加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还



回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?不是没有改吗,应该出的几率不大

test回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?移民局放鸽子了

回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?担心啊,有什么先例吗??

回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?虽然出的可能性不大,但也是有可能的。哪怕这个可能性只有1%,咱赶上了就是100%. 机会不会给无准备之人!所以不管出不出,如果你真心想走,都要做好不出的准备:抓紧时间以最快的速度准备材料,递出。 然后尽人事,听天命。

祝大家一切都好!赞反馈:Candy2799 2011-07-10#6 godream 918 $0.00 回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?这个问题确实需要高高手。

...回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?不是7.1已经宣布了到2012年7月1之前的政策了吗?改的概率不大了吧?不过名额相当少,要投还是赶紧,不然就只能等明年变新政了

2010.04.13 HK使馆签收,职业0213, 2010.06.28 要求补料2010.08.21 雅思12分,总分67,2010.10.4FN,10.13收到 FN信,VO:MAC, 2011.8.9 四句话IP,2011.8.11 五句话IP,2011.10.12 收到电子me信,2011.10.27体检 2011.11.30收到PL 2012.1.17 大信封到回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?希望不要变了!

a sense of belonging to a group.回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?大家抓紧时间投是正道。我认为新的规则是一定要出的,不过是时间早晚的事情。之前CIC的意见征询和调查不会是白做的。

BJ227/02132010.6.10妥投,2010.8.26扣款,,2010.11.03RN,2010.11.18补料妥投,2011.02.15FN2012.2.27IP,2012.3.8ME,2012.3.16体检,2012.5.10MER 回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?低手路过今年变的机率不大,明年不好说。也许征求意见没通过。但愿有意愿的朋友能成功。

人类千万年的历史,最为珍贵的不是令人炫目的科技,不是浩瀚的大师们的经典著作,不是政客天花乱坠的演讲,而是实现了对统治者的驯服,实现了把他们关在笼子里的梦想。因为只有驯服了他们,把他们关起来,才不会害人。回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?估计2011年秋季会出

2.9 ME, 8.28 DM, 9.20 VISA!! http://canadameet.sinaapp.com/回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?加拿大的秋季是指月份? 8月?9月?

HK NOC 3111,2011年3月准备,5月烤?熟。2011年8月29日儋料EMS寄出。2011年9月2日妥投,BANK DRAFT 的收款人?邋, 11月22日退料,12年01月20日收到。2012年6月再次准备。6月29??碎!回复: 想请教一下高手,技术移民新的评分系统今年还会不会出了?出的几率大不大?Minister Kenney launches national consultations on immigration levels and mixCalgary, July 12, 2011 Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney has launched a series of cross-country consultations on immigration issues, beginning today in Calgary. The Minister is meeting with stakeholders and the public to discuss the important issue of immigration levels and mix. Following the Calgary session today, the Minister will meet with stakeholders in Vancouver on July 18, Toronto on July 20 and Montreal on July 22. Online consultations will take place later this summer and will be open to the public. The purpose of the consultations is to seek feedback on immigration levels, including the appropriate level of immigration for Canada, and the most suitable mix between economic, family class and protected persons. Discussions on system management to provide improved services, such as reasonable processing times, and addressing issues such as fraud, will also be included.In planning for the total number of people to admit as permanent residents, CIC not only balances immigration objectives but also considers several other factors, including broader government commitments, input from provinces and territories, and current and future economic conditions. The Department must also consider its operational ability to process applications in a timely manner, as well as the capacity of communities to welcome newcomers. In addition to presenting an opportunity to gather input from stakeholders and the public on key questions facing CIC, the consultations also allow the Department to share with stakeholders and the public some of the considerations and difficult choices involved in managing a global immigration system. The consultations present an important opportunity to generate greater understanding of the trade-offs involved in setting immigration levels. There are competing visions and diverging goals for the future of the immigration program, and there is no single right answer on what the focus should be. Engaging stakeholders and the broader public in that conversation is a key part of developing a plan that will work for Canada going forward.Invited stakeholders represent a variety of perspectives, including those of employers, labour, academia, learning institutions, professional organizations, business organizations, regulatory bodies, municipalities, settlement provider organizations and ethnocultural organizations. A report on the consultations will be available on the CIC website once stakeholder and public consultations have been completed.More information about the online consultations will be available on the CIC website in the coming weeks. Interested participants may sign up online at

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