加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工
北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,要求letters must be written on company letterhead and show the company's fulladdress, telephone, fax numbers, website (if applicable) and be stamped with thecompany's official seal. 我们公司每敲一个公章都要主任签字的。我还没有把准备移民的事情和领导说。如果说了估计很快被开了。如果没有公章,只有主管的名片行不行?有的人把主管的推荐信做了公证,可是清单里面没有要求啊?
美丽的夏天,美丽的Winnipeg回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了只有主管名片那是肯定不行的
回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了我弄一份主管的推荐信加她的名片能搞定吗?之前的工作就把给省里的推荐信复印一套。
美丽的夏天,美丽的Winnipeg回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了这个很简单啊!大概就是要求推荐信打印在有公司台头的信纸上然后信纸的下部应该有公司地址和传真电话什么的(Sunny兄的公司不会连这种信纸都没有吧?实在没有就自己用word做一个!),然后给公司盖章!至于怎么不让公司知道移民的事情,我是这么干的:就说家里有亲戚要出国留学需要自己做担保人必须提供工作证明。类似的方法还有N多种。。。。。。 不敲公章的话是无法办理公证的。建议最好办理公证,免得引来背调的麻烦!
2010.11.20---提交曼省2010.12.13---确认信2011.04.25---电话询问2011.05.24---提名信签发2011.07.02---提交北京回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了实在愁人!之前做过一份工作证明,是交给派出所改户口用的,盖过公章。把这个复印件递过去,反正材料里面只要求复印件。 推荐信让主管签好字,自己翻译,拿到公证处公证翻译件与中文原件内容一致。之前我递交省里的公证都是这么弄的。 抬头纸不是问题,就是我们公司的页脚部分没有电话、传真、地址什么的。我把这些内容放在签字的后面了。
美丽的夏天,美丽的Winnipeg回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了就说自己要出国旅游办理签证,使馆要求提供工作证明信...当然也要挑他心情好的时候去找他签
回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了唉!能理解你的心情,上月我去公司开工作证明时也是提心吊胆的,万一被发现移民的事就麻烦大了。。。。
2010.11.20---提交曼省2010.12.13---确认信2011.04.25---电话询问2011.05.24---提名信签发2011.07.02---提交北京回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了以后联邦大使馆背调时公司一无所知或不配合麻烦更大
I am on my way !以后联邦大使馆背调时公司一无所知或不配合麻烦更大点击展开...热烈欢迎老大莅临指导工作!关于后面将背调的问题我都仔细分析过了,公司人事部门我已经做到混了个脸熟并且与他们打过可能有人来调查的招呼了,最不济的情况也就是移民计划被泄露,那只有听天由命啦!
2010.11.20---提交曼省2010.12.13---确认信2011.04.25---电话询问2011.05.24---提名信签发2011.07.02---提交北京回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了一定要先拿到提名信,然后开工作证明时实话实说。就像tercel说的,背调时单位不知道不配合更麻烦。如果想出去,宁可得罪公司,也别给使馆留下负面印象。万一将来上诉时也理直气壮。
回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了楼上的同学们,我的工作是真的,只是不想惹大老板猜疑。背调我不怕,办公室的人都认识我,也算比较熟悉。我已经想好解决的办法了,等我材料寄出去再告诉大家,嘿嘿! 再次感谢大家的关心!
2010.11.20---提交曼省2010.12.13---确认信2011.04.25---电话询问2011.05.24---提名信签发2011.07.02---提交北京回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了我当时跟公司说的是准备去欧洲旅游,办旅行签证要单位证明。
2010.2.18递交萨省/11.16通过省提名/2011.3.16收ME/5.9MER/6.19DM/6.21收VISA/8.10登陆/8.22上班/10.19收枫叶卡/2012.4.10萨屯 远行乐乐的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/xjh1021哥,得罪了公司就意味着移民的漫漫长路只能背水一战了,至少没拿到大信封前我可没那么大的勇气。。。。点击展开...理解,生存不易啊。
回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了问大家一个问题,递交北京大使馆的材料中没有要求工作证明或者推荐信需要公证,可是为什么好多人都做公证呢? 7. WORK EXPERIENCEFor you and your spouse or common-law partner: Employment contracts from present and past employers for each employmentposition held in the 10 years prior to the date of application until present andwhich is listed on the application form, accompanied by an English or Frenchtranslation; Original and up-to-date letters of reference from your past and current employers; Proof of personal income taxes and social insurance paid by the principalapplicant for each employment position held in the 10 years prior to the date ofapplication until present and which is listed on the application form, issued by thebureau responsible for collecting these fees.RSUM (Attached to Appendix A) for the principal applicant and the spouse orcommon-law partner.Letters must include all of the following information: the specific period of employment with the company; the positions held during the period of employment and the time spent in eachposition; full details of main responsibilities in each position; total annual salary plus benefits; signature of the immediate supervisor or the personnel officer of the company; a business card of the person signing and of the principal applicant, if available; letters must be written on company letterhead and show the company's fulladdress, telephone, fax numbers, website (if applicable) and be stamped with thecompany's official seal.Note: If you cannot provide some of the documents listed above as proof ofyour employment in the 10 years before the date of application to present,please submit a detailed explanation (i.e. employment contracts, workdescriptions, performance appraisals describing job duties) as to why you areunable to do so and, if possible, provide other documents or information thatmight substantiate the issue in question.
美丽的夏天,美丽的Winnipeg问大家一个问题,递交北京大使馆的材料中没有要求工作证明或者推荐信需要公证,可是为什么好多人都做公证呢? 7. WORK EXPERIENCEFor you and your spouse or common-law partner:Employment contracts from present and past employers for each employmentposition held in the 10 years prior to the date of application until present andwhich is listed on the application form, accompanied by an English or Frenchtranslation;Original and up-to-date letters of reference from your past and current employers;Proof of personal income taxes and social insurance paid by the principalapplicant for each employment position held in the 10 years prior to the date ofapplication until present and which is listed on the application form, issued by thebureau responsible for collecting these fees.RSUM (Attached to Appendix A) for the principal applicant and the spouse orcommon-law partner.Letters must include all of the following information:the specific period of employment with the company;the positions held during the period of employment and the time spent in eachposition;full details of main responsibilities in each position;total annual salary plus benefits;signature of the immediate supervisor or the personnel officer of the company;a business card of the person signing and of the principal applicant, if available;letters must be written on company letterhead and show the company's fulladdress, telephone, fax numbers, website (if applicable) and be stamped with thecompany's official seal.Note: If you cannot provide some of the documents listed above as proof ofyour employment in the 10 years before the date of application to present,please submit a detailed explanation (i.e. employment contracts, workdescriptions, performance appraisals describing job duties) as to why you areunable to do so and, if possible, provide other documents or information thatmight substantiate the issue in question.点击展开...公证是为了证明:1:翻译件和原件一致2:复印件和原件一致 你交的都是原件,当然不用公证了。别告诉我用你的reference用中文写的。
2010.10.13曼省,11.25确认,4.5 询问,4.15 提名信发,5.4 收信,5.16材料EMS(BJ),6.29 收到UCI和EP,9.16 ME,10.10 MER,10.17 DM,10.20,大信封到回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了原件如果是英文写的,就不用公证了
回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了社保证明从社保网拉一张明细出来行吗?税单是从税务局开,开成一年一张的吗?这些需要翻译吗?
美丽的夏天,美丽的Winnipeg回复: 看到北京大使馆的清单关于工作证明的部分,我又纠结了俺没社保,bj要咋办?
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