一个英国伦敦申请人给那边的使馆写信所得到的回信。大家参考一下。发贴时间是2011年5月份的,很新This is the reply some applicants have received recently from CIC London which has led to the above conclusion:"to mqhb:i am a nov 2007 applicant this is the reply i have had from chc london for my email enquiry any clues friendsDear Sir/Madam,This is in response to your enquiryFor Federal Skilled Worker applicants who applied before February 27, 2008.We have received enough Federal Skilled Worker applications since February 27, 2008 to reach our immigration levels for the next two years. Because they reflect Canada's current labour market needs, applications under the most recent set of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Therefore, few Federal Skilled Worker applications received before February 27, 2008 will be processed this year or next.The exception is the small number of cases where federal skilled worker applicants have already received instructions to undergo their medical examinations. These applicants should receive a final decision within 12 months of completing their medical examination.The Action Plan for Faster Immigration has helped reduce application backlogs and wait times. Before the Action Plan was introduced, Canada had a backlog of over 640,000 people in the federal skilled worker category waiting as long as six years to be processed. In just three years, we've been able to get more than 300,000 people out of the lineup - that's close to half those who were waiting.When a Federal Skilled Worker application is due for assessment, our office will send a letter asking the applicant to submit updated information in support of the application. This new information will be reviewed by an immigration officer who will determine if you meet the requirements for immigration.Please wait until you receive this letter before providing any new information relating to changes in your personal circumstances, additional dependents, new employment, education or new identity documents.Our office sends immigration decisions and information requests by post or by email to the mailing and email addresses provided in the application. Therefore, it is important that our office be notified immediately of any change of address and contact details.We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.Yours sincerely,Client Service UnitImmigration and Medical Services Division | Direction de l'immigration et des services médicauxCanadian High Commission | Haut-commissariat du Canada38 Grosvenor StreetLondon, W1K 4AA | Londres, W1K 4AAUnited Kingdom | Royaume-Uni "
07年12月10号Fn, 10年1月S2, 10年3月底变12,一直至今,继续等待ME 赏
07年12月10号Fn, 10年1月S2, 10年3月底变12,一直至今,继续等待ME 回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理http://www.thestar.com/news/investigations/immigration/article/980680--skilled-worker-faces-three-year-wait-for-immigration这是另外一个文章,大家也可以看看,我准备下班了,明天讨论
07年12月10号Fn, 10年1月S2, 10年3月底变12,一直至今,继续等待ME 回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理谢谢分享,至少人家的VO给出那么长的解释,北京VO not actively process就把我们打发了
2012-3-15 收到CIC转PNP信 2012-5-1 寄出PNP材料 2012-7-30 FN 2012-10-8 收到省提名信 2012-11-5 CIO签收 012-12-5 扣款 2013-1-8 AOR/UCI 2013-7-16 ME回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理SAP applications are 'on hold' awaiting new 'ministerial instructions'. 我们要是继续保持沉默,这个new 'ministerial instructions'就不会有什么改变
2012-3-15 收到CIC转PNP信 2012-5-1 寄出PNP材料 2012-7-30 FN 2012-10-8 收到省提名信 2012-11-5 CIO签收 012-12-5 扣款 2013-1-8 AOR/UCI 2013-7-16 ME一个英国伦敦申请人给那边的使馆写信所得到的回信。大家参考一下。发贴时间是2011年5月份的,很新This is the reply some applicants have received recently from CIC London which has led to the above conclusion:"to mqhb:i am a nov 2007 applicant this is the reply i have had from chc london for my email enquiry any clues friendsDear Sir/Madam,This is in response to your enquiryFor Federal Skilled Worker applicants who applied before February 27, 2008.We have received enough Federal Skilled Worker applications since February 27, 2008 to reach our immigration levels for the next two years. Because they reflect Canada's current labour market needs, applications under the most recent set of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Therefore, few Federal Skilled Worker applications received before February 27, 2008 will be processed this year or next.The exception is the small number of cases where federal skilled worker applicants have already received instructions to undergo their medical examinations. These applicants should receive a final decision within 12 months of completing their medical examination.The Action Plan for Faster Immigration has helped reduce application backlogs and wait times. Before the Action Plan was introduced, Canada had a backlog of over 640,000 people in the federal skilled worker category waiting as long as six years to be processed. In just three years, we've been able to get more than 300,000 people out of the lineup - that's close to half those who were waiting.When a Federal Skilled Worker application is due for assessment, our office will send a letter asking the applicant to submit updated information in support of the application. This new information will be reviewed by an immigration officer who will determine if you meet the requirements for immigration.Please wait until you receive this letter before providing any new information relating to changes in your personal circumstances, additional dependents, new employment, education or new identity documents.Our office sends immigration decisions and information requests by post or by email to the mailing and email addresses provided in the application. Therefore, it is important that our office be notified immediately of any change of address and contact details.We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.Yours sincerely,Client Service UnitImmigration and Medical Services Division | Direction de l'immigration et des services médicauxCanadian High Commission | Haut-commissariat du Canada38 Grosvenor StreetLondon, W1K 4AA | Londres, W1K 4AAUnited Kingdom | Royaume-Uni "点击展开...Please may you share the URL?
回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理中国人对外国政府有意见,管用么?和加国没啥关系,凭什么要求人家承诺呢还是淡定吧,该来会来的,要么想办法学法语或换职业,一年的厨师和电工经验不就啥都搞定了
NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary一个英国伦敦申请人给那边的使馆写信所得到的回信。大家参考一下。发贴时间是2011年5月份的,很新 This is the reply some applicants have received recently from CIC London which has led to the above conclusion: "to mqhb: i am a nov 2007 applicant this is the reply i have had from chc london for my email enquiry any clues friends Dear Sir/Madam, This is in response to your enquiry For Federal Skilled Worker applicants who applied before February 27, 2008.We have received enough Federal Skilled Worker applications since February 27, 2008 to reach our immigration levels for the next two years. Because they reflect Canada's current labour market needs, applications under the most recent set of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Therefore, few Federal Skilled Worker applications received before February 27, 2008 will be processed this year or next. The exception is the small number of cases where federal skilled worker applicants have already received instructions to undergo their medical examinations. These applicants should receive a final decision within 12 months of completing their medical examination. The Action Plan for Faster Immigration has helped reduce application backlogs and wait times. Before the Action Plan was introduced, Canada had a backlog of over 640,000 people in the federal skilled worker category waiting as long as six years to be processed. In just three years, we've been able to get more than 300,000 people out of the lineup - that's close to half those who were waiting. When a Federal Skilled Worker application is due for assessment, our office will send a letter asking the applicant to submit updated information in support of the application. This new information will be reviewed by an immigration officer who will determine if you meet the requirements for immigration.Please wait until you receive this letter before providing any new information relating to changes in your personal circumstances, additional dependents, new employment, education or new identity documents. Our office sends immigration decisions and information requests by post or by email to the mailing and email addresses provided in the application. Therefore, it is important that our office be notified immediately of any change of address and contact details. We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.Yours sincerely, Client Service Unit Immigration and Medical Services Division | Direction de l'immigration et des services médicauxCanadian High Commission | Haut-commissariat du Canada38 Grosvenor StreetLondon, W1K 4AA | Londres, W1K 4AAUnited Kingdom | Royaume-Uni "点击展开...
尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。中国人对外国政府有意见,管用么?和加国没啥关系,凭什么要求人家承诺呢 还是淡定吧,该来会来的,要么想办法学法语或换职业,一年的厨师和电工经验不就啥都搞定了点击展开...不关你的事情就滚一边去,另外,你家孩子看着蠢蠢的,换张照片吧
尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。一个英国伦敦申请人给那边的使馆写信所得到的回信。大家参考一下。发贴时间是2011年5月份的,很新 This is the reply some applicants have received recently from CIC London which has led to the above conclusion: "to mqhb: i am a nov 2007 applicant this is the reply i have had from chc london for my email enquiry any clues friends Dear Sir/Madam, This is in response to your enquiry For Federal Skilled Worker applicants who applied before February 27, 2008.We have received enough Federal Skilled Worker applications since February 27, 2008 to reach our immigration levels for the next two years. Because they reflect Canada's current labour market needs, applications under the most recent set of ministerial instructions are processed on a priority basis. Therefore, few Federal Skilled Worker applications received before February 27, 2008 will be processed this year or next. The exception is the small number of cases where federal skilled worker applicants have already received instructions to undergo their medical examinations. These applicants should receive a final decision within 12 months of completing their medical examination. The Action Plan for Faster Immigration has helped reduce application backlogs and wait times. Before the Action Plan was introduced, Canada had a backlog of over 640,000 people in the federal skilled worker category waiting as long as six years to be processed. In just three years, we've been able to get more than 300,000 people out of the lineup - that's close to half those who were waiting. When a Federal Skilled Worker application is due for assessment, our office will send a letter asking the applicant to submit updated information in support of the application. This new information will be reviewed by an immigration officer who will determine if you meet the requirements for immigration.Please wait until you receive this letter before providing any new information relating to changes in your personal circumstances, additional dependents, new employment, education or new identity documents. Our office sends immigration decisions and information requests by post or by email to the mailing and email addresses provided in the application. Therefore, it is important that our office be notified immediately of any change of address and contact details. We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.Yours sincerely, Client Service Unit Immigration and Medical Services Division | Direction de l'immigration et des services médicauxCanadian High Commission | Haut-commissariat du Canada38 Grosvenor StreetLondon, W1K 4AA | Londres, W1K 4AAUnited Kingdom | Royaume-Uni "点击展开...
尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理c50是由ministry来决定是否issue instruction .但是pre c50是否赋予ministry 这个权力呢?个人理解是pre c50不应由ministry来提供new instruction干涉移民进程,pre c50的移民案子审查进程不听ministry的,应该严格按照当时的移民法案按时间原则进行审理。一边不批旧的案子,一边还标榜自己减少了多少的积案。好,今年你把所有91的配额都停了,我看你明年再怎么向全世界解释91积案问题。停审还是不停审,积案就在那里。口口声声新的移民符合就业市场,能拿数据出来证明吗?能保证过去的移民都找到工作吗?
回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理献花感谢楼主提供的消息。引用文章里的话“I am disappointed, ultra-disappointed,” 。 文章里提到一个有用的信息是2011年5月处理到了2009年三月的227的案子。
good good study, day day up.根据小熊的数据,北京今年227能走光,应该不用等2年啊点击展开...227很多同学还没有ME呢,今年不可能走光
回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理不关你的事情就滚一边去,另外,你家孩子看着蠢蠢的,换张照片吧点击展开...留点口德,关人家孩子什么事?
回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理真是奇怪,91的同学讨论自己的进度,为什么那么多227的来掺和?各走各路不好吗?何必到这里找骂?有被虐症啊!还是幸灾乐祸到不知羞耻?!
FN:2007-07-20;S2:2009-07-07;妥投:2009-09-03;变6:2009-11-03;变12:2010-03-03;再次变6:2010-05-25;变12:2010-07-14;ME到,2012-11-28(最好的生日礼物);DM:2013-2-13;2013-2-23,大信封到。献花感谢楼主提供的消息。引用文章里的话“I am disappointed, ultra-disappointed,” 。 文章里提到一个有用的信息是2011年5月处理到了2009年三月的227的案子。点击展开...每个地方处理进度不同,看看这个各地平均处理时间:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/perm/skilled-fed.asp
2012-3-15 收到CIC转PNP信 2012-5-1 寄出PNP材料 2012-7-30 FN 2012-10-8 收到省提名信 2012-11-5 CIO签收 012-12-5 扣款 2013-1-8 AOR/UCI 2013-7-16 ME回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理只要新的申请满足配额,91就永远放着。91历史结束了。我认命了;天不助我啊!!!!!!!!!!
回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理真是奇怪,91的同学讨论自己的进度,为什么那么多227的来掺和?各走各路不好吗?何必到这里找骂?有被虐症啊!还是幸灾乐祸到不知羞耻?!点击展开...姐们,现在有些人就是阴阳怪气的说91,他们是站在自己的立场说话的(比如老移民,227,626等),其实他们巴不得91不去才好呢。只有91自己的人理解91.所以不用理会他们。
姐们,现在有些人就是阴阳怪气的说91,他们是站在自己的立场说话的(比如老移民,227,626等),其实他们巴不得91不去才好呢。只有91自己的人理解91.所以不用理会他们。点击展开...同意, 俺是香港滴同学.
91被切, 51幸运通过, 奋战在大温的新的老移民。回复: 从外国论坛上看来的,91案子2年内不会开始审理大家91都是一家人。我们北京的也被卡了,只是卡在的时间点和你们不同。如果要放水的化,大家都会很快了。
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