加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教:主申是否可以单独登陆?



回复: 请教:主申是否可以单独登陆?可以

关山万里重洋隔,七尺长枪手中握。冷眼横眉对共匪,看他能够奈我何?离体检过期还有5个月,是否可以主申单独登陆,安顿好后,副申和孩子在体检限期前再登陆?有没有先例?点击展开...No problem at all. Now only myself have finished landing and stay at Milton , my family members may landing this Aug.So don't worry that . I think It's a good idea that "主申单独登陆,安顿好后,副申和孩子在体检限期前再登陆" as long as you can arrange it.

回复: 请教:主申是否可以单独登陆?可以

回复: 请教:主申是否可以单独登陆?CIC ---VISA说明系列之有效期及登陆⑤上一篇 / 下一篇 2011-05-12 16:06:36 / 个人分类:关于移民进度的话题查看( 1 ) / 评论( 0 ) / 评分( 0 / 0 )YOUR VISA HAS BEEN GIVEN THE MAXIMUM VALIDITY AND CANNOT BE EXTENDEDIf you do not use your visa before it expires, you must reapply for immigration to Canada. You will have to go through all processing steps again. Applications for permanent residence in Canada are assessed according to the laws and regulations in force at the time of their assessment. The fact that a visa was previously issued to you does not mean that a subsequent application will also be approved. Do not sign, write on, or attempt to change your documents in any way. Do not laminate these documents.Dependents may accompany or follow the principal applicant, but cannot arrive in Canada before the principal applicant. If dependents do not join the principal applicant before the expiry date on their visas, they must reapply for immigration to Canada. They may not join their family until they have been accepted again for immigration, either independently or through a sponsorship agreement between those dependents and the sponsor in Canada.

。。。。。。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]。。。。。。。​回复: 请教:主申是否可以单独登陆?不行!!

回复: 请教:主申是否可以单独登陆?是可以的

回复: 请教:主申是否可以单独登陆?CIC ---VISA说明系列之有效期及登陆⑤ 上一篇 / 下一篇 2011-05-12 16:06:36 / 个人分类:关于移民进度的话题查看( 1 ) / 评论( 0 ) / 评分( 0 / 0 )YOUR VISA HAS BEEN GIVEN THE MAXIMUM VALIDITY AND CANNOT BE EXTENDEDIf you do not use your visa before it expires, you must reapply for immigration to Canada. You will have to go through all processing steps again. Applications for permanent residence in Canada are assessed according to the laws and regulations in force at the time of their assessment. The fact that a visa was previously issued to you does not mean that a subsequent application will also be approved. Do not sign, write on, or attempt to change your documents in any way. Do not laminate these documents.Dependents may accompany or follow the principal applicant, but cannot arrive in Canada before the principal applicant. If dependents do not join the principal applicant before the expiry date on their visas, they must reapply for immigration to Canada. They may not join their family until they have been accepted again for immigration, either independently or through a sponsorship agreement between those dependents and the sponsor in Canada.点击展开...aokilinda 正解。可以。见以上绿字。

回复: 请教:主申是否可以单独登陆?aokilinda 正解。可以。见以上绿字。点击展开...呵呵,这是官方的答复,印在VISA INFORMATION上,随大信封来的。。。。。。。。

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