加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民新人报道,求正解。
大家好!新来的哈哈~还在准备材料的初级阶段。但是马上要有新政出来了,不知道会怎么变化呢。 希望职业还在,anyway。 想请教个为大虾,推荐信的话,是不是就是让同事写一下,然后直属领导签字。至于联系电话什么的,是不是不用确切的,只要到时候联系到人就可以了?
回复: 新人报道,求正解。权威解答:WORK EXPERIENCEFor you. notarized employment contracts from your present and past employers, accompanied by an English or French translation. original and up-to-date letters of reference from your past and current employers; letters must be written on company letterhead and show the company’s full address, telephone and fax numbers, and be stamped with the company’s official sealIf applicable, for you and/or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner, who has engaged in full-time work in Canada, with appropriate authorization, for a period of at least one year in the past 10 years:Copies of letter(s) of reference from your employer(s), and the employment authorization; letters must be written on company letterhead and show the company’s full address, telephone and fax numbers, and be stamped with the company’s official seal Letters of reference must include all of the following information:. the specific period of your employment with the company. the positions you have held during the period of employment and the time spent in each position. your main responsibilities in each position. your total annual salary and benefits. the signature of your immediate supervisor or the Personnel Officer of the company. a business card of the person who signed the letter** IF YOU CANNOT PROVIDE LETTER OF REFERENCE OR EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FROM YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER, YOU MUST SUBMIT AN EXPLANATORY LETTER ALONG WITH OTHER OFFICIAL PROOF OF YOUR EMPLOYMENT.
回复: 新人报道,求正解。7.1日见分晓
2.9 ME, 8.28 DM, 9.20 VISA!! http://canadameet.sinaapp.com/回复: 新人报道,求正解。不能太随意了,呵呵
回复: 新人报道,求正解。先看好你的职业描述,然后把职业描述里面的职责,分解到你的工作当中靠谱的都写到推荐信里面(尽量),我是这么写的,然后让劳资的领导签字(上点礼物吧),盖章。我是这么干的。不知道行不行?
赏 大家好!新来的哈哈~还在准备材料的初级阶段。但是马上要有新政出来了,不知道会怎么变化呢。 希望职业还在,anyway。 想请教个为大虾,推荐信的话,是不是就是让同事写一下,然后直属领导签字。至于联系电话什么的,是不是不用确切的,只要到时候联系到人就可以了?点击展开... 有些不明白,如果现在还符合目前的政策,为什么一定要等新政啊,好像很多TZ都是哦,要是我就赶紧抓住尾巴尖滑进去,若新政有利再撤案重新递,若不利,说不定还有机会和旧政一起走啊。 可能是我想得太简单了?
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