加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度
我的申请(FSW)在9月9号递交了sydney进行elegibility review。11月3号收到补料信。11月5号将完整材料递交buffalo。11月12号xpressusa显示签收。至今等待buffalo visa office 的fn。 有没有类似情况阿。一起分享一下。一个人等待太无聊啦。
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度我和你的情况差不多,我是3月份sydney,然后7月初递交完整的材料给buffalo的
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度我和你的情况差不多,我是3月份sydney,然后7月初递交完整的材料给buffalo的点击展开...那你目前是什么进度啦?听说buffalo慢的可以了。真的吗?
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度just waiting! very slowly
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度just waiting! very slowly点击展开...what are you waiting for? File Number, Medical Examination letter or the final decision on your case? I'd appreciate if you could provide the information more specifically.
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度Hi manI am waiting for ME I got my File Number at July.
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度Hi man I am waiting for ME I got my File Number at July.点击展开...Thanks buddy. The prcessing speed is far too slow beyond my expectation. I'd better totally forget about my immigration application and get back to normal life and work.
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度我的申请(FSW)在9月9号递交了sydney进行elegibility review。11月3号收到补料信。11月5号将完整材料递交buffalo。11月12号xpressusa显示签收。至今等待buffalo visa office 的fn。 有没有类似情况阿。一起分享一下。一个人等待太无聊啦。点击展开...Sydney 预审后有档案号后才能递完整资料到buffalo的吧,你怎会还在等 FN?
09/06/08 File to Sydney09/09/08 Received IA from sydney10/02/05 FN 10/04/22 Transfer to Seattle10/08/03 IP 10/09/09 ME 10/11/16 MER10/12/29 PPR 11/01/11 DMSydney 预审后有档案号后才能递完整资料到buffalo的吧,你怎会还在等 FN?点击展开...The centralized intake office in Sydney will issue you a Reference Number after the approval of elegibility review. The Visa office in Buffalo will then issue you a File Number after getting your complete application on file. Please don't confuse the Reference Number and File Number, which are total different things.
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度明白了 ,谢谢 !
09/06/08 File to Sydney09/09/08 Received IA from sydney10/02/05 FN 10/04/22 Transfer to Seattle10/08/03 IP 10/09/09 ME 10/11/16 MER10/12/29 PPR 11/01/11 DM回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度Today I received an email from buffalo visa office indicating that the application package has been received and a file number which is attached with the email has been issued. The email also indicated that next step will be the elegibility assessment by visa office.
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度10月18日UPS寄出,tracking显示Sydney已经收到,不过,还没有任何消息给我。这种情况正常吗?我是选择Buffalo的。
20091018 寄Sydney10月18日UPS寄出,tracking显示Sydney已经收到,不过,还没有任何消息给我。这种情况正常吗? 我是选择Buffalo的。点击展开...very normal. don't worry. you will be receiving an email from Sydney first to inform you if you have passed the elegibility review by CIO Sydney.
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度网上关于Sydney转Buffalo的信息太少了。看来现在的速度是Buffalo签收后1个月email发FN。谢谢楼主!
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度I used my reference number and file number to check my online status today respectively. Either way indicated that the status has turned to 'received by visa office'
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度I used my reference number and file number to check my online status today respectively. Either way indicated that the status has turned to 'received by visa office'点击展开...Reference number won't work in the future. Take it easy.
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度加入队伍,09年5月中递CIO,7月中递水牛城,同月底拿到FN。继续等待中。
回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度情况基本同楼上一样,共同努力!!!!本人2月09年递悉尼 4月09年预审通过并寄出材料给水牛城 7月09年收到FN 仍然继续等待中。。。。。。。。。。。
1982-2002 ChengDu - SC2002-2007 Saint John - NB2007-2010 Flushing - NY2009-2011 FN-IP-ME-PPR-PR2011- 2014 Burnaby- BC2015 - ?Coquitlam - BC加入队伍,09年5月中递CIO,7月中递水牛城,同月底拿到FN。继续等待中。点击展开... same same waiting~~~~~~
1982-2002 ChengDu - SC2002-2007 Saint John - NB2007-2010 Flushing - NY2009-2011 FN-IP-ME-PPR-PR2011- 2014 Burnaby- BC2015 - ?Coquitlam - BC回复: 先递交的sydney,后递buffalo。共享移民进度大家好!我是2009年6月中递CIO,12月中全部材料package递Buffalo,现在还没有受到FN。我看到国内申请人递北京领馆的好快啊。说实话我原以为递Buffalo比递国内要快一些,没想完全是掉了个个儿啊。
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