加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大家好!我的难民申请被拒绝了。。。
今天难民局寄信来了。。。要我30天内出境。。。我也不打算上诉了[FONT=微软雅黑][/FONT] [FONT=微软雅黑]请问我出境要办什么手续啊?唉。。。问难民局的人他们又没说清楚。。[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑][/FONT] [FONT=微软雅黑]At the airport CIC will return your passport to you and make arrangements for your Certificate of Departure. This certificate is essential to prove that you left Canada officially. This is vital if you ever apply to return to Canada.[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑]If your claim is refused, you have 30 days from the date of the decision to leave Canada voluntarily,Make immediate travel arrangements[/FONT]
回复: 大家好!我的难民申请被拒绝了。。。今天难民局寄信来了。。。要我30天内出境。。。我也不打算上诉了[FONT=微软雅黑]请问我出境要办什么手续啊?唉。。。问难民局的人他们又没说清楚。。[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑]At the airport CIC will return your passport to you and make arrangements for your Certificate of Departure. This certificate is essential to prove that you left Canada officially. This is vital if you ever apply to return to Canada.[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑]If your claim is refused, you have 30 days from the date of the decision to leave Canada voluntarily,Make immediate travel arrangements[/FONT]点击展开...买票便可打道回府了
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