加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民07年9月等ME的TX,已经超过43个月了,催催北京大
07年9月以前等ME的TX,已经超过43个月了,催催北京大使馆!!加移民局网链接到北京大使馆,http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/offices/missions/beijing.asp大家去点一个Case Specific Enquiry里的链接! 显示如下: You may use this form if:You have submitted an application at a visa office abroad.The information you seek is not available on E-cas.Your application has exceeded normal processing times. We will not respond to your enquiry if the application is within normal processing times. Information on processing times.You wish to report important changes regarding your application, such as births, deaths, marriages, divorces, adoptions, changes in address, changes in employment, acquisition of a new educational credential, results of an approved language test.我们至少都满足第三条,都已经超过了43个月processing time。毫不犹豫,发个form催催! 我今天发了,最后页面如下: Case Specific EnquiryYour enquiry has been sent to the visa office processing your application. You should receive a reply within 28 working days (by email, regular mail or fax).If your application is within normal processing times you may not receive a reply from the visa office.If your message contains new information for your application (e.g. adding a newborn or change of address) your file will be updated but the visa office may not respond to your email. 加拿大的移民政策对我们9.1的太不公正,如果没回复,我准备一直向上投诉到底!!!
回复: 07年9月等ME的TX,已经超过43个月了,催催北京大使馆!!顶顶顶顶顶顶顶顶!严重支持!我已经写了第二封信了,居然了无音讯,太傲慢了!
回复: 07年9月等ME的TX,已经超过43个月了,催催北京大使馆!!不知道现在有新的消息了吗?
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