加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 资料递出,发贴纪念



回复: 资料递出,发贴纪念下面是我的递料清单:DOCUMENT CHECKLISTI. Payment of fees required1. Bank Draft (CAD547)II. Application for a Québec Selection Certificate1. Form A-0520-AA (2011-03): Application for Selection Certificate ? PA2. Form A-0520-AA (2011-03): Application for Selection Certificate ? Spouse3. Form A-0521-CA (2011-04): Declaration by spouse or de facto spouse ? PA & Spouse4. Form A-0522-AO (2011-01): Contract respecting financial self-sufficiency ? PA5. Photographs of each person (4 pieces? PA & Spouse) III. Application for a permanent residence in Canada1. Form IMM0008 (2010-04): Application for permanent residence in Canada ? PA2. Form IMM0008 (2010-04): Application for permanent residence in Canada ? SpouseIV. Work experience1. The Curriculum Vitae? PA2. Two recommendation letters from superiors ? PA3. A notarized employment experiences ? PA4. Translation and photocopy of foreign trade accountant certificate? PA5. Photocopy of certificate for supervisory managers in logistics? PA6. The Curriculum Vitae ? Spouse7. A recommendation letter from superior ?Spouse8. Certificate of intermediate technical (Maintenance electrician) ?SpouseV. Studies and training1. Photocopy of bachelor’s degree authenticated by CADGEDC ? PA2. Photocopy of undergraduate certificate authenticated by CADGEDC ? PA3. A notarized bachelor’s degree ? PA4. A notarized undergraduate certificate ? PA5. A notarized two-year post-secondary technical college graduation certificate ? PA6. A sealed academic transcript of undergraduate? PA7. A sealed academic transcript of two-year post-secondary technical college? PA 8. An explanation letter for missing the senior middle school diploma? PA9. Photocopy of three-year post-secondary technical college (BAC+3) graduation certificate authenticated by CADGEDC ?Spouse10. A sealed letter of post-secondary technical college (BAC+3) about academic transcript, translation of college graduation certificate ?Spouse11. A statement about the university renamed?Spouse12. Translation and photocopy of senior middle school diploma ?Spouse13. An explanation letter for the wrong age in the senior middle school diploma?SpouseVI. Language ability1. Certification of French class hours (500 hours) ? PA2. Certificate of French class hours (120 hours) ? SpouseⅦ. Statutory documents1. A notarized marriage certificate? PA2. A notarized certificate of birth ? PA3. A notarized certificate of birth ? Spouse4. A notarized household registration (Hukou) ? PA5. A notarized household registration (Hukou) ? Spouse6. A notarized certificate of former name? PAⅧ. Photocopy documents1. Photocopy of passport ? PA2. Photocopy of passport ? SpouseTHE END

回复: 资料递出,发贴纪念不错

靠家里,你可能会当上公主。靠男人,你可能当上王妃。但靠自己,才能当上女王。回复: 资料递出,发贴纪念恭喜递料

回复: 资料递出,发贴纪念恭喜,取得阶段性胜利!

回复: 资料递出,发贴纪念Mark,正在备料过程中,学习

2011.7.28 DHL递料2011.7.29 HK妥投2011.9.7 FN签发2011.9.19 FN收到-BJ2012.9.26 TCFQ B1B2回复: 资料递出,发贴纪念我也刚刚递料,呵呵,顺风也是说不让寄政府机关,不过后来他让我写了英文的地址,就给我寄了:)

  ·生活百科 出口有限按需
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