加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民澳洲7.1新政和475移民形势分析
[签证技巧] 澳洲7.1移民新政和475移民形势分析-原创文章原创, 形势, 新政, 移民, 澳洲澳洲7.1新政与475移民形势分析475移民2009年7月1日公布了一系列移民政策调整措施,其中主要包括移民申请费用的调整和雅思分数的提高。 根据7.1新政,技工类175移民的雅思成绩将从原来的四个5分提高到4个6分;以Concessional English 申请移民的,其雅思成绩要求各项平均成绩6分,同时规定,该Concessional English 政策将不只限于申请州或地区担保或亲属担保的申请人。尽管联邦移民局已有concessional English 政策出台,但是鉴于目前国际经济复苏迹象仍不明显,愿意接受该concessional English 政策的州仍然是寥寥无几,目前只有新南威尔士和北领地接受联邦移民局的concessional English 政策。而以往吸收475类移民最多的州--南澳还在处于临时停止Concessional English 项目的状态中,何时恢复有待南澳移民局的通知。笔者近期也曾经写信给南澳移民局,询问何时恢复concessional English, 下面是南澳移民局的答复。由于时间关系,我就不在翻译,大家自己看看原文吧。上文提到,联邦移民局7.1新政规定,Concessional English 政策将不只限于申请州或地区担保或亲属担保的申请人,但是从DIAC网站上目前还找不到该政策的实施细则。但是,笔者大胆推测,一旦世界经济形势好转,特别是澳洲经济出现强力复苏时候,Concessional English 很有可能适用于 CSL 职业甚至是MODL 职业上。笔者建议:对于那些职业评估有效期比较长职业,如会计、TRA 评估的职业 和Vet 评估的职业,不妨先把职业评估做完,等移民形势好转的时候,马上申请州担保或相应类别的移民,这样能够在激烈的竞争中获得先机。本文摘自:http://www.163chuguo.com/shownews.aspx?id=254加澳移民群:83552358msn:[email protected]南澳移民局的关于concessional english 问题的答复: From: [email protected] that our Office hours are: 9am ? 5pm on Mondays to FridaysWe are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public HolidaysDear Potential MigrantThank you for your enquiry about migration to South Australia. The State Government of South Australia is keen to attract more migrants to make our State their home and to experience the enviable lifestyle we enjoy. You should be aware that the responsibility for setting the criteria and granting of visas rests with the Commonwealth Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). You should visit their website in the first instance and download Booklet 6 to determine your eligibility for migration at www.immi.gov.au In our efforts to bring more migrants to live in our State, the Government of South Australia, through Immigration South Australia, is able to offer Sponsorships to suitably qualified candidates to facilitate visa grant by DIAC. Our website outlines comprehensive information on sponsorship options, their associated sponsorship criteria and process for application. Visit http://www.migration.sa.gov.au/ for comprehensive information.In these uncertain economic times, whilst South Australia’s economy is in good shape, we are not immune to the effects of the global financial crisis. Migration should be taken even more seriously with thorough research on the migration destination of your choice, including lifestyle, job prospects, cost of living, etc. We encourage you to plan carefully and consider the resources you will need for accommodation, health, education, living expenses, etc which will enhance the success of your settlement.Please read all the relevant information and fact sheets to ensure that you meet ALL the current criteria and that you observe the current processing guidelines. In order to receive sponsorship from South Australia, you will be required to sign a Declaration (as part of the application process) that you will live in South Australia for at least two years. Sponsorship from South Australia does not guarantee employment or any financial assistance. You must therefore ensure that you have sufficient funds to sustain yourself (and your family). Please visit our website for the current version of the Provisional and Permanent Sponsorship lists:http://migration.sa.gov.au/centr ... ions/gen_skill3.jspIf your occupation and matching skills assessment/ASCO Code is NOT on one of these Lists, sponsorship will NOT proceed.INTERENET EXPLORER IS THE ONLY BROWSER THAT SUPPORTS THE ON LINE APPLICATION SYSTEM. YOU CANNOT USE ANY OTHER BROWSER.Concessional English ? This provision has been temporarily suspended and a date has not been set for any re-instatement. Visit our website for any updates. Revised Lists ? the Permanent and Provisional Lists are currently being revised and will be published on this website when they are finalised. All applications submitted On-line while the occupation is on the list and all supporting documents received before the 60 day deadline will not be disadvantaged. Off-List Sponsorships ? Policies for this option are currently being finalised. When the Policies and Procedures have been completed they will be published on our website. No information is available and applications are not being accepted at the moment. There is no sponsorship charge for applying for sponsorship from South Australia, but there are fees and charges involved in the visa process (visit www.immi.gov.au) However, if you are successful in receiving sponsorship from South Australia, you are also eligible for the unique On Arrival Services which are only available to skilled and business migrants to our State who are relocating from overseas. Detailed information on Services for General Skills and Business Skills migrants are available on the Immigration SA website at http://www.migration.sa.gov.au/c ... rival_services.jsp.Unfortunately, Immigration SA cannot provide you with migration advice beyond the information outlined above. You may apply for migration direct but if you require more information or assistance about migration, you may wish to engage the services of a registered migration agent as they are bound by a Code of Conduct (http://www.immi.gov.au/students/migration_agents/index.htm). You can find one in South Australia at www.mia.org.au or locate one near you at www.themara.com.au You may also be interested to know that DIAC has developed a Visa Wizard to assist you in identifying the appropriate visa, visit: http://www.immi.gov.au/gateways/ ... zard-fact-sheet.pdf To assist you in your general research, here are some websites as starting points:www.careerone.com.au www.yellowpages.com.au www.jobsearch.gov.au/joboutlook/default.asp www.southaustralia.biz http://www.service.sa.gov.au/ Occupational Licensing requirements:www.immi.gov.au ? (enter the ASCO code for the occupation in the search box) www.ocba.sa.gov.au/licensing IT:www.solutioncity.com.au Construction:www.mbasa.com.au Medical:www.dhs.sa.gov.au/nurselabour www.anci.org.au www.health.sa.gov.au/medical officer/ www.nursesboard.sa.gov.au.au/reg_cre.html www.flinders.sa.gov.au www.nwahs.sa.gov.au/nursing www.rah.sa.gov.au http://www.health.sa.gov.au/Default.aspx?tabid=93 ? Dept of Health Defence:www.defence-sa.com Thank you for your interest in South Australia and we hope that we can assist you in achieving your migration objectives.Manager, General Skilled MigrationImmigration South AustraliaDepartment of Trade and Economic Development Government of South AustraliaWebsite: www.migration.sa.gov.au/GPO Box 1264, Adelaide, South Australia 5001DISCLAIMER: The information in this e-mail may be confidential and/or legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error, please delete it from your system and notify the sender immediately. DTED does not represent, warrant or guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained or that the communication is free of errors, virus or interference.相关文章剑桥雅思听力精练,这本书怎么样?
专业办理加澳技术移民 手机:(0)13621392915 移民QQ群:83552358www.163chuguo.com回复: 澳洲7.1新政和475移民形势分析其他不关心 申请费高了是真的
回复: 澳洲7.1新政和475移民形势分析澳洲容易还是加拿大移民容易呢
回复: 澳洲7.1新政和475移民形势分析雅思要求澳洲高,移民职业澳洲多
6-25 FEDEX发悉尼,7-2 悉尼妥投,8-10 多伦多中行解付,8-28 RN,8-30 补料件顺丰发出,8-31 补料妥投北京,9-9 上午FN信到,晚上状态变5,9-16 ME信到,9-22 杭州顺利体检,9-25 登陆费和护照妥投北京,10-6 状态变8,10-14状态变12,10-27 终于变13,11-2 CIC变态DM,11-3 最后一次变态17,11-5 大信封到回复: 澳洲7.1新政和475移民形势分析好象35岁以上年龄分很吃亏,在澳洲
回复: 澳洲7.1新政和475移民形势分析简单总结一下澳洲和加拿大的移民难度。1.年龄大的学历高的做加拿大移民比较容易,因为加拿大年龄放的宽,学历高了,英语要求比较低,比如说,有硕士学历+17年教育经历,在有配偶加分,雅思考四个5.5就ok了2. 年龄小,工作经验不足,但是英语好的,申请澳洲移民有优势。
专业办理加澳技术移民 手机:(0)13621392915 移民QQ群:83552358www.163chuguo.com回复: 澳洲7.1新政和475移民形势分析申请移民澳洲动作要快!1) 今年7月1日将有一个新的打分制度http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/gener...oints-fact.pdf2) 2012年7月1日将有一个更辣的移民政策http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/gener...tion-model.htm
回复: 澳洲7.1新政和475移民形势分析好心动 作文还差0.5分 打算再战雅思 以防加拿大滑铁卢
8 Apr'10悉尼->14 May扣款->15 Jun RN->26 Jun初战雅思->1 Sept雅思复议成功->11 Sept Ielts L-8.5 R-7.5 W-6.5 S-7.5 ->21 Sept补料HK->27 Sept妥投HK->5 Oct RBVO->27 Oct收到FN信内28 Sept VO-MAC->5 Apr'11 IP四句话->9 Sept ME->14 Sept 体检->17 Oct登陆收据->27 Oct PL好心动 作文还差0.5分 打算再战雅思 以防加拿大滑铁卢点击展开...LS努力!
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