加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民泄气!大使馆的信
我写信给大使馆想要修改联系地址,收到了一封回信除告诉我修改地址要干吗之外,特别写了这个“Please note that, at this time, we are not actively processing Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 as we have sufficient applications in process to meet our assigned targets. Updates on the processing of applications submitted before February 27, 2008 will be provided when new information is available.”唉,真泄气阿,我2007年6月FN,2009年6月补料,后来背景调查,状态回到12后就再无音讯,我想要写信问问大使馆了,大家说到底咋整?
回复: 泄气!大使馆的信有点小失望,不过也在意料之中,上半年就有这个回信了
尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。回复: 泄气!大使馆的信没劝退就不错了,看看另一个回复
FN:2007-07-20;S2:2009-07-07;妥投:2009-09-03;变6:2009-11-03;变12:2010-03-03;再次变6:2010-05-25;变12:2010-07-14;ME到,2012-11-28(最好的生日礼物);DM:2013-2-13;2013-2-23,大信封到。回复: 泄气!大使馆的信看淡点,心态平和点,呵呵,
Fn:2007-9-26 BJ, S2:2009-9-25 ,2012-11-29 me, Dm,2013 1103,回复: 泄气!大使馆的信是不是给大使馆写信也不会有啥作用,还是就死等?唉,真无望
回复: 泄气!大使馆的信不知道了,楼主qq多少?我的1103538878
Fn:2007-9-26 BJ, S2:2009-9-25 ,2012-11-29 me, Dm,2013 1103,回复: 泄气!大使馆的信楼上的,qq加你了
回复: 泄气!大使馆的信没劝退就不错了,看看另一个回复点击展开...劝不劝退,有差别吗?
尽人事,听天命。Do something...07年7月 FN,等ME中。。。回复: 泄气!大使馆的信谢楼主分享。明年配额不减少的话,91还有希望
行到水穷处,坐看云起时回复: 泄气!大使馆的信一次又一次的,我看见前方,希望在那里。。。。一次又一次的,前方告诉我,你看花眼了。。。。
200711无语凝噎。。内牛满面。。蛋定依旧地等ME!有开的经过,花才更灿烂;有你有他有CANADA,我才更象活着。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 泄气!大使馆的信we are not actively processing 完全与他们承诺的照常审理相悖。我很气愤。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 泄气!大使馆的信我是魁省的,询问过后,使馆给这个答复,虽然对我没太大帮助.希望给申请联邦的做个借鉴吧. Thank you for your enquiry regarding your application for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker category. Unfortunately, at this time it will take longer to process Federal Skilled Worker applications submitted under the first set of Ministerial Instructions (between February 27, 2008 and June 25, 2010) than originally projected. This is due to the fact that the volume of applications received during this time was much higher than anticipated. With the introduction of the cap on submissions under the second set of Ministerial Instructions (effective June 26, 2010), the intake of new Federal Skilled Worker applications has been limited to better match the number that can be processed within the annual immigration levels plan tabled in Parliament.
宠物美容 35$ , 造型修剪 ,不含洗澡,所有品种的狗,剃猫。内容包括所有美容项目:清理耳道,清理肛门腺,清理脚底毛,剪指甲,全身修剪。Q,Q 6144488。电,话7808070871 .T5Z1Z4我是魁省的,询问过后,使馆给这个答复,虽然对我没太大帮助.希望给申请联邦的做个借鉴吧. Thank you for your enquiry regarding your application for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker category. Unfortunately, at this time it will take longer to process Federal Skilled Worker applications submitted under the first set of Ministerial Instructions (between February 27, 2008 and June 25, 2010) than originally projected. This is due to the fact that the volume of applications received during this time was much higher than anticipated. With the introduction of the cap on submissions under the second set of Ministerial Instructions (effective June 26, 2010), the intake of new Federal Skilled Worker applications has been limited to better match the number that can be processed within the annual immigration levels plan tabled in Parliament.点击展开...回信的第一句就把你定位错误了,你根本不是FSW的移民申请,是QSW的,所以底下的话对你没意义
回复: 泄气!大使馆的信我是魁省的,询问过后,使馆给这个答复,虽然对我没太大帮助.希望给申请联邦的做个借鉴吧. Thank you for your enquiry regarding your application for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker category. Unfortunately, at this time it will take longer to process Federal Skilled Worker applications submitted under the first set of Ministerial Instructions (between February 27, 2008 and June 25, 2010) than originally projected. This is due to the fact that the volume of applications received during this time was much higher than anticipated. With the introduction of the cap on submissions under the second set of Ministerial Instructions (effective June 26, 2010), the intake of new Federal Skilled Worker applications has been limited to better match the number that can be processed within the annual immigration levels plan tabled in Parliament.点击展开...风情啊,你再写信问问啊,你不是联邦的啊,怎么全是联邦的,赶紧再写信问问,你是魁省的,跟他们强调下,弄来弄去给你弄错了,耽误时间啊~~~
10年8月9日csq;10年9月21bj;10年10月13ffn;10年11月10日12 ;11年1月5日7;11年2月13日ME;11年2月25日12(没有8);11年3月1日 cic地址栏消失;11年3月5日地址栏出现;11年6月28日 cic地址又消失回信的第一句就把你定位错误了,你根本不是FSW的移民申请,是QSW的,所以底下的话对你没意义点击展开...
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