加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - “Immigration backlog a major challe


这是加拿大公报上7月23日的文章(加拿大公报是加拿大政府向民众公布官方法律,法规,政策,决定以及消息的媒体)。一切与本文有矛盾的说法均属不当或者不准确。-----------------------------------------------------------Canada could soon stop accepting applications for immigration in an attempt to clear the backlog of more than a million people currently awaiting processing around the world, Federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said Friday.联邦移民部长Jason 康尼星期五说,为了解决加拿大所面临的全世界范围内多过一百万人的移民申请积压问题,加拿大很快将有可能停止接受移民申请。In Montreal to hold consultations on how many immigrants should be accepted into Canada per year - and just as importantly what kind of immigrants - Kenney told an audience at the Armenian Community Centre that clearing the huge backlog is one of the main challenges faced by his department as it plans for the years ahead.在加拿大移民局在蒙特利尔美洲社区中心举办的题为每年应该接收多少各类移民的公众咨询会上,移民部长康尼告诉人们在未来的几年里移民部的计划是清除目前所面临的移民案件严重积压的巨大挑战。"There's an unlimited number of people who want to come to Canada," Kenney said, adding that about 254,000 would be accepted this year, down from 281,000 in 2010.“无数的人们想移民加拿大,”康尼说,今年加拿大将接收二十五万四千的新移民,比2010年的二十八万一千有所减少。"We used to have hundreds of thousands of applications more than we could process, and it's stupid and unfair to make people wait seven, eight, nine years for their application to be even looked at. That's the rationale for limiting the number of new applications."“过去我们常常有比我们的处理能力多出几十万的申请积压。让人们等七八九年才开始处理他们的申请是愚蠢的,也是不公平的。这就是为什么我们要限制接收新案的原因。”Two years ago, Parliament modified immigration laws to give the minister the authority to place a cap on applications, and this year Kenney has so far chosen to limit the number accepted in the Federal Skilled Worker program, for example, to 10,000. He emphasized, however, that Canada would still be accepting 65,000 skilled workers into the country, most of them chosen out of the backlog of applications.两年前,国会修改了移民法赋予移民部长权力设定移民申请的配额。比如今年康尼到目前为止已经选择了限制联邦技术移民的额度为一万。但是,康尼强调说,加拿大仍然接收了六万五千的技术移民,多数都是从积压的案件中选出来的。It remains to be seen which other categories may be capped, and at what level.其他种类的移民也将会在一定程度上有配额的限制。Stakeholder consultations across the country on the right "mix" or "balance" of immigrants for Canada began two weeks ago, with employers' associations, immigration lawyers, refugee advocates and other interested parties. Friday's session in Montreal was postponed until October, however. Public consultations will be held online starting in August.关于合适的移民种类“混合”或者“平衡”的咨询会两周前已经开始,参加的有关利益群体包括雇主协会,移民律师,难民维权者,和其他的兴趣群体。 原计划周五在蒙特利尔的会议推迟到十月份。网络公众咨询会将于八月份开始。Apart from dealing with the backlog, Kenney said he is looking for solutions on how to deal with an impending labour shortage as the population ages, without overburdening Canada's housing, health care and education systems with too many newcomers.除了解决积压问题,康尼说,他还在寻求方案,既能解决人口老化带来的劳动力短缺问题,又不会因为太多的新移民而增加住房,健康保障和教育系统的负担。Janet Dench of the Canadian Council for Refugees worries the minister will place too much emphasis on economic immigrants at the expense of refugees.加拿大难民委员会的Janet Dench担心移民部长过分强调经济类移民而忽视了难民。More than 35,000 refugees - government-assisted and privately sponsored - are already on the waiting list to come to Canada, and the numbers, especially in Africa, are growing day by day.超过三万五千的难民,包括政府担保和私人担保,已经在等待处理,这个数额,尤其在非洲,每一天都在增加。Kenney said he has recently added resources to deal with the huge backlog at the Nairobi mission, which serves 18 countries in East Africa, most of them in conflict, and now also struck by famine.康尼说他已经安排了力量来处理Nairobi处理中心的积压案件。这个处理中心负责东部非洲的18个国家,多数是武力冲突地区,现在还加上饥饿的灾难。But he also put a cap on the number of privately sponsored refugee applications out of the Nairobi office, Dench said.Dench说,康尼对这一地区的私人担保类难民也设定了配额。 Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Immigration+backlog+major+challenge/5148208/story.html#ixzz1SwZBbTUn 这位律师目前已发布警示称:曼省提名技术移民(MPNP)的项目可能会在近几个月暂时关闭!请尚处于准备办理阶段的TX抓紧啦!

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