加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民根据北京E37155(02-2011),劳动合同是否需要公证?
根据北京E37155(02-2011),劳动合同是否需要公证?上面是这么说的:Employment contracts from present and past employers for each employment position held in the 10 years prior to the date of application until present and which is listed on the application form, accompanied by an English or French translation;这里没有说自己翻译是否可以,但是IMM EG7000 (02-2011)第18页有说Any document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by: the English or French translation; and an affidavit from the person who completed the translation; and a certified copy of the document.Translations by family members are not acceptable.自己翻译一下直接递料行不行,不行的话就只能让公证处给出具英文版本了。请高人回复。多谢!
回复: 根据北京E37155(02-2011),劳动合同是否需要公证?同等答案
回复: 根据北京E37155(02-2011),劳动合同是否需要公证?应该是需要公证的,因为总的指导里面说的是所有非英文和发文的文件都需要翻译,而且不能自己翻译
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