加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!
日本发生辐射危机后,多个国家已进行撤侨或协助安排国民迁往远离受核灾威胁的福岛,但哈珀政府仍坚决不需撤走加拿大人,有在日本仙台的加拿大人指摘政府「遗弃」他们。 自温哥华旅居日本的斯普赖(Lorne Spry)指,「情况非常严峻,我没有夸大,除非加国政府协助我们离开,(否则)我们可能会死在这里。」 斯普赖在1993年由温哥华迁至日本教书,现已婚和育有一名14岁儿子。 他指,另一名加拿大人朋友曾尝试联络加国政府,对方只被提供运输系统的时间表,但这些系统已遭地震(专题)和海啸损毁。 他指,加国政府什麽都没有做去协助国民,而其他国家则已进行撤侨。 斯普赖表示,曾尝试订机票离开日本,但因为交通问题,即使有机位,也未必可以到机场。「离开是相当困难,因为所有东西都烧毁,城市现时的情况,据官方指,他们也要为紧急车辆寻找燃油,亦没有燃油运入市内。」 哈珀政府日前仍指,仍有大规模航班,当中大部分来自日本正常的商用航机,所以民众要离开,他们均有途径可取。 斯普赖指摘,哈珀未能明白在日本已不再是「服务正常运作」,而加拿大人并非如哈珀所说般容易逃离。 他指,福岛本周末的风向跟一般有所不同,过往大多吹北或西北风,但若风向相反,来自核电站的风会吹向他一家身处位置。 斯普赖在白石居住的姐妹罗斯(Judith Ross)指,已去信保守党国会议员希伯特(Russ Hiebert)投诉兄弟的情况。 希伯特回覆传媒指,当局尝试联络斯普赖,看他一家愿否乘坐一部由美国或英国政府安排的巴士离开仙台。 联邦外交部估计,约有1.1万加拿大人在日本,最少有200人在仙台。
回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!真的吗?这可和加拿大国家形象不符啊。
回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!虽然我一向不喜欢老哈珀,但我觉得他在这件事上做得对。不像另一个CPC,整天拿着老白姓交的税干一些能出风头的“好人好事”替自己捞政治资本,真正该干的事因为没风头可出或费力不讨好却放在那里不做,还利用宣传工具转移矛盾把责任推给无辜百姓中的一些阶层。 现在那么多外国记者全跑到灾区去了,他们总不会全是做军机军车去的吧?如果公共交通还能使用,最多就是做大巴省钱还是打的费钱的问题,凭什么要政府替所谓的“灾民”掏腰包提供免费交通? 再说“日本”是个国家,“福岛”不过是个小县城下的一个小地方,能容得下1.1万“加拿大人”吗?我估计一个也没有---否则家属亲友一个电话打到theStar,那些没事还要找事的记者早连篇累牍地报道个没完了。如果这1.1万人在日本别的地方,就好比汶川地震,北京的加拿大人要求免费机票一样,根本就是风马牛不相及的事情和要求。
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!没有人要抛弃。。。,加拿大不过说政府不组织撤侨罢了。
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!就是其他国家的政府,集体撤侨的,也不是直接从灾区出发的,而是有一个集合点,自己不想办法去到集合点,也不会有人CARE去接的。。。。。。。。
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!没有一个政府是会100%为老百姓着想的,好都是相对的~~
回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人! 他指,另一名加拿大人朋友曾尝试联络加国政府,对方只被提供运输系统的时间表,但这些系统已遭地震(专题)和海啸损毁。点击展开...估计是老哈珀把撤侨的事交给移民部去管了,结果: 灾民发了第一封电邮要求救助,没想到1分钟内就收到回复。怀着对CPC和哈核心无限敬仰和感激的心情打开一看,原来是这个: This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to Tokyo evacuation office. For more information about the evacuation schedule, please visit our site at www.fukushima-nuclear-disaster-evacuation.gc.ca. Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email-communication with our office and we are thereby authorized to use the email-address provided by you for communication with you including thetransmission of personal information on your file/case. 灾民赶紧又发了第二封邮件。一个月后,终于收到的人工回复: Please be advised that your case is in the queue for evacuation officer's review. Thank you for your patient 又等了一个月,有一天灾民忽然觉得外面怎么这么静啊?鼓起勇气戴上三层口罩出门一看,原来邻居全撤光了,连救灾的自卫队都撤了。赶紧回家又给那个救灾办发了个电邮,还特地标上了SOS。这回不知道是SOS起了作用,还是因为人都撤光了申请救援的人少了,当天就得到回复: Your pickup letter was sent 30 days ago. Considering the postal time has been delayed by the disaster, please wait another 30 days before contacting with us again. 灾民又等了30天还没消息,于是又给“救灾办”发了个电邮。结果没1分钟就得到了回复: This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to Tokyo evacuation office. For more information about evacuation schedule, please visit our site at www.fukushima-nuclear-disaster-evacuation.gc.ca. Due to the high risk of radioactive contamination, all personnel of this office have already been self-evacuated. Your application will automatically be preserved in this computer and will be processed as soon as the radioactive level comes back to normal so the evacuation officers are able to resume their work. Thank you for your continued patience.
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!很 有才。
回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!估计是老哈珀把撤侨的事交给移民部去管了,结果: 灾民发了第一封电邮要求救助,没想到1分钟内就收到回复。怀着对CPC和哈核心无限敬仰和感激的心情打开一看,原来是这个: This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to Tokyo evacuation office. For more information about the evacuation schedule, please visit our site at www.fukushima-nuclear-disaster-evacuation.gc.ca. Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email-communication with our office and we are thereby authorized to use the email-address provided by you for communication with you including thetransmission of personal information on your file/case. 灾民赶紧又发了第二封邮件。一个月后,终于收到的人工回复: Please be advised that your case is in the queue for evacuation officer's review. Thank you for your patient 又等了一个月,有一天灾民忽然觉得外面怎么这么静啊?鼓起勇气戴上三层口罩出门一看,原来邻居全撤光了,连救灾的自卫队都撤了。赶紧回家又给那个救灾办发了个电邮,还特地标上了SOS。这回不知道是SOS起了作用,还是因为人都撤光了申请救援的人少了,当天就得到回复: Your pickup letter was sent 30 days ago. Considering the postal time has been delayed by the disaster, please wait another 30 days before contacting with us again. 灾民又等了30天还没消息,于是又给“救灾办”发了个电邮。结果没1分钟就得到了回复: This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to Tokyo evacuation office. For more information about evacuation schedule, please visit our site at www.fukushima-nuclear-disaster-evacuation.gc.ca. Due to the high risk of radioactive contamination, all personnel of this office have already been self-evacuated. Your application will automatically be preserved in this computer and will be processed as soon as the radioactive level comes back to normal so the evacuation officers are able to resume their work. Thank you for your continued patience. 点击展开...
。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!楼上的楼上真有才~!
回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!路过马克
回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!估计是老哈珀把撤侨的事交给移民部去管了,结果: 灾民发了第一封电邮要求救助,没想到1分钟内就收到回复。怀着对CPC和哈核心无限敬仰和感激的心情打开一看,原来是这个: This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to Tokyo evacuation office. For more information about the evacuation schedule, please visit our site at www.fukushima-nuclear-disaster-evacuation.gc.ca. Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email-communication with our office and we are thereby authorized to use the email-address provided by you for communication with you including thetransmission of personal information on your file/case. 灾民赶紧又发了第二封邮件。一个月后,终于收到的人工回复: Please be advised that your case is in the queue for evacuation officer's review. Thank you for your patient 又等了一个月,有一天灾民忽然觉得外面怎么这么静啊?鼓起勇气戴上三层口罩出门一看,原来邻居全撤光了,连救灾的自卫队都撤了。赶紧回家又给那个救灾办发了个电邮,还特地标上了SOS。这回不知道是SOS起了作用,还是因为人都撤光了申请救援的人少了,当天就得到回复: Your pickup letter was sent 30 days ago. Considering the postal time has been delayed by the disaster, please wait another 30 days before contacting with us again. 灾民又等了30天还没消息,于是又给“救灾办”发了个电邮。结果没1分钟就得到了回复: This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to Tokyo evacuation office. For more information about evacuation schedule, please visit our site at www.fukushima-nuclear-disaster-evacuation.gc.ca. Due to the high risk of radioactive contamination, all personnel of this office have already been self-evacuated. Your application will automatically be preserved in this computer and will be processed as soon as the radioactive level comes back to normal so the evacuation officers are able to resume their work. Thank you for your continued patience. 点击展开...我去~~~~太有才了!!!!!!!^Q^
回复: 加拿大政府抛弃了在日本福岛的1.1万加拿大人!还差个法语版本就更全力。
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