加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 关于工作经验证明的一些问题


大家好,我是准备申请魁北克移民的新手,对于工作经验证明的材料,我有两个不大清楚的地方,请问有了推荐信(letter of recommendation)以后是不是就不用工作证明 (work certificate)了? 我把魁北克官方网站关于工作经验材料的要求贴在下面了,我感觉他们说的work certificate 和letter of recommendation似乎是一回事,但是我不确定。还有一件事是,关于这些证明,需要用公司的信封装起来,然后让推荐人在信封的封口上签字吗?还是只需要公司的letterhead的纸写好签字就行了? 可能问的问题比较菜,请大家帮帮忙,谢谢!10. Work experience acquired over the last five years Enclose the following documents for yourself and your spouse, if any:a certificate stating all your employment experiences, issued by a public notary (for applicants from China);a copy of employment contracts with your former and current employers;a copy of all your work certificates. The work certificates must be produced on the company’s letterhead. They must be dated and signed and bear the signatory’s name and function. They must also give the following information:start and end dates of your employment;contact information for your employers, including their telephone number;job positions that you held and a description of tasks that you performed. If you are working or have worked within a territory other than that of your country of citizenship, enclose, if such a document is required by the competent territorial authority: a copy of all your visas, temporary work permits or authorizations and renewals issued by the competent territorial authority, stapled to the corresponding work certificates.Internship certificates for work done during apprenticeship, training or specialization recognized by a diploma must be accompanied by the agreements made with the educational institution you attended. Note: if you are unable to provide a letter of recommendation from your current employer or your employment contract, attach an explanatory letter to other official documents related to employment.

回复: 关于工作经验证明的一些问题是一回事。用公司抬头的信纸写好,让推荐人签字,附上他的名片一张就好了,如果还能有公司的章就更好,没有也没关系。

Sept 12 CIC签收; Oct 30 DM1; 11 Dec CSQ; 14 Jan AR2; BJ case博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1278744560微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/1278744560/profile回复: 关于工作经验证明的一些问题顶一下,希望大家帮忙解答一下,谢谢

回复: 关于工作经验证明的一些问题哦,谢谢楼上的回答啊!!非常感谢。 我是在美国工作的,这边公司都不用章的。是不是实习和part-time job 也可以用同样的方法证明啊?

回复: 关于工作经验证明的一些问题再问一下,这个材料要准备多少份?开三份够了吗?

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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