to law firms or other establishments. Legal assistants and paralegals are employed by law firms, by record search companies and in legal departments throughout the public and private sectors. Independent paralegals are usually self-employed. Trademark agents are employed by law firms and legal departments throughout the public and private sectors, trademark development and search firms or they may be self-employed. Notaries public are employed by government and in the public and private sectors or they may be self-employed. This group also includes the following titles: commercial law clerk, corporate paralegal, family law paralegal, independent paralegal, land titles examiner, law clerk, legal assistant, legal researcher, litigation legal assistant, notary public, paralegal, real estate law clerk, title searcher, trademark agent. [Source: National Occupational Classification - HRSDC] 跪求大牛解释!谢谢!
回复: 上市公司5年法律顾问经验能否申请魁北克的Paralegal and Related Occupations (NOC 4211)原则上所有职业都可以申请,不过理工类的比较容易通过。
回复: 上市公司5年法律顾问经验能否申请魁北克的Paralegal and Related Occupations (NOC 4211)这个职业要求法语比较高
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克回复: 上市公司5年法律顾问经验能否申请魁北克的Paralegal and Related Occupations (NOC 4211)要看你的工作职责是否和移民局对这个职业的描述是否吻合,如果都差不多,应该是可以以这个职业递交的吧。
·生活百科 5年的历程
·生活百科 Tindo 太阳能电池板和系统,值得吗?