加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 留学生转移民
我是以留学生的身份来加拿大的 在这里待了半年多了 我在国内工作过两年多 我这里问了两个移民公司 一个说我已经可以开始申请移民了 前提是我必须法语可以达到差不多中级的水平 一个说我必须临毕业前一年才可以申请移民哪个说法比较靠谱呢?有没有和我相同经验的人? 谢谢各位大侠了
回复: 留学生转移民顶一下 表沉了
回复: 留学生转移民upup
回复: 留学生转移民有同样的问题,有谁能给出正确的答案!我是以留学生的身份来加拿大的 在这里待了半年多了 我在国内工作过两年多 我这里问了两个移民公司 一个说我已经可以开始申请移民了 前提是我必须法语可以达到差不多中级的水平 一个说我必须临毕业前一年才可以申请移民哪个说法比较靠谱呢?有没有和我相同经验的人? 谢谢各位大侠了点击展开...
回复: 留学生转移民前面一个是 魁北克一般技术移民 后面一个是魁北克经验类PEQ
回复: 留学生转移民PEQ:This program is aimed at you if you have obtained an eligible Québec diploma, or you are in the process of doing so, and you have a knowledge of oral French.PEQ适应也已经在魁北克获得学位或者即将获得,并且要有一定的法语基础。condition:其中一条hold a Québec diploma eligible for the PEQ or expect to complete your study program within six months of the date on which you submit your application; 只能在拿到完成学业前六个月才能提交。Regular program---foreign student in Quebecthe condition:To be authorized to apply for a CSQ under the regular program for skilled workers, during your stay for studies, you must:have come to Québec with the primary goal of studying here and hold a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ) for studies and a valid study permit, unless exempted by regulation;meet all the conditions of this certificate and permit;pursue or have successfully completed a secondary level vocational training program of 900 hours or more, a college studies program, an undergraduate university program of at least 12 months, a graduate program, i.e., a master’s or an advanced graduate diploma (DESS ? études supérieures spécialisées), or a doctoral program;have completed at least half your study program, if its duration is less than 18 months or it is a graduate level or doctoral university program;orbe 12 months or less from the end of your study program, if its duration is 18 months or longer.条件:1,已经在魁北克学习,持有CAQ并且有有效的学习许可,法规允许没有的除外;2,满足证书许可的所有条件(是CSQ的打分要求吗?)3,正在学习或者已经完成:二级职业培训900学时以上者,大专课程,大学本科12个月以上,研究生课程(包括硕士或者高级研究生学历,博士课题)4,已经完成一半学习课题(如果课程时间少于18个月或者是研究生级别的课程或者是博士课题)5,完成课程的前一年之内(如果课程时间多于18个月)Note that students who expect to obtain or have obtained a 30-credit university undergraduate certificate may not submit their application at the address below.注意已经获得或者即将获得30学分的大学本科证书的学生将不能向下面的地址提交申请If you do not meet the above requirements, check where your application must be sent based on your country of legal residence.如果你不能满足上述要求,把申请提交到你的法定住所所在地国家。If you meet the conditions allowing you to submit your CSQ application under the regular program for skilled workers, you must send your file to the following address:如果你满足上述条件,你可以把你的CSQ申请提交到下面的地址。Direction de l’immigration économique ? Amérique du NordMinistère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles285, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, 4e étageMontréal (Québec) H2Y 1T8CANADA不知道翻译的对不对,欢迎指正。
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