加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn
刚刚打开邮箱,看到昨天VO给发的信,附加一个PDF,上面写的:Application: B05XXXXXXDear XXX,This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada which was received at the CertralizedIntake Office in sydney on 05/13/2010.We has created a file with the application number provided above, You must quote this application number in any future correspondence.Before your application ca be placed into process, a deermination will be made as to whether or not youare eligible for processing.If your application is not eligible for processing,you will receive a lietterinformin you of the reasons for the decidion as well as a refond.Proecssing timeApplications for permanent residence in Canada in the category that you have applied require on averagenine (9) months to process at this office. If you have not received any instructions from this office withinnine (9) months from the date of this letter, you are requested to contact this office directly.InterviewYou will be notified of the appointment for your interview, if required, approximately 4 to 6 weeks priorto the date of the interview, and you will be provided with further instructions at that time.Section 15 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act authorizes an officer to proceed with anexamination where a person makes an application for permanent residence in Canada for the purpose ofdetermining whether the person and all his or her accompanying family members, appear to be personswho may be granted entry into Canada. To proceed with an examination, a personal interview isfrequently required. Section 16 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act states that a person whomakes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination.If an applicant appears for the interview without all the family members as required by the officer, thenthe required examination cannot be completed. This means that the applicant would be found to beinadmissible to Canada as a foreign national by virtue of the fact that he or she is unable to comply withall the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Regulations, followingsections 11 and 41 of the Act.InterpretersInterpreters must be arranged in advance for any family members who will be interviewed and who areunable to communicate well in either of Canada's official languages of English or French. Instructions forthe provision of interpreters will be provided to you prior to your interview appointment.Non-resident applicationsIf you or any of your accompanying family members are not normally resident in the area ofresponsibility of this office, then you should be aware that there may be additional delay in the processingof your application for permanent residence in Canada. This delay will result from the need to refer yourcase to the Canadian Immigration office which is responsible for the country in which you or your familymembers normally reside. This referral is necessary to verify any information that you have provided withyour application, for advice concerning qualifications or other matters of a local concern that should betaken into account when assessing your application.Let us knowIf your circumstances change you have to let us know (see address and email address below).More particularly, we want to know about a:• Change in family composition including new born, divorce, marriage etc;• Change of address, including change of e-mail address;• Change of immigration representative;• Request for withdrawal of your application;• For Skilled workers only: Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approvedby Human Resources Development Canada.Prepare yourself for immigration to CanadaYour application has just been received at visa office and some months will probably pass before youknow the final decision on your application. We nonetheless encourage you to use these months to gatherinformation on Canada.One of your first steps should be to begin researching potential employment in Canada. Most occupationsin Canada are not regulated. For those occupations, the employer is responsible for assessing andrecognizing your qualifications.However, some occupations are regulated and do not permit persons to practice without a license. Toobtain a license to practice a regulated occupation, you must go through an assessment and an acceptanceof your education and professional qualifications by a regulatory body. This assessment will compareyour training, education and experience to Canadian requirements. This assessment will also helpdetermine whether further training and evaluation may be needed before you acquire a license to practiceyour occupation in Canada.但是怎么传说中的Fn和Rn是一个号呢?或者收到的不是Fn?有经验的同学麻烦讲解一下,谢谢
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn恭喜恭喜, 的确是FN
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是FnGXGX,果然给力,希望后劲继续给力啦。。。。。。。。。
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn居然现在FN也开始给了电子版的啦,新风尚好!。。。。。。。。。。
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn那是一个号?和RN同一个号吗?? lz 12月20妥投的??
6.13寄出>2010年6月18号妥投>6.26 雅思2010年7月学信认证-->8月19日寄清华认证材料 9月7日清华到家>10.27日rn到>1118 补料妥投 0216fn>2.29ME>3.5体检>3.17MER回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fngx
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn同一个号码不会的吧,我的FN信上明确写的,FN和CIO给的RN是不同的号码
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn请问LZ是补料北京还是香港?是什么时候补料的?
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn请问LZ是补料北京还是香港?是什么时候补料的?点击展开...北京的,我很纳闷为什么Rn和Fn是一个
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn我的FN和RN 也是一个号 我是递香港,有问题吗
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn楼主现在北京那边能查到了吗??
6.13寄出>2010年6月18号妥投>6.26 雅思2010年7月学信认证-->8月19日寄清华认证材料 9月7日清华到家>10.27日rn到>1118 补料妥投 0216fn>2.29ME>3.5体检>3.17MER回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn能查到,有变化了
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn谢谢楼主 ~~~
6.13寄出>2010年6月18号妥投>6.26 雅思2010年7月学信认证-->8月19日寄清华认证材料 9月7日清华到家>10.27日rn到>1118 补料妥投 0216fn>2.29ME>3.5体检>3.17MER回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn在罗嗦一句 您之前有没有cic查到3句话啊
6.13寄出>2010年6月18号妥投>6.26 雅思2010年7月学信认证-->8月19日寄清华认证材料 9月7日清华到家>10.27日rn到>1118 补料妥投 0216fn>2.29ME>3.5体检>3.17MER在罗嗦一句 您之前有没有cic查到3句话啊点击展开...哪三句话?
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn说几月几好号收到材料体检结果也已收到北京使馆已收到材料等待审理 我知道是系统的问题 但是 很多同学有这3句话不管怎么说 要恭喜楼主 是一大步 我还是继续等吧
6.13寄出>2010年6月18号妥投>6.26 雅思2010年7月学信认证-->8月19日寄清华认证材料 9月7日清华到家>10.27日rn到>1118 补料妥投 0216fn>2.29ME>3.5体检>3.17MER说几月几好号收到材料体检结果也已收到北京使馆已收到材料等待审理 我知道是系统的问题 但是 很多同学有这3句话不管怎么说 要恭喜楼主 是一大步 我还是继续等吧点击展开...有这三句话的,那请问之后的状态是IP了吗?估计跟原来有差别吧,毕竟原来FN没有电子版,现在有了。我收到的应该跟前面回帖的几位一样
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn我现在只能在cic查到这3句话 北京的没有因为是中介 所以 怎么也要等初七以后了 我估计谢谢你这么耐心的回答
6.13寄出>2010年6月18号妥投>6.26 雅思2010年7月学信认证-->8月19日寄清华认证材料 9月7日清华到家>10.27日rn到>1118 补料妥投 0216fn>2.29ME>3.5体检>3.17MER回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fngxgx
回复: Vo很给力,貌似大年三十收到的是Fn恭喜!恭喜!沾沾你的喜气!
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