September 16, 2010 MANITOBA MAKES IT EASIER FOR INTERNATIONAL GRADUATES TO STAY AND WORKChanges Give Manitoba competitive advantage to retain best, brightest: Selinger Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger today announced changes to Manitoba's successful provincial nominee program that would make it faster and easier for international students to stay and work in the province. "International students bring many benefits to our economy and communities, and we want to ensure we can continue to attract and retain the best and the brightest," said Selinger. "We are making Manitoba a destination of choice for international students and meeting the needs of businesses by providing them with better access to highly skilled and well-trained employees." Beginning in 2011, international graduates from a post-secondary educational program of at least two academic years at a Manitoba institution will be able to apply immediately to the provincial nominee program in advance of receiving an offer of employment. Previously, international graduates could only apply to the provincial nominee program after working for a Manitoba employer for at least six months. As part of the changes, international students applying for the fast-track program will also enrol in an employment-readiness program upon completion of their studies. The program will include job readiness, career coaching and job-matching services. "By fast-tracking the immigration process for international graduates and helping them integrate into the job market, Manitoba will be well positioned to compete for and retain our highly skilled workers," said Selinger. In 2009, Manitoba welcomed 13,518 newcomers, 75 per cent of whom came through the provincial nominee program. Last year, 203 international students were accepted to the provincial nominee program, three times more than in 2005. The top source countries of International Students nominated to Manitoba are China (65 per cent), India (five per cent), Bangladesh (three per cent), Korea and Pakistan (two per cent each). The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program has approved over 1,000 international students since 2005. Manitoba had 5,384 international students studying at Manitoba institutions in 2009.
不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说! 赏

曼尼托巴省提名详细中文指南:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=413992 回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!Thanks Tercel, where could find it ? From the CIC.GC.CA web it still need 6 months working time for students to immigrate to MB.
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!看这里:www2.immigratemanitoba.com/browse/news.html?archive=2010-10-01&item=3714Thanks Tercel, where could find it ? From the CIC.GC.CA web it still need 6 months working time for students to immigrate to MB.点击展开...
不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!Thank you indeed, Tercel.
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!请问30岁了还能申请留学吗?如果可以的话怎么申请呢?谢谢!
2010.3.19递料--2010.3.24 G.MILLER签收--2010.5.27 RN--2010.9.6退料回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!我对文中09年的数据有些不解,有13518个新移民,而其中有10184个是通过pnp来的,其中international student stream的只有203个人,这么说来这个优先审批群仅占总人数的2%左右,我的分析对吗?进一步来讲,如果现在有接近5000学生多个在mb省,假设每年毕业1000个,那这个stream有被cap的可能吗?谢谢
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!有这个可能。据说联邦明年要给曼省省提名要减少配额,5000人后就会被cap我对文中09年的数据有些不解,有13518个新移民,而其中有10184个是通过pnp来的,其中international student stream的只有203个人,这么说来这个优先审批群仅占总人数的2%左右,我的分析对吗?进一步来讲,如果现在有接近5000学生多个在mb省,假设每年毕业1000个,那这个stream有被cap的可能吗?谢谢点击展开...
不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!5000人后就会被cap 什么意思?难道这个留学生移民项目省上会停。
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!5000人后就会被cap 什么意思?难道这个留学生移民项目省上会停。点击展开...因为之前联邦移民部长说曼省一省就占了大半部分的pnp名额,不过曼省的人又说他们的pnp很成功,可以用成功的数据来表明这个项目不应该被cap,而是应该进一步的去完善。至于学生两年申请的话,因为这个还没有开始,应该是在11年开始的,但如果真的曼省pnp被cap到5000人,那可以申请的学生人数也会受限。
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!留名!
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!留学的申请条件谁知道啊?
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!楼主请问申请留学的网站是哪个啊?有哪些项目
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!这是关于此政策的最新信息:The International Student priority assessment stream is for graduates who have established strong ties to Manitoba and intend to live, work and establish their careers in the province. International Students who have completed a post-secondary program for which they earned a certificate, diploma or degree at a publicly funded Manitoba institution are invited to apply to the MPNP with priority assessment. There are two paths: 1.Regular International Student stream:Your program was at least one year, and you have received a formal offer of long-term, full-time employment from a Manitoba employer and have been working for that employer for at least six months with a valid post-graduation work permit. You can apply immediately to the MPNP. 2.International Student Strategic Initiative: Your program was at least two years, and you are eligible for graduation and you have registered for Manitoba Immigration's employment readiness program. You can apply to the MPNP upon successful program completion. More about the strategic initiative Space is limited for the pilot phase of the employment readiness program and qualified applicants will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information and to apply for the employment readiness program, download, read and submit the interactive application form (PDF). To be eligible you must apply for a post-graduation work permit, but you do not need to have a job. In fact, the program is designed for graduates currently not working. The goal of this Strategic Initiative is to help grads find full-time work in Manitoba related to their field of study. Therefore, the program is not for grads who intend to return to post-secondary schools full-time in the coming year. Please note: You must have lived and studied in Manitoba for at least two years. This means the following are NOT eligible: •graduates of a Master's program of less than two years •graduates who transferred credits from another province and have not been living and studying in Manitoba for at least two years •graduates of an accelerated program (that is, students who completed a two-year program in one year.) •graduates who have returned to school full time Goals of the strategic initiative •provide International Students with the tools necessary to address gaps, make informed career choices and realize their full potential •strengthen relationships with post-secondary institutions in order to improve labour market outcomes for international students graduating from these institutions How to get a work permit You must apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada for your work permit within 90 days of completing your educational degree or program requirements. The CIC website has the application, instructions and details on the program. If you need help see the international student advisor at your school. Get help with your MPNP application International Students in Winnipeg who want to get help with their MPNP applications can attend an information session - and get personal help - from the Nominee Application Centre.If your status changes while you're awaiting MPNP assessment Working grads who move from the job they indicated on their MPNP application must notify the MPNP in writing and include a personal reference and job offer letter from their new employer in Manitoba. 官方网站信息: http://www2.immigratemanitoba.com/browse/howtoimmigrate/pnp/pnp-students.html 国际快速移民通道 1.Regular International Student stream 还和以前的移民政策一样,毕业后找到长期,全职工作且再同一公司满半年以上可申请,没啥可解释的。新政策是 2.International Student Strategic Initiative, 和最早大家讨论的毕业就给绿卡不太一样。主要是给读书2年以上还没有毕业或刚毕业没工作的人设计的,要求申请人在毕业前就的提前申请工卡,然后报名参加政府的Employment Readiness Program每天8:30-12:30去上课(人数有限),通过的人才可以申请这个快速通道。否则还是得走通道1。。。相比通道1和2,新政策免去了毕业后找工作和工作满6个月的痛苦,通过了政府的培训班没有工作都可以申请MPNP,但通道2得要求太多且有能力的话不一定比通道1快多少。。。 具体还的听政府的解释了原帖地址:http://163.ca/cgi-bin/lb5000/topic.cgi?forum=27&topic=44121&show=125
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!据说通道2每年仅仅有120个名额,而曼生每年符合条件的毕业生一千多。
回复: 好消息,2011年期起,在曼省毕业的留学生毕业后无需找到工作可直接移民!安大略省也是一样
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