加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚
各位TZ大家好!目前为止前来报到滴TZ有 FN 顺序1.jiaowff July 7th2.maomaochong July 10th3.nshan July 10th4.huunsy July 14th 5.ada48 July17th6.jiawei0314 July 18th7.石头娃娃 July 25th8.ggc1997 July 25th9.lovelycat2007 July 25th10.sunny112 July 26th 11.oliver316 July 27th12.满地红 July 30th13.poohpooh July 31st13.Leaveit Aug 1st 15.身体倍儿棒 Aug 6th16.aiting Aug 8th17.lixz707 Aug 20th18.一盏碧螺春 Aug 22nd 19.backguard Aug 23rd20.gaga0822 Aug 25th21. bailingart Aug 27th22. seamansd Aug 27th23.hqh1978 Aug 28th24. ichbinich Aug 29th25.christine-chen Aug 31st26. intimate Sep 9th27.sycuh Dec 5th28.Live in Waterview St Dec 6th 29.muyun Mar 10th 200830.秃驴 Mar 11th 200831.lichuxiao Mar 14th 200832.piggyxuan Mar 27th 200833. lisa.wang July 11th 200834. 江南&水乡 July 11th 200835. timefirm July 14th 200836.mingming0402 July 15th 200837. sayboy July 15th 200838.akira July 18th 200839.orangec July 21st 200840.terror79 July 22nd 200841. sophia0451 July 23rd 200842. 4xi July 28th 200843. dana July 29th 200844. jellyfish July 29th 200845. heli3204 July 29th 200846. linashen July 31st 200847. petty09 August 20th 200848. wanttoca August 20th 200849.lucana August 27th 200850.chinaleaf September 29th 2008
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be. 赏 反馈:jellyfish, lisa.wang 和 Live in Waterview St 2008-03-13#2 623 $0.00 回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚我的vo是KTA,我来报道了!
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be. 赏 反馈:aiting 2008-03-13#4 623 $0.00 回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚呵呵,也奖励楼主一朵,我要去忙会别的了,你坚持吧
坚持中走过每一天回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚谢谢哈!怎麽KTA的TZ这麽少嘛!
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚他也是我的老板,祝他老人家身体健康,工作愉快我8月23 FN
回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚他也是我的老板,祝他老人家身体健康,工作愉快 我8月23 FN点击展开...心诚则灵哈!Backguard TZ,你有没有出现地址栏啊?
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚07/7/10 fn, vo kta , 刚刚敲出日期的时候才发现和我身份证上生日是一样的,说不定是好运哈哈。
回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚07/7/10 fn, vo kta , 刚刚敲出日期的时候才发现和我身份证上生日是一样的,说不定是好运哈哈。点击展开...我们都会好运的!!
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚me too, pls add your QQ number, so we can talk in this way. QQ:754155860
回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚me too, pls add your QQ number, so we can talk in this way. QQ:754155860点击展开...sorry, my QQ number is expired, because my pc cant download QQ and I didnt use it for a long time.
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚VO是KTA地TZ都在玩啥子?
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚KTA管辖地TZ们和KTA一样悄无声息~~~~~~!sigh 一个!
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚这KTA VO还是不错滴,周六发mail咨询一点事情,今天就给回mail了撒!
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚me too,25/07/2007 FNgood luck !
回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚顶一个!11/3/2008 FN
回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚New Quarter!!
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.New Quarter!!点击展开... 2007年8月6日,KTA,tks.
回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚算me在内,目前报到滴TZ有7位
You are not what you were born. But what you have it in yourself to be.回复: 热烈欢迎VO是KTA的TZ来这里聚聚顶一个,07/9/9 FN,不知还要等多久
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